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Posts posted by MarkLuvsShuPing

  1. mark- i posted some messages in your RR too.. hoping to get some responses there.....

    Thanks Amber. Yeah I saw that and you got several responses. I even responded.


    Looks like a good topic, but now, again, I'm the only one there.


    Long, it really doesn't take much to open 2 windows in your browser. Have CFL on one and RR2 on the other, that way you have access to both.

  2. Pedophilia is a sickness, but it only effects one aspect of a person's life. The guy is probably really nice and otherwise a decent person. He didn't just fool us, but he probably fooled most everyone.


    It would be interesting to know if felons can get a passport or not.

  3. Amber,


    Come on over to the RR2. You can chat and debate about this stuff with the people from CFL and not worry about getting deleted. Jason set it up to replace the old RR, but because the RR got out of hand when it was part of CFL, Don and PJ had to remove it.


    You'll have to become a member to discuss political stuff, but nothing is off limits.


    Here's the link: http://www.jasonjun.com/boards/


    Come one, come all, get yer ya ya's out and come back to CFL for the tamer stuff.

  4. Sorry Carl,I think Jason has done a great job,but RR2 just seems to be fizzling along.

    Sort of like goin' into an empty room and talkin' to the wall.

    I am here for the info,but I guess almost as important is the commaraderie.

    It has been a long time for me and it will be a long time more,I like having some way to pass the time with friends.

    I will admit that sometimes with some subjects,the emotions get a little raw,please forgive.

    That said,the headsman knows when to swing(the big D) and does a good job.(thanks)




    Well that's the reason it's so empty, people have that attitude. Go there and it's empty so why go there?


    Maybe if we had a pre-arranged rumble and set up a time for everyone to meet in the RR2, we'd get it kicked off right. Once enough people post, they would come back to partake. The problem is getting enough people in there to make it worthwhile.

  5. Dragon, I like your thinking, you will be my Minister of Special Government Initiatives(that means you're my top spy). The defense of the Empire begins with the head. We'll remove the ability of the infidels to wage war by removing their ability to empty their bowels in comfort.


    I'll give you the signal when the military defenses are ready.

  6. If there's a way to screw it up... 5 mins will turn into 5 months.


    I prefer the stamp on the passport, not 100% effective, but certainly more efficient than what we have now. Once the girls on 001 and so forth find out about it, most all the girls will check the passports.


    I agree with something that Jason wrote earlier, basically that USCIS isn't in the law enforcement business, they're job is (supposed to be) to protect us from outside threats of terrorists and illegal immigration. Why would they concern themselves with the citizens who are currently here?


    While these incidents are sad and terrible when they happen, they need to be policed in some other way than through the visa approval process. I don't think it would be prohibitive for USCIS to send a list of petitioners to law enforcement agencies to make them aware of who's filing for visas, but that should be the end of their involvement. Let the FBI or local cops check it out.

  7. When it comes to international internet dating, it should be obvious that the phrase "Caveat emptor" applies. It's up to the parties involved to find out who they're getting involved with. I hate the fact that this woman was apparently duped into bringing her young daughter here to this situation, but the reality is, she was duped. I don't mean to imply, by any means, that she was responsible for the reprehensible act of a pervert, not at all.


    What concerns me though is the blind faith displayed by some of the women and men who get involved with international relationships. I'm guilty of it. I'm damned lucky that I happened to find an honest and wonderful woman. She's also lucky that I'm not a bad guy because she never really questioned me or my background.


    I have this theory that people in the world still see America as the land of opportunity and Americans as good and honest people. Why wouldn't anyone who doesn't know better, sell their right arm to come to America? All the hope and promise of a life in America with a good American is enough to blind almost any trusting soul.


    Isn't it human nature to trust that which we want to be true? How do we know that this woman is deserving of our support? Certainly her daughter is innocent, but how do we know that this woman isn't guilty of her own sins? Things that have nothing to do with her daughter getting violated by a pervert. The fact that she's Chinese and a mother of a 5 year old doesn't make her golden.


    I'm chosing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she probably is honest and deserving of our support, and her daughter definitely needs the support of loving and concerned people, but I make the choice knowing what I'm doing and feeling that it's right.


    The fact remains that too many people make the decision to marry someone they barely know based on evidence presented in an information vacuum. People need to be educated on the dangers and then given tools to make a sound decision about the person they're involved with.


    This doesn't take government involvement, but it does take people like you and me. Who better to educate and inform than those of us who have a hard tie with the issue of international relationships?


    It seems to me there are ways we can all do background checks on people. If you plan to hire someone for a business, rent to that person, do any kind of business with that person, it seems to me that you can legally get background info on a person pretty quickly. Maybe there should be some service set up for people in other countries so they can request a background check.

  8. I just got a chance to read this whole thread and you can count me in for providing a donation. Whatever we set up, let's make sure that it goes directly to her. I would hate for us to donate money to help her only to see it get taken by some scam artist or an agency's processing fees.


    I see and deal with the damage created by deviant bastards like him every day I come to work. The emotional cost of ruining someone's life is bad enough, add to that the financial burden placed on taxpayer's and donor's for institutions that try to help the victims of these crimes and we have a problem that needs to be addressed. I'd gladly give up my job if there weren't anymore children that needed treatment.

  9. Says here: "Accessories available include Peasant Action Outfit, Communist Party Olive Drab Dinner Wear (includes red star), and Aged Concubine Erotic Silk. Limit one. See pg 101 for additional accessories."


    Doesn't say the hat's included, but I would think it comes with the Peasant Action Outfit. I bet you get the bundle too.

  10. BTW, have you guys seen the new '05 model catalogue? They seem to be going through a retro fad. I'm glad I got mine when I did, not sure I like the new ones.




    http://www.fotosearch.com/comp/six/SIX122/020as1.jpg http://beifan.com/000china/album/hutongwoman.jpg


    Lord, I apologize for making fun of the old Chinese women and all the starving pygmies down there in New Guinea. Amen.

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