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Fu Lai

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Posts posted by Fu Lai


    Hmmm, maybe I shoulod have considered this more. Changzhou should compare to Nanjing. I agree about Beijing being expensive due to housing. I hate to compare anything to NYC, LA, or Chicago, none of which I ever want to live in again.


    Changzhou is a lot smaller than Nanjing, but also closer to Shanghai. Still, prices there are about the same as Nanjing. You can find better prices for everything in cities like Shanghai and Beijing. Getting away from city center is the first method of saving.


    I'm still considering whether or not to stay in China. There is no question that it's cheaper to live in China, but the intangible costs of that choice are what make deciding for me so difficult. When it comes to healthcare, you would be better off going to Vegas and betting on the tables. There are expensive Western hospitals, but only in Shanghai and Beijing. Then, comes the matters of pollution, government corruption, communication, and isolation. Most of us who are over 40 may be able to learn a little Chinese, but realistically, it's a language to learn when you are young. Most expats do not speak Chinese well enough to have a conversation. So, you will always be dependent on someone to help you with banking and other negotiations. You can get by without it, but I would not recommend that.


    So, that's the tradeoff. You just have to look to your own heart whether or not it's worth it. You can survive at least twice as long at the same lifestyle when compared to the cost of living in the USA.

    I have noticed how far China has come in as far as people speaking English. It happens all the tiem when I am out and the clerks are speaking to me in Chinese and I say in English that I don't speak it... and some Chinese person I never met steps forward and and helps me by translating. Almost daily this happens. The kids are being taught English starting at a young age so now there are semi-fluent English speakers all over. So eager to help too. At my bank, ICBC, they have an English speaker to deal with us ex-pats. Also I am lucky because in my family are Chinese doctors, lawyers, police and govt officials. I am starting Mandarin classes so I will earnestly try to learn it as much as I can.

  2. I have a contract job at a University and we live fine in their provided house but it is not on campus. No watching or monitoring etc. Y4650 is plenty to live well on if you don't pay rent. I pay utilities but not rent. Like I said my girl and I live good on a Y4000 budget.

  3. Interesting history...during that time President Eisenhower attached himself to Truman's plan of the selection of ten mainland cities to bomb should the US choose war. The old artillery base is still there on the coast of Xiamen from where the shelling of Quemoy (Kinmen) was carried out. When you visit Hulishan you may find a shop run by Taiwanese that sell good quality knives and other tourist stuff. The knives are made from projectiles recovered and the steel is excellent.(60 are made from one projectile) We bought one and a paring knife for $14 and we love them. They hold an edge, feel good and are a pleasure to use. You'll also find many businesses in Xiamen owned by Taiwanese living there, like in other parts of the country.

    I will definitely look for the knives. THANK YOU!



    Healthy debate over air

    Updated: 2013-01-14 00:57

    ( China Daily)

    Record pollution levels hit transport as face mask sales surge, report Wu Wencong, Tang Yue and Cui Jia.

    For many years, Peking Duck and Peking Opera were probably the two most famous items named after the capital.

    However, they now face a strong challenge. The heavy smog and haze that enveloped the city on the weekend — pushing the pollution index to a record high — has seen "Beijing Cough", a term coined by the city's expat community, becoming increasingly popular with local media and Chinese citizens.




    The capital's Third Ring Road is shrouded in haze on Saturday as the city's air pollution reached hazardous levels. [Agencies]


    Saturday saw the density of PM2.5 — air particles smaller than 2.5 microns and able to enter the lungs and even the blood stream — climb higher than 900 micrograms per cubic meter in several districts in the capital, according to the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center. That's the highest level recorded since Beijing began publishing the data in early 2012.

    The World Health Organization considers the safe daily level to be 25 micrograms per cubic meter.


    However, the problem has now become a national phenomenon, rather than one unique to Beijing. On Saturday, levels of PM2.5 passed 300 micrograms per cubic meter in 33 of the 74 cities with systems equipped to monitor the particles.


    The heavy smog saw at least 25 international and domestic flights to and from Beijing Capital International Airport cancelled by Sunday morning. Many highways were closed in Shandong and Jiangxi provinces, and the poor visibility resulted in a number of collisions on Sunday morning, claiming one life in Shaoyang, Hunan province.


    China will have to endure this hazardous weather until Jan 16, when cold fronts move into the central and eastern parts of the country, according to Ma Xuekuan, chief weather forecaster at the National Meteorological Center, on Sunday.


    Face masks

    "If he hadn't had a fever today, I wouldn't have brought him to the hospital. I'm afraid the pollution will only make his cough worse," said the mother of a 7-year-old boy being treated at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital on Sunday. Parents and children at the hospital wore face masks.


