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Fu Lai

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Posts posted by Fu Lai

  1. "mama" is the one who brought up forced air. It's another situation where it is best for me to just accept what they want.


    Sidenote, at mamas this past week. It was colder inside than out. Everyone in the family knows this and now so do I. She didn't blink an eye when my girl brought me a huge comforter while I was sitting in the living room... while the windows were wide open at 2 degrees Celcius.

  2. . . .


    In that sitting I couldn't have made it any more beautiful than they did, without going through a lot of hassle just to round up tools and materials. Quite honestly, had I been there I would have been a "third testicle" to the craftsman, would have most likely gotten the lao wei "discount" (girlfriend never told anyone that an American was involved) and I'd have driven myself nuts trying ot second guess the fellas every move....No needa :rotfl: The man did a great job.


    . . .


    tsap seui


    Well put, here - probably the most important thing to remember. I'll guarantee that they know what they're doing - but also that you DON'T know what they're doing (or how to tell them if you do), and they darn sure don't know what you're doing. Just stay out of the way for the most part.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. My girl said she had the contractor bit all figured out since she has done this before AND this is her home town.


    We are talking forced heat and A/C or separate machines now. We figure we will need master furnace and A/C units for that, Also, is there a need for a master water heater - 2 bathrooms and kitchen considered? Any input?


    I think I will just give my advice and then hide during the finishing. Of course I will have to do all the grunt work of painting etc. hahaha

  3. If I remember correctly, I think your flooring was almost that much. We only did the inside without the appliances. Just the walls, flooring, ceiling, ceiling lights, electrical, plumbing, bathrooms with western toilets, intenet wiring, kitchen with sink and misc other things such as patio door and buglar bars.


    I think we'll opt to have a refrigerator, stove top and range hood, washer/dryer, water heater and A/C units. Maybe even an *gasp* oven! :victory:

  4. 200,000 RMB to fix up the inside after they are finished? WOW!!!!!! I didn't know that Wuhan was this expensive!!


    What you get is a front door + windows and a 3-4 bedroom/2 bathroom house of cement walls and floor with some pipes and wires sticking out. You have to buy and install everything. 200,000 (less than $30,000) is not that extravagant is it?

  5. Doors are generally solid wood, with a metal covering (textured and painted). They are generally made-to-order at a nearby warehouse-type shop - cut to size, and welded together - as are the shower stalls.


    Two of our interior doors are solid wood (only).

    Yes, the only thing our place comes with is the front door.

  6. All such great info and help. Thanks!


    My girl (Wuhan native) has bought two other places before which were concrete boxes so she has experience with the contractors. I figured plumbing and ventilation would be the biggest things to watch. The kitchen and bathrooms, plus the heating and cooling are essential. The wiring to all plugs includes an Internet plug even though wireless is what we use now. We already decided on (expensive) wood flooring for most of the place. I don't know if we will have much media things like speakers etc. to do. We'll probably just buy these as we go.


    I expect to keep this thread going as things progress and contractors are interviewed.


    She said we should expect to spend about 200,000RMB to get the place fixed up and ready to move in or rent. We had a chance to tour the building yesterday but it is still 10-12 months away from being ready... but we have to choose and pay this Saturday.


    Some pictures haha



    The way of choosing is fun, the apartment choice list and the order of choosing has been sent. We are #978 for 500+ 3brm (110m2), 500+ 4brm (140m2 - what we really want), and 300+ even larger places (160-180m2). So we will get what we want, the only question is which building and what floor.


    First there are three groups of 500 choosers per day, Fri-Sat-Sun assembled in a gymnasium around the clock. Each chooser gets three minutes to go to the microphone and announce their choice once their name is called. There are 20 superlarge screens showing which apartments are still available.


    Then you move to the payment table and the bank personnel are ready there to accept cash, check, or arrange the loan which must be done that day. Trading apartments is allowed for the next week and then it is final. Contractors and everyone else will also be on hand to get in on the $$$.


    I hope to get some video of this for your laughing pleasure!

  7. Have her full chinese name and birthdate as well. Sometimes they want to note such things even though this is really only a paper for you. The time it takes them to do this is quite short; the majority of the wait is them serving all the needs that day. That being said, I would pick an appointment day as early as possible, if possible. If I remember: You'll go to the window and be asked what you want, etc... then pay... then they will prepare it (among other requests they have) and then call you to the window to get it.

    All set to go to Shanghai tomorrow. She is coming with me so I can bring her ID card to the desk with me. I don't think they will let her in with me...


    Leaving at 7:00, arriving at 13:00, appointment at 15:00, train back at 18:00.

  8. We are buying a brand new 3 bedroom condo/apartment in Wuhan. We are not rich and we are borrowing from the bank. But we will get a concrete apartment, nothing in it. As a kid I helped my father build our family house but "China is different." I have read here before about things I can do to a concrete apartment before we start putting flooring, wall covering, cupboards, sinks etc. in it that would be beneficial for the next 70 years. Can anyone help with some advice?



