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Posts posted by MarkLuvsShuPing

  1. I'm not one to worry much, kinda like Alfred E. Newman. But this did get me there.


    Yeah, I know, I had plenty of time to know what I needed, and plenty of time to get it together. All I can say is I'm lucky to have gotten this far with all the friggin' paperwork. I stand as a testament to the procrastinating individual and his innate ability to stumble through the most difficult situations. In other words, if I can do it, you can too. It' s the power of love and the blessings from above.


    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and mild reprimand (Jim). It does give me hope.


    My bank said they do this all the time and would fax it to me, that was yesterday morning (US), I haven't gotten it yet. I called my boss and couldn't reach her in person, but left a voice mail about what I needed. I'm sure she can come through, but I am a little more concerned about this one. Hopefully, she will be able to fax it by tomorrow.


    I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again.

  2. Hey Everyone,


    Well I made it to GZ via CTS bus - 3 hours from the HK airport to GZ. Only $35 and not a bad ride.


    Sitting in San Francisco's airport, I decided to pull out my I-134 form and read the contents thereof - for the first time. Needless to say I was shocked to find that I need more than copies of the last 3 years of tax returns that I thought I needed.


    Oh Sh**! I need a letter from my employer?!!!! I need a letter from my bank?!!!!! WTF!!!! I am now in it knee deep and rising.


    Here's my current plan, call my employer and my bank and hope they can fax these things to me before Thursday.


    I'm also lost about what to do otherwise. I thought everything would fall into place, and maybe it is, but I'm pretty worried at the moment.


    I'm very open to suggestions, if anyone has any. Also, can someone tell me what I should be getting done before Friday morning's interview?


    Thanks in advance for any help.

  3. Yeah, but what's up with Algeria and Ghana? I know a ton of folks from Ghana, but never met anyone from Algeria. Maybe it's a numbers thing, lots of people from these countries so it slows the system down.


    The exception being Algeria where they just have one old dude nearing retirement only working on Wednesdays to process their visas.


    Tell Mata Hari the US needs more consulates to process K-1/K-3 visas in China, preferably in Beijing or somewhere north.

  4. Thanks a lot Corvette and DaveR.  I'll have to think about the bus, maybe that's the way to do it.  It'll cost me a night in a hotel in HK or a bus ride to GZ.  The bus ride gets me there quicker though.

    Yeah true. The HK airport-GZ bus is direct line without stop-over. It will definately save you money cos the accommodation cost in HK is rediculous. Last Nov I had a bizz trip to HK and lived in a so-called 3-star standard hotel. It really suxed. The room was small, the beds were small and the tv was small. However it still cost over 900RMB. With the same price you can live in a fancy 5-star here. <_< You have to come over GZ anyway, so better come right away.

    My girl is all over it (no, not the toilet seat Doug). She was checking the bus times before I even mentioned it to her. Buses leave at 8, 9 and 10 pm. I didn't know they went non-stop through to GZ though. Thanks Corvette.


    Hey thanks Doug, I'll have to question her about that toilet seat deal, since our apartment in Nanning didn't have a toilet, only a squatter. Had to have been the one at the hotel in GZ.

  5. Lele, I think it would be pretty good to get the girls together, it worked out well the last time. PM me if you want ShuPing's TEL for your girl.


    ShuPing is already there and has a hotel room at the Hotel Landmark Canton, paying 100RMB per night. I don't know where it is or how ratty it is, but I'm hoping it's not too bad.


    The place we stayed at before was adequate, but definitely not a 5 star hotel. Come to think of it, it was probably not a 2 star. If a person isn't too particular about where they sleep that place was fine.


    Corvette, it would be great to have you join us whenever you can. Send me your TEL or ask for ours and we'll see what happens.


    Who says Portland gets to have all the fun? Kind of ironic, Portland is a helluva lot closer than GZ, but we'll have attended 2 get togethers in China compared to none in the US. I hope we can get a good turn out.

  6. Hey all you folks in GZ from March 1 to March 9, let's get together and get to know each other in person. Last year ShuPing and I had a little get together in Nanning and she made some good friends. No reason why we can't do it again.


    If your SO will be in GZ alone, s/he can hook up with us and we'll provide some moral support. CFL people are 99.9% golden and we're here to support one another in the good and bad times. Drop me a PM or e-mail if you're interested and I'll try to arrange it all.


    Anybody flying into Hong Kong on 2/28 United flight 869 from San Fran? I'll be on it.