    "It only takes me 10 minutes to cycle to work, but when I get home my mask is gray and filthy. It's just terrible," she said.


    Hospitals in Beijing and in the provinces of Hebei and Hubei have reported a rise in the number of patients with respiratory conditions during recent days, according to local media.


    In 2012, an estimated 8,572 premature deaths occurred in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an and Beijing. They were a direct result of high levels of PM2.5, according to a report co-authored by Peking University's School of Public Health and Greenpeace. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization estimates that air pollution caused approximately 470,000 premature deaths in 2008.


    Continuous, large-scale pollution in the form of smog will create panic among the public and cause people to question the government's handling of environmental issues, according to the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development.


    The growth and severity of PM2.5 pollution in recent years is directly related to the rapid rise in coal consumption, allied to an increase in vehicle exhaust emissions. Although cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou are leading the way in the reduction of coal use in absolute terms, air pollution naturally moves with the air currents, meaning some cities share each other's polluted air. The Ministry of Environmental Protection is encouraging places such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta to unite to combat pollution.


    Since the start of the month, 74 large cities in China have provided daily readings of PM2.5 that are available to the public. As the data becomes more widely available, China is working on a national surveillance and risk-assessment network on the health impact of PM2.5, said Xu Dongqun, deputy director of the institute of environmental health and related product safety at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


    "The planned network, the first of its kind on the mainland, will study the exact links between major pollutants, particularly PM2.5 and help the authorities to issue public health warnings ahead of the worst days whenever possible," she said.


    By studying data from air-quality monitoring stations and records of hospital visits, plus medical and mortality records, the system will provide specific warnings and advice to help the public to protect themselves, explained Xu, although she was unable to provide an exact timetable.


    The network will start in Beijing, before being rolled out nationwide as the air-quality monitoring data become more widely available across the mainland, she said. "The health impact of the fine particulates varies regionally and among differing population groups."


    Red light spells danger

    "My friends and I have started to make jokes along the lines of 'Right now, it's healthier to smoke in Beijing than to breathe the air,'" said Camille Chanlair, a French national who has lived in the city since 2008. "They all avoid going out when they see the pollution. Some have bought air purifiers," he added.


    "This is no joke, people! This is serious stuff. You should not be outside right now with your children. Everyone should be taking it easy and avoid going outside," wrote Richard Saint Cyr, a general practitioner at a private hospital in Beijing, in a warning posted on his micro blog before he left work on Saturday evening.




    Beijing hospitals reported a rise in the number of young patients seen for respiratory complaints over the weekend. [Photo provided for China Daily]


    Saint Cyr, who has lived in China for six years, said his clinic has a good air filter system. His 200-square-meter home is also equipped with three air purifiers. "Honestly, with this high level (of pollution) even three purifiers won't really be effective. But at least I can close my bedroom door overnight," said the US national.


    Zhang Bo, general manager of Beijing Jijian Science & Technology Development Co, said the three air purifiers at his home in Beijing are so overloaded that the red lights (indicating heavy pollution) can't be disarmed.


    "It usually takes each machine an average of one hour to purify the air (in one room). When that's done, the red light turns green. Now, it stays red all the time," he said, adding that the pollution is so bad that he won't venture out of doors if he can avoid it.


    Saint Cyr said he has seen an unusually high number of people arriving at the clinic complaining of bad coughs and breathing and pulmonary problems. Most feel better after being treated with cough syrup, but the doctor emphasized that the best treatment is to avoid exposure to the pollutants.


    "At these levels, people of all ages should really avoid going outside, if possible. These types of pollution spikes can be deadly for very sick and fragile people who are already weak from illness. Anyone with a normal cold or flu will find it much harder to recover quickly in this polluted atmosphere," he said.


    He recommended N95 filter respirators, a type of mask designed to combat PM2.5 and intended for those with no alternative to going outdoors. "They definitely stop PM2.5. The definition of N95 literally means it filters 95 percent of particulate matter — as small as PM0.3 microns, much smaller than PM2.5."


    Unsurprisingly, sales of N95 masks surged tenfold on Friday and Saturday compared with the daily average, according to data provided by Taobao and Tmall, two online marketplaces that together hold more than 70 percent of China's online retail market. Local media in Beijing also reported that the capital's pharmacies have almost sold out of face masks, PM2.5-proof or not.


    Saint Cyr emphasized that children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to spikes in air pollution and suggested that all school systems create air pollution "action plans" based on the science once the official hourly monitoring of PM2.5 begins nationwide.


    Emergency plans

    In fact, there are no official guidelines or emergency plans specifically designed for schools, although some international schools in Beijing have formulated their own.


