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Everything posted by Jaseball

  1. Still waiting on P3 here. With luck, possibly a June/July interview. I fear the blue slip or some other rejection, but if that happens the sooner I can put forth my overcome. If I don't get rejected for whatever reason I don't mind waiting this long on this side. Fiancee is eagerly checking the mailbox daily now for packet 3, however I told her to give it a full 90 days. When Rob's lady gets hers I expect my lady should get it within a week or so.
  2. Doesn't matter what country you are from - if you are depending or looking for a hand out from the government you are in a piss poor situation. My fiancee talks about how the prices of common goods such as milk, pork, and other foods are rising. It's the same thing for the US too. Gas is going to keep rising and that raises the costs for everything else as well.
  3. I thought they were paying the girl to pose nude. Had no idea the women were paying for a pro to photo them. That's one use for a boyfriend and a digital camera!
  4. Just another test/delay in a long, long process.
  5. Why couldn't China be one of the fastest NVC to interview consulates instead of one of the slowest? It's amazing that in 2008 it takes longer than back in the 60's and 70's.
  6. This really isn't a good thing. When I think of 'Western,' values I think of a very materialistic lifestyle where people think of instant gratification, the loss of stable family life, loose sexual values, selfish behavior, and willingness to screw over 100+ other people for even a slight gain. I'm not saying living in abject poverty or struggling to have money for basic life necessities is good, however with Westernization the most entrepreneurial, connected, lucky, and hard working will almost always rise up, but the poor remain poor. Western ideas are also about everyone for themselves and the poor and destitute can also make it, but they are too lazy. Also, if China's government adapts the idea that they are always right and should police the world and attack at will like we seem to do in the US, then WWIII and the end of life as we know it is just a few years away.
  7. Another thing that angers me is in situations such as this one, couldn't they send out something with P3 that says if you are or were a member of X party or a 'totalitarian,' group then you need to provide Y for an overcome BEFORE the interview? I mean, there is a chance that the question never comes up at all, even if the applicant is still a member and you get the visa and run. The larger chance is your fiancee will get the question, answer honestly and be stuck in a 6 month long+ limbo yet again. I know us waiting 3 months or 2+ years makes no difference to their own lives or jobs, but the entire system and process pisses me off.
  8. So it seems to make sense to come to the interview prepared for the question and to have the documentation ready to submit in case you get a blue slip. Then an additional 4-6 month wait while they run a name check again? Then another trip to GUZ after the overcome? Insane.
  9. If the person stopped paying party dues and hasn't attended any meetings in the past 2 years, but never formally withdrew from the party, then where do they stand?
  10. This question comes up quite often, but I can't add much more than has already been said. I will give you my thought process. 1) The brunt of the work in the process is gathering information, papers, evidence, and filling out the paperwork. Only part a lawyer is going to do is fill out the paperwork and will they give it the care and concern you would if you filled it out? 2) The lawyer then acts like a middle person between you and the rest of the process. I'd rather contact USCIS, the consulate, and others directly when needed. I also like getting NOA1, NOA2, and the NVC letter sent directly to me. 3) No lawyer can speed up the process. If they make that claim I'd consider reporting them. So, what am I getting for a lawyer? If my case had more issues like multiple divorces, someone is a felon, etc., then an experienced attorney could possibly help, but you better do your work and find a good one. I had a friend that has filed many K1 and K3 visas before and when he found out I was starting he offered to help - for free. I turned that guy down as well and did it myself. So far everything has been smooth. The hardest part is waiting for all these months being separated.
  11. I'm wondering if they are all stored in order of receipt and if there is any sort of process for taking in new batches. It would seem they may take in new batches every 2-3 months, so if your package arrives soon after a new batch is taken, then you have the long wait. If my package arrived 6 weeks after the last batch, then perhaps my package appears 'faster,' since it sits there for 6 weeks instead of 12 weeks? Not sure how this stuff works. I had a friend say I should write to Guz and give them my NVC number and ask for an extension on my petition because it will expire before they look at it. He's helped quite a few folks file a K1 and K3 and knows the petition will be renewed without my email or asking, but seems to be under the impression that if the USC sends in this request they may pay more attention to the case. From what I have read and seen I don't think this would make any difference at all.
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