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Posts posted by MarkLuvsShuPing

  1. I hope everyone who aspires to make any money in the world pays close attention.


    A few years ago, my ex and I bought a house in Denver. We paid $82,500 for it. The next year it was appraised at $150,000. The Denver housing market exploded and we were in a position to take great advantage of it.


    China is exploding financially, it's not about to, it is, and if you want to make some money, you'll do some kind of business with China.


    Granted, the wave of economic growth they're experiencing may turn into a tidal wave they can't handle, but I'm betting that won't happen. I think the worst that could happen is an economy that slams on the breaks at some point and those who aren't prepared will go flying, but a "saavy" business person will see it coming.


    Despite the sentiments of the Buchannan isolationists, I think the US is going to have to loosen up and open it's markets and borders much more so it can compete with China. The problem is the terrorists, they pose more than just a physical threat to our country, they pose an economic threat because they force us to be cautious in who we deal with and how we deal with them.


    I wouldn't be suprised to find out that South Korea isn't the only country following the trend to deal with China more. Next thing you know, Japan will follow suit, OK, maybe not, but who knows? Something's got to give, in the meantime, invest in China.

  2. One of my favorite pasttimes when we were shopping was reading the T-shirts and hats. Of course, I really had to be careful about how long I would stare at a girl's t-shirt. "Dahling, why you look at the girl?!!!" "Just reading the T-shirt, honest!"


    ShuPing asks "Why?" for anything that doesn't make sense to her.

    My son struggled to find something he liked to eat there, when he didn't like something that had been cooked she would ask, "Why Naniel (she has a hard time with Nathaniel) don't like the food?


    Any exclamation is "Aye Yo!", so much so that I still say it.


    Finally, my favorite thing for ShuPing to say is "clo-gis" for clothes.

  3. I liked this thread, so I thought I'd resurrect it.


    During my recent stay in Nanning, I noticed a tube of something in the shower, it had both Chinese and English written on it. The English was a little off the mark, I hope.


    "Deep Shiten & Glowing Skin Cream, One Application Dispels Horniness"


    True, if your skin is glowing, you may be in deep shit, but why would anyone want to get rid of their horniness?


    Maybe it's the OTC antidote for a Cealis hard-on that lasts over 4 hours.


    I often thought that if I lived in China, I could make a ton of money correcting English for businesses or providing them with intelligent slogans for their advertising.

  4. Before I married my wife, I remember having a discussion with a friend about my decision to travel half-way around the world to marry a woman I'd never physically met before. I remember saying that I felt Chinese women were dedicated to family and used to arranged marriages. I thought that a Chinese wife would be more dedicated to our marriage than an American woman.


    I felt that American women were materialistic (in general) and more apt to use the phrase "What have you done for me lately?", while Chinese women would look beyond that and see marriage as a neccessary arrangement that would support a family. In other words, sacrifice for a marriage, so that the family can thrive.


    I don't think I was wrong, though I generalized too much. Not all Chinese women are honest and dedicated. I got lucky.

  5. Leave the family, sure, but leave the country? That's where the adjustment has to take place.


    Having been to China twice now, it strikes me how different their culture is from ours, but when you get right down to it, the Chinese are people just like Americans are. We all smile and laugh, cry, worry, sleep, eat, love, etc. To bad people can't focus on the similarities instead of the differences.

  6. Great article, Tony.


    It made me think about the future and any children that ShuPing and I could be blessed with. What will he/she be like and how will ShuPing feel about raising an American? How will I feel about raising a Chinese child? Of course, I have the advantage, we'll be living here, but is it really an advantage? Living in America, our child will miss living a wonderful cultural heritage, not that our American heritage is bad, but I guess the goal is to give them the best of both worlds.


    One of the things I admire about ShuPing is her willingness to give up everything she knows, to become the wife of an American. She doesn't want to come to America, she'd rather I come to China, but she says she is a good LaoPo and will go with her LaoGong.


    Sometimes I think she is naive and simply doesn't comprehend the change in culture, the inundation of everything American. I worry about her feeling alone when she comes here. I've done things to try to prepare her, like giving her a link to the Chinese Community in Colorado web page, but I still think it's going to be a difficult adjustment for her.

  7. Gambei is deadly!


    The men in the family will take turns gambei-ing you. Watch, and they will sip theirs. A few minutes later, one of the other guys will do the same. The joke is on you - you get to drink a full glass each time to their amusement.


    Same thing happened to me at the farewell dinner the night before I brought Xiahong home. Her brother and 3 brother-in-laws. Since I had been there - done that before, I called them on it and we all had a good laugh. Then we took turns measuring how much each drank after the toast.

    Yep, gotta be careful. At our ceremonial wedding dinner, I made the obligatory rounds of the various tables, "cheering" with many different men. One guy, who I think had a thing for Jingwen kept raising his glass, saying cheers. Jingwen advised me to be careful, he's jealous and just wants to get me drunk.


    My response to Jingwen and the man was something to the effect that you don't want to do shots with an American who weighs 50 lbs more and can hold his liquor. B) The man was carried home that night. I went home to a wonderful bed and beautiful wife. :D

    I had the same experience except my brothers-in-law wanted to try to drink me under the table. ErGuo ended up puking and falling on his head by about 6:00, then passing out. After that, I was a well respected son.

  8. You know Robert, there is only one way to handle this.


    You have to sit her down with some of that Chinese hooch they like over there and a shot of fine, home-made moonshine, the really smooth kind. Have her compare the two and explain, Chinese must eat to kill the terrible taste of their liquor, while Americans (particularly southern Americans), like to taste their liquor, which, as she can see herself, is worth tasting.