  9. "... the weakness of the Chinese nation is due to the women... do not understand the meaning of honor... such kind of selfish, self-centred inteest [sIC], women dishonor their menfolk, their family, their society and country... can"t see beyond their nose... sell themselves... Foreigners regard Chinese women as trash... consider Chinese women as no more than prostitutes... source of all our societal problems, in my opinion, stems from the women... They are not fit to be mothers... lack of intelligence... lack of education and finally wisdom and understanding... Solve the mother problem in China and you solve the disease in Chinese society.In other countries, women get killed if they dishonor their family. Marrying a foreigner is one of them... Off with their heads, these traitors!"


    Do you think the person saying this is a Chinese man?

  10. That is why the weakness of the Chinese nation is due to the women. They have base values and do not understand the meaning of honor - of honoring oneself, honoring one"s family, honoring one"s society, and honoring one"s country.With such kind of selfish, self-centred inteest, women dishonor their menfolk, their family, their society and country. They can"t see beyond their nose. They sell themselves out to foreigners and make foreigners superior to their father, their brothers, their uncles, their grandfathers. They do not care about the damage they do. Foreigners regard Chinese women as trash in view of this preference behviour and consider Chinese women as no more than prostitutes .. to be used and then discarded.As I have said many times, we are our own worst enemies, and the source of all our societal problems, in my opinion, stems from the women in out society, especially the mthers. They are not fit to be mothers because they have wrong values which is duie to lack of intelligence which is also aggravated by lack of education and finally wisdom and understanding. Without these, they do not know or know only how to transmit wrong value systems to the children. Solve the mother problem in China and you solve the disease in Chinese society.In other countries, women get killed if they dishonor their family. Marrying a foreigner is one of them. And foreigners use your women as an extension against you, your country and your menfolk. And the bloody women are willing accomplices. Off with their heads, these traitors!


    Seems like the real problem is between this person's ears.



    Why can't Chinese girls marry foreigners?

  11. I've only gone to Guangzhou by plane a couple of times but there is a train station pretty close to the consulate. It shouldn't be a factor in getting to your appointment early.


    Have fun with the paperwork and wedding. We had a lot of laughs with both, especially the wedding in the marriage bureau and the whole roundabout way it worked. Neither one of us knew exactly when we were married, we thought it was on the first day there in the Ca-Ca Hotel (where the marriage bureau was located), up in Shenyang, but no, it was officially dated on our marriage books as the date of our second trip to the open sewer pit smell of the Ca-Ca Hotel. We laughed ourselves silly at the whole experience. It was hilarious and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


    Good luck, I took all this paperwork with me to the consulate in Shenyang to get my single certificate and I swear, the America visa officer never asked me to see a dang thing, just fill out the application and hold up my right hand to swear to it's truthfullness....


    Yeah, that's an affidavit all right. Raise your hand and swear to it. It isn't the notary's responsibility to prove it is true, They just sign and say you swore to it. it's up to you that it is truth or face the music later.


    We are actually leaving Guangzhou the same day to get back to Wuhan. Our marriage certificate escapade in Wuhan is on 12.12.12 and we are going there the week before to make sure that date is on the books (or they will have my girl's wrath to deal with). That event will be priceless in itself if there are any issues. She may be small but she packs a wallop!


    Thanks for the train station and locale info. Leaving Thursday at 8pm, arriving in GUZ at 9am, leaving GUZ at 7pm, arriving in Wuhan at 7am. Yes, we are cheapskates. She booked us a sleeper on the way there and now tells me that it will probably be too short for me to stretch out... she finds this hilarious. I had the last laugh when I booked seats for the way back! She was non-plussed and replied that I will be her sleeper (fine with me!).

  12. I leave Thursday night for GUZ. The "affidavit of marriageability" appointment is Friday morning at 10:45am at the notary desk. I printed the affidavit form off the website and I also printed the appointment letter. I am bringing my passport, birth cert, copy of my divorce court decree, US ID card, and fee money.


    Do I have to worry about long lines making me miss my appointment? My train gets into GUZ at 9am. By cab or subway is the best travel from the train station? Either way I hope to be there an hour early.

  13. http://beijing.usemb...cs_married.html

    The American will usually be asked to submit the following:

    • A valid passport with a valid Chinese visa
    • If both parties are foreigners at least one must present a Chinese residence permit.
    • An "affidavit of marriageability." You can get this document at the Embassy by swearing or affirming before a Consul that you are legally free to marry. You must make an appointment to get this affidavit and there is a $50 charge.
    • If either party was previously married, bring a clear photocopy of either the divorce or annulment decree or the death certificate which shows how the marriage ended. If you present an original certified copy with the copy for their review, the Chinese authorities will usually accept the copy. Hold on to your original documents, since they will be required when you file an immigrant visa petition for your spouse.
    • Three photos of the couple, taken together
    • Registration fee

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