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Fu Lai

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Posts posted by Fu Lai

  1. or "we will now process people who were at the front of the line but ..." - ya know this is a long story ... better just leave it at, it is going to cause delays to other immigration cases now that the govt. is going to process these ones. IMO. It was bound to happen and it is probably good for the USA to do it.

    Will the people at the back of the line please move to the front of the line :bullshit:

  2. Well now we have a solid - READY IN DECEMBER 2013 OR MAYBE BEFORE.


    So as you remember we have this 150m2:



    My idea was to have a large general area and 2 bedrooms besides the main one:



    Wife's idea is now having 2 bedrooms and a combined study-office/master bedroom:



    Since we know who will win this we are now pouring over "fixing up" plans and furnishings. I have won the discussion to let me decorate the study-office - woo hoo!!


    More to come...

  3. Sad that this "article" lacks any facts whatsoever, just pure unsubstantiated opinion. That's what makes it so weak IMO (as a publisher myself). It could be very instructive to the other media but it comes across as one media org bashing another. There appears to be no bootlicking going on here, at least none that is factually referenced. If officials do a good job can they not be congratulated? What about the firefighters etc. on 911 in the USA? This piece just lacks any teeth.


    Remember that the People's Daily is controlled by the Communist Party. The intended audience is both the foreign media and the local press. The message is both that "there are many signs that Chinese media is enjoying a freer hand in handling news", and that the local media needs to NOT "lick boots", "to trash all the empty, adulatory cliches and put facts and people, rather than officials, first."



    Old habits die hard.

    All the more reason why we need outspoken media who dare to speak truth to power and truthfully for the people.

  4. Li Bao again leaving out any supporting evidence, not answering his own rhetorical questions and basically preaching his opinion as if it were fact.


    Who are these critics he says that say all the inflammatory stuff? He doesn't name them.


    Where is the proof of anything he says about the article he slams? He doesn't link it or even give excerpts.


    What is the context of the article?


    Was there the main article that told all about what happened and this was a side piece? Who knows? He doesn't say.


    Did the officials that the article supposedly lauds deserve recognition for a job well done? He leaves that out too.


    "Media are supposed to be watchdogs," he claims, "we need outspoken media who dare to speak truth to power and truthfully." I guess media has no place in just reporting rather than always spewing opinions.


    Where was the truth not spoken? Li Bao fails again to mention that.


    All of this adds up to a weak article that sounds more like a freshman rant.

    (borrowed from the wiki)

    The first day is for the welcoming of the deities of the heavens and earth, officially beginning at midnight. It is a traditional practice to light fireworks, burn bamboo sticks and firecrackers and to make as much of a din as possible to chase off the evil spirits as encapsulated by nian (年) of which the term guo-nian (过年) was derived. Many people, especially Buddhists, abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed that this will ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Year's Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the days before. On this day, it is considered bad luck to use the broom.

    Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time to honor one's elders and families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended families, usually their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

    For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.

    Some families may invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Chinese New Year as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash known as lai see or angpow, a form of blessings and to suppress the aging and challenges associated with the coming year, to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers. Business managers also give bonuses through red packets to employees for good luck, smooth-sailing, good health and wealth.

  6. 雪花舞,红梅俏,一年伊始春节到,东风吹,花儿笑,景色明媚春光好,爆竹响,新年到,吉祥话儿都送到,原你春节心情好,事业顺利步步高,蛇年吉祥


    Google translate: Snow dance, hong mei qiao, at the beginning of the year Spring Festival, the east wind, the flowers smile, the scenery beautiful spring scenery good, firecrackers ring, New Year, good luck to you all, the original message to the Spring Festival in a good mood, career step by step, the snake year auspicious

  7. I like wuhan too - taking the new subway several times - what a great way to get around town. I can hardly wait until it extends closer to our apartment

    We went slightly over 300 on our consulate trip to Shanghai. Next is high speed to Guangzhou.

    Wuhan off-topic: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php/topic/45233-china-to-open-first-subway-crossing-yangtze-wuhan-metro/


    2017 finish plans:


  8. Oops, wrong link... correct is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013. Yes, the surgical masks etc. don't block much but these ones here have bendable metal inside them to fit the contour of your face and quilted cloth that makes them washable, reusable. I see the price is down to Y1.2. Haha, I bought 100 and they make a thoughtful gift!


    Huh? "useless" for the wearer? "N95 Respirator Mask is designed to filter 95% of the airborne particles of 0.3 microns or larger that might penetrate through the nose and mouth of the wearers." They are designed to seal your mouth and nose. Mine work great and they cost just Y1.5!



  9. Huh? "useless" for the wearer? "N95 Respirator Mask is designed to filter 95% of the airborne particles of 0.3 microns or larger that might penetrate through the nose and mouth of the wearers." They are designed to seal your mouth and nose. Mine work great and they cost just Y1.5!





    I read up on N95 face mask, and it is useless for protecting the wearer. It is designed to protect OTHER people from some contamination the wearer has. If you want to protect yourself, it must completely seal your face with a n95 respirator.

  10. What's the AQI for Yulin right now? I know it is very cold there presently but I also know air pollution (greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide particulates) from reliance on coal produces acid rain exists too. Just wondering.


    The air seems fairly clean here.

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