    If, on the other hand, she doesn't see the logic in that, you give her the Chinese hooch and all the dumplings she can eat, while you enjoy the fine flavor of your moonshine and don't eat anything.


    When she's puking her guts up, make sure you tell her what a good idea it is to eat while you drink.


    That should do it.

  9. I think I found an answer to the 2 Buddhas.



    Fat, happy and laughing brings financial good luck.




    This one is a healing Buddha.


    Wonder if anyone can tell me what this one is all about?



  10. As far as posting links on Candle, that is not a problem. P.J. might even put up a hot-link? We have never, to my knowledge, prevented a link from being posted on Candle. Personally, the only one I would ever edit out would be if someone complained about a porn site being linked.

    So Don, does that mean we can post links to porn sites as long as no one complains?


    Damn, I should be a lawyer.

  11. I was thinking along the same lines, but I agree with Jason, it is a touchy situation. It's been mentioned before, but the Rumpus Room really did pull a lot of traffic away from the CFL general boards. I would hate to start another RR, only to find that CFL suffered.


    Having said that, though, I don't really think that would happen, CFL was probably cleaner and easier to access without all the periferial stuff going on when we had the RR.


    The next thing I see being an issue is that PJ and Don pulled the plug for a reason, are we to juxtapose ourselves against their better judgement? If so, do we have a right to present our RR on their website? I mean, what's the point in killing the RR in order to keep the peace, if we're just going to run an end around and put up our own site? So, I really would like to hear from PJ and Don about this issue.


    Lastly, I want to say that the RR had been around for awhile before it got ugly. We all showed that we could have fired up debate without hurting others, at least until the end. If we could somehow catch that essence in something new, I'd say OK.

  12. Sorry I couldn't get back to post an update sooner, but later is better than never.


    The get-together was a success, though we only had 4 wives there (mine, Mike's, Waynes and Al's). They are wonderful ladies and we are all lucky guys. The food was good, a buffett style with lots of good food.


    I took some pics, though not as many as I wanted (too busy eating). I'll post them when I get back home next week. The girls all exchanged e-mail addys and phone numbers, so hopeully this is the start of something supportive for them.


    The talk was mostly Chinese, so I'm in the dark about most of the discussions, but I did get to see JieJun's notice for P3 (I think that's what is was), she was happy to show everyone.


    I'm trying to start an internet match-making service for Chinese and Americans, I won't go into it because this site isn't about that, but ShuPing had invited some single ladies to come so I could get pictures. Al's fiancee, Jian, brought a single friend. All in all, my son and I were the only males in a room of 10 lovely Chinese women, I'll just say it was an experience.


    Thanks, Al, Mike and Wayne for getting your girls there. I hope they can get together occaisionally and help each other out. Gene, I know HuaHua should've been there, but maybe she can join in if they get together again.


    Remember, look for the pics on the CFL gallery, there's only 4 or 5, but worth a look.

  13. Hello from GuiLin!


    We're on our last day here in Guilin about to return to Nanning. It's really pretty here, breathtaking in places. Guilin is a very nice city, as far as Chinese cities go. We spent most of yesterday on a cruise down the Lijiang river and I highly recommend it. It's pretty hot this time of year, but still worthwhile.


    OK, as far as the Nanning Get Together, we've had two calls. Al's wife said she will be there and another woman, (sorry ShuPing got the girl's name, Li, but couldn't remember her husband's name) said she might come. I'm hoping we have more ladies attend, I wasn't expecting 100, but 4 or 5 would be nice.


    So, if your girl is here in Nanning, have her give us a call (send me an e-mail or PM, though I may not make it back to a computer before Sunday) or come to

    OK, we've decided on August 22 at 6:00 PM to have this little get together. ShuPing knows of a local restaurant called HaoChiLang Zi zu Can. The address is YuanHuLu. Don't ask me for directions.
    She'll be able to find us if she asks where the American is.


    I'll take pictures and post them on the CFL gallery when I get back. Hope to see lots of MMs show up.

  14. Greetings from muggy Nanning!


    I am sitting next to my beautiful wife and adoring son in a computer kiosk in Nanning. Yes, it is friggin' hot. I think the worst thing though are the beds, or rather wooden torture racks. They sleep on small wooden tiles, kinda like scrabble pieces sewn together. ShuPing says it is to keep cool at night. I think it is to keep foriegners away.


    Well, to quote an old Jimmy Buffett song, "The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful". I think I preferred QiQiHaer's sub-zero to Nanning's sweat-box, but at least I am with my woman and life is truly good.

    Also, 2 days in GuangZhou will make you appreciate any other place on Earth.


    OK, we've decided on August 22 at 6:00 PM to have this little get together. ShuPing knows of a local restaurant called HaoChiLang Zi zu Can. The address is YuanHuLu. Don't ask me for directions.



    If you or your girl can make it, shoot me an e-mail or PM and I'll give you ShuPing's cell number. I'm hoping a few folks at least can get together. Remember, I'm also doing this to clear up some of the mis-information some of the girls are getting and get a support group together.


    Gene, Mike, Al and Wayne, all you guys with MMs here, let's do this. If anyone else is here from America, please come along, it'd be nice to see another American.


    I'll check back in a few days.

  15. OK, this is the last post I'll make until I can find a computer in Nanning.


    I'm thinking that the weekend of the 21st, does that work for everyone?


    I still don't know where, but I'll figure that out when I get there. At this point I'm pretty much open to anything, if the dates don't work.


    Post here and let me know and I'll check in in a couple of days.

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