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Everything posted by bobmal99

  1. WOW once it happened, it happened fast.. Congratulations and don't forget about us here while you are with your family..
  2. Oyster, that would be a great idea. Oh my God, wait a minute this makes so much sense. Why in the world would we expect our elected officials to do something like that. I mean it would save time, nerves, stress and resources. Of course this would also be a very effecient way to do this. So unfortunately this will never happen. Kudos to our government in action or non action once again....
  3. I e-mailed them on the 6th of December, got a reply back on the 13th. It was Friday, the 13th, go figure
  4. You have done a great job. You already work very hard. You already can sleep on them. David Letterman has many top ten writers. We just has you, it is unfair. Mr. 8 thingies sleep in candle, sometime sleep talking. Hey Eric isn't the only one submitting top ten thingies!!!
  5. Thanks Hong, have a great time in Shanghai, with your family. Maybe you will even have time to meet with Lili, while you are in China. Once again, congratulations and have a wonderful time now that you will be reunited with your family.
  6. Yes it is obvious he has absolutely nothing better to do....
  7. would love to do it... but none cares my real name here ! lol http://digi.pchome.net/icons/7.gif I do Kate, and I am waiting to see pictures of you and your fiance.
  8. Yes, the I 130 was sent in because I am allready married to her. I had hoped that by doing it this way I would be able to get her here with less trouble. I guess I will have to wait and see. Not like I haven't been doing that allready. I knew it would take a while to do. So I am not really that surprised. Phil Check out the SD web (myweb) site I put below. I believe there is a new type of I-130 Visa that will allow your wife to enter this country while the paperwork is being done.. My Webpage
  9. Are you from NJ with a daughter in Shanghai???? With so many people it is getting hard to keep track of who is who.. Saw the pictures, the one of your company picnic could be me in a few more years.. They all look great!!!! Bob, yes. we emailed a couple of times. I am in PA with a daughter in Shanghai, who might not be able to make her spring semester here. I saw your webpage before you post picture ; very nice layout and love your pictures. By the way are you going to Shanghai in a month? Yes now I remember you Charlottte, Lili picked up her Visa on Saturday, 12/21/02 with no problems. Has your daughter heard anything from Immigration?? I will be going back to Shanghai, (1/29/03) for the Chinese New Year. Then Lili and I will fly back to Boston, together.
  10. Are you from NJ with a daughter in Shanghai???? With so many people it is getting hard to keep track of who is who.. Saw the pictures, the one of your company picnic could be me in a few more years.. They all look great!!!! Bob, yes. we emailed a couple of times. I am in PA with a daughter in Shanghai, who might not be able to make her spring semester here. I saw your webpage before you post picture ; very nice layout and love your pictures. By the way are you going to Shanghai in a month? Yes now I remember you Charlottte, Lili picked up her Visa on Saturday, 12/21/02 with no problems. Has your daughter heard anything from Immigration??
  11. Are you from NJ with a daughter in Shanghai???? With so many people it is getting hard to keep track of who is who.. Saw the pictures, the one of your company picnic could be me in a few more years.. They all look great!!!!
  12. From this point on it could take anywhere from one to three months, or even a little longer for GZ to even receive your petition. Personally I would wait about six weeks and then contact GZ, to see if they have received your petition from the US. Then I would contact them every two weeks to keep them on the ball so to speak.. Is the 130 form because you are already married??
  13. At least they are trying, I am really surprised there are less then a dozen people to post their pictures on Visa delays so far. What happened to all those people who said they wanted a big picture album, so as to put the names to the faces on this site!!!!!! Sandy, enight, kandy, charlotte, when are you going to post your pictures on Visa delays. Don't worry with his weak heart and high Blood Pressure we will not let Jim look at them.. 39 days till I get to Shangahi...
  14. Whoever says they put the picture of nine fiances in GZ, better check there is no picture there on Visa delays...
  15. Congratulations Sandy, Lili, and I are so happy for you. So will you come to the US before I go to Shanghai?? Maybe we can all come back to Boston together????? I am praying for everyone to get their Visas as soon as possible. Sandy, Lili, will be back in Shanghai, around 8:00 pm Sunday, night Shanghai time. Give her a call with the good news. ENIGHT, I HEARD FROM A MYSTERIOUS STRANGER YOUR LETTER IS ON THE WAY!!!!!!!
  16. Actually and unfortunately, this was Lili's, second trip to GZ. Lili, has many things to do before coming to the US. She did not want to do any of these things until she had her Visa. I will be going back to Shanghai the end of January, to spend the Chinese New Year in Shanghai, with Lili her family. I think enight & Sandy don't know this yet but they are going to take me and Lili out when I am in Shanghai. Finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also I will not dissapear from this site until the INS has gotten everything squared away. I will not forget about all my new friends still waiting for the completion of their cases.. http://www.gifs.net/animate/a-cat06.gif
  17. Hello everyone, I just spoke with my fiance Lili. She received her Visa from GZ Saturday, morning, 12/21/02. She told me at least 200 women, if not more received their K-1 Visas Saturday, morning. There was still a long line of women waiting for their Visas to be issued as she was leaving at 11:00 a.m. Everyone was in a very happy mood....Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa FINALLY My best Christmas Gift Ever!!!!!! http://www.gifs.net/animate/300light.gif
  18. Well after many months of waiting, for us the end MAY be near. However, as we have all found out nothing is certain when it comes to the US-INS.. So I am keeping my fingers, legs, eyes and whatever I can crossed praying Lili, will not have any additional surprises. I should know by midnight tonight (12/20/02) and I will post what is the latest news going on in GZ. Have a great weekend everyone and a very Merry Christmas, as best we can under these current circumstances.. http://www.gifs.net/animate/candl.gif
  19. Not for one minute do I believe there is only one computer, and it is broken. Do they think everyone is as ignorant as they appear to be...
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