    Officially, only Beijing and Shaanxi province have announced their own emergency plans for heavily polluted days. Friday's high level of pollution prompted Beijing's municipal government to put its emergency plan, unveiled on Dec 14, into action for the first time.


    "Warnings have been released to the public through channels such as micro blogs, television and radio, urging people to reduce the amount of time they spend out of doors and to increase their use of public transport. Schools are being advised to arrange fewer outdoor activities for the kids," said a post on the official micro blog of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.


    It also emphasized that the government will "strengthen law enforcement and the frequency of inspections, ask the relevant plants to reduce emissions and arrange a 30 percent reduction in the use of official vehicles".


    According to data released by the bureau on Sunday evening, 54 businesses in Beijing have cut their emissions by 30 percent, 28 construction sites have stopped foundation work, Beijing Hyundai Motor Co temporarily halted production on Sunday and one production line has been suspended at Beijing Cement Plant Co.


    While experts praised the warning as timely and precise, they also criticized the preventive measures for being too lax.


    "I feel the restrictions on motor vehicles are still too light," said Pan Xiaochuan, a professor at Peking University's School of Public Health. "As the pollution occurred in the weekend instead of during the working week, the use of official vehicles had already been reduced naturally."


    Pan emphasized that the current plan has no legal backup. "In some countries in Europe, at least half of the motor vehicles are barred from using the roads on heavily polluted days, according to law," he said.


    Zhou Rong, director of the Greenpeace climate and energy project in Beijing, added that the smog has enveloped many provinces and therefore emergency plans employed by individual cities are unlikely to be satisfactory.


    "A regional emergency action plan is required," she said. "We can expect a better solution, if the government will is there."


    Peng Yining, Jiang Xueqing, Shan Juan and Shi Yingying contributed to this story.

    Contact the reporters at wuwencong@chinadaily.com.cn, tangyue@chinadaily.com.cn and cuijia@chinadaily.com.cn

  5. I enjoy being a academic so I looked: "The phrase "Quemoy and Matsu" became part of U.S. political language in the 1960 U.S. presidential election. During the debates, both candidates, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, pledged to use U.S. forces if necessary to protect Taiwan from invasion by China, the mainland, which the U.S. did not at that time recognize as a legitimate government. But the two candidates had different opinions about whether to use U.S. forces to protect the ROC's forward positions, Quemoy and Matsu, as well. In fact, Senator Kennedy stated that these islands - as little as 5½ miles off the coast of China and as much as 106 miles from Taiwan - were strategically indefensible and were not essential to the defense of Taiwan. On the contrary, Vice President Nixon maintained that, since Quemoy and Matsu were in the "area of freedom," they should not be surrendered to the Communists as a matter of "principle.""


    My Chinese friends here told me that Xiamen was so small before but when a war with Taiwan was considered we built up Xiamen.

  6. The issue here is to move to a different platform would involve porting over the underlying database and all the content, and hoping nothing breaks in the translation this is no small feat for the common lay person. Even with IPB software the Don had a big problem moving from 2.x to 3.x


    I can take a look at some of the tools suggested, but for the most part IPB has meen a strong robust board platform and is worth the nominal anual cost.

    What is here seems to work fine. Just giving my 2 cents. :) There are some great innovations that have come out in the past few years, outside of IPB and PHPbb that are quite nice. Actually they are remarkable.



    I am only an expat wann-a-be .

    We will be back to China in March for a while but180 days a year is our limit to visit :)


    zhen de, all 3 parts.

    wanna-be, because my heart is home when we are there.

    March, because it is as soon as my wife can get off work, and she says it is not safe for the marriage for a foreign devil to be alone in china.

    180 days, because after that I have to pay China taxes.

    pay Chinese taxes? I don't get that part but all the rest... yep.

  8. Born in Los Angeles in 1943, Porter grew up in Northern Idaho, did a short stint in the US Army and then attended college at UC Santa Barbara. He enrolled for graduate school in anthropology at Columbia University but dropped out halfway through his Ph.D. program. Instead he flew to Taiwan, entered a Buddhist monastery and spent four years with the monks and nuns before leaving to work for various English language radio stations in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Afterwards he spent sixteen years in a rural Taiwanese monastery, translating classics in Chinese poetry.


    "I don't affiliate myself with any institutions anymore," Porter quipped during his talk. Respected as a translator, he also is recognized as a cultural commentator and poet in his own right. A celebrated author, Porter frequently traverses the globe, from the North America to Asia. He is married to a Taiwanese woman he met while studying at his first monastery; their two children are now grown. Eccentric and kind, Bill Porter charmed his audience with his modesty, knowledge and humor. This highly educated eccentric has turned his love of Chinese poetry and religious philosophy into his life's work and created a unique lifestyle for himself.



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