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Everything posted by bobmal99

  1. Please send your Mom the finest in NAT'L GEOGRAPHIC mapping tools !! LOL.... Actually, here is an awesome website for her... and for those GMT challenged :-) http://www.worldtimezone.com/ What is GMT? Just kidding wanted to get another post! Green mean time!!!!!!!!!!!! actually it means Greenwhich Mean Time and the home of this time is London...
  2. Thanks Dave, Shanghai, is about 13 hour trip from SF, 10 hours on the way back. Are the one I spoke with on the phone??
  3. I might have messed up with that photo. Will check it. Thanks Have you talked with Alan, I have e-mailed him with no response.. Tony, just fixed it and added a couple of more photo's. Bob
  4. I might have messed up with that photo. Will check it. Thanks Have you talked with Alan, I have e-mailed him with no response..
  5. It doesn't work. Tony, Here is a good one that I think you will like. >Jim http://cagle.slate.msn.com/fiore/ What does not work??
  6. wow my God! real horses! that's coollll!... wish one day we can have a real farm too! Florida, has some of the best horse farms in the US..
  7. Kandy Jim's blood pressure could not go any higher, PS- just posted pics of me, Bob M & Lili...on visadelay.com
  8. just put a bunch of pictures on visadelay.com, of Bob M & Lili, check them out... http://www.gifs.net/animate/xlights1.gif
  9. Thanks but unfortunately I will probably be entering at SF intl..
  10. Thank you Kandy, so where are you in this process?? Bob M.
  11. Hello Everyone, I have heard several different opinions on this question. However, does anyone definitely know, if when flying back from China, can we (american citizen) go through the same line (immigrant) our fiances go through?? This would make it easier for the fiance, and possibly even help getting the Employment Authorization Card. Also if there are going to be any problems, this is where they will start!!!
  12. I thought they are really piao liang maybe your head was to close to the screen
  13. My fiances sir name is Li, so that is way down the alphabet.. http://www.gifs.net/animate/xlights1.gif
  14. I can not even comprehend any US Consulate that processes thousands of Visa's yearly, could only have one Visa printing machine.. This is unconcionable, Hopefully she will be all set tomorrow.
  15. Hi Sandy, I never heard of the Boston Contact List. If Lili, gets her visa on Saturday, then I will book tickets for 1/29/03 to Shanghai. I will probably fly United because now the price is $698 USD round trip from Boston or Providence, which is a very good price. Since you are a little younger then Lili, I hope you know some nice places to go and celebrate the Chinese New Year. I still like to go out and have a few drinks and do some dancing.. Lili, wanted me to save my vacation time and not come to Shanghai, and fly back to the US with her. I also was not too sure about going back to Shanghai, so soon. But what the heck, I may never get another chance to spend Chinese New Year in China. I know Lili, and I will come back to China, quite often, but probably not for New Year. I am really looking forward to meeting you and your fiance, and any other fiance that may be coming to live in this area. Bob M. http://www.gifs.net/animate/xlights1.gif
  16. Bummer!! would have been nice to meet, and break some bread, or rice.
  17. Heading back to Boston, 2/5/03. Where are you from?
  18. This is a great idea however, any kind of suit will have to stand against the 9/11 excuse and the US need for additional security. Unfortunately one can not sue for poor or discurteous treatment. Know one wants to get involved in anything that has to do with the US-INS. And I mean no one....We can send all the letters we want, but until the media takes up this issue and brings it to the forefront we will continue to get no answers, no respect and no help...
  19. Have you been there before?? Who are you going to see? How long will you be staying? Bob I've been there twice before. It's a vibrant, fun city. I will be visiting the wonderful Carol. I plan to stay through the week. How about yrself? This will be my fourth trip to Shanghai. Hopefully Lili, will be getting her Visa this Saturday.. If so we will come back to the states together.
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