  7. Hi Everybody,


    I know it's been a while, but I've been so busy I don't know what to do with myself.


    I'll be on my way to Hong Kong Sunday morning arriving Monday evening at 7pm. ShuPing says the trains to GZ don't run that late, but I wondered if anyone knew of an alternate route or train to get there. Hong Kong's fine, but I'm eager to see my wife. What about that HK to GZ express train? Does it run after 7pm?


    I've got my digital pics printed, my telephone records printed, copies of e-mail and IMs printed, taxes for the last 3 years and myself. What else should I take to GZ for the interview? ShuPing has the Affidavit of Support forms and other paperwork that they sent to her and we'll go over it with a fine tooth comb, anything I might be forgetting? Remember, we are K-3.


    Any advice would be nice. Don't wish us luck, 'cause luck has nothing to do with it. We are being led by the hand of the Almighty.


    Who all's in GZ next week? Let's get together.

  8. I hate to say it, but most of the people I told about getting married to a Chinese woman began telling me about the stereotypes. Usually they cited examples of Japanese culture and lumped all Asian people into one group.


    I have been guilty myself of such ignorance and I literally mean ignorance. It comes from a lack of knowledge about that part of the world. We've also had a few wars in Asia, so much of the negative stereotypes come from our need to denegrate the enemy.


    Doesn't make it right, it's just how it is. Hopefully we can change it.

  9. Sorry, late as usual.


    My first reaction to the idea of an all women's "secret" forum was that it was a great idea, especially if it included the Chinese girls. However, most of the girls have expressed a reluctance to do this and, once I thought about it, I would hate to lose threads like the one where Jenny announced her pregnancy. I got some great info about the cocoa butter that I was able to pass on to ShuPing, now she's looking to get some. I never would've thought about that on my own.


    I would encourage you to create more threads like this one. I checked it out to start with, but then I got disinterested and left it alone.


    Maybe that's the secret, if you'd like to create a topic for woman only all you have to do is start off with shopping or home decor (OK, I know that's really chauvanistic, but it would keep the guys away). We'd still be able to look in if we wanted to, but most men wouldn't bother.


    I'd also like to invite all the girls to the RR2, Amber has made quite an impact (thanks Amber).

  10. Bruce, you have done an OUTSTANDING! job.


    I have to agree with everyone else's sentiments about what has been done by CFL.


    This is a community that has truly made a difference in many, many lives. Sure most of it is in advice given, but other areas include friendships and support for our members and their SOs. Now we have the opportunity to make a real difference in a life that could have been devestated.


    Sadly, I must confirm everyone's suspicions about whether or not jimb was the same Jim Baird of New Hampshire who stands accused of this heinous crime, I came across an old e-mail today. jimb sent it to me right after I returned from China last August. What follows is the e-mail I recieved.




    jimb has sent you this email from http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php.



     I read your post about wanting to start an internet dating service.  My name

    is Jim Baird.  I'm from Danville, NH.   My wife's name is (omitted),  she is

    from Nanning.  She and her daughter arrived here in March and we married in

    June.   (Omitted) (Jenny) taught english at the Foreign Language Institute.  She

    did have a business of translating and helping some of her students and friends

    find US boyfriends and mariage partners, whilde she was in Nanning.   I think

    she did a lot of work and not much income.   With her brothers help, they

    designed a website (something like AFF).  I had promised to help her get this

    translated and published on the internet in the US,  but there are so many

    things going on here now,  I just haven't finished yet.  I do have a few domain

    names registered.    She has a lot of girls bios and photo's,  It just seems

    like a tremendous undertaking to put together a large website like this.   I do

    have internet marketing experience,  but not much websi!

    te design experience.    Jenny has a lot of desire to help her friends and

    former students in China.   If you think there is anything we can get together

    on, send me an emailsincerely jimbjimbnh@prodigy.net  


    I have to tell you that we only exchanged a couple of e-mails, all were in regard to my (and apparently Jenny's) ambitions to start an internet dating service for Chinese women. I feel sick and deeply saddened to know that this man shattered the dreams of this woman and her daughter. That I was given a little insight into those dreams makes it a little more personal for me.


    I feel even more determined to bring some integrity to the internet matchmaking business. If I ever get my internet business off the ground, it will be my mission to ensure that, to the best of my ability, background checks and concrete information is available for both sides. This kind of thing should never have happened since the guy was a registered sex offender.


    I only hope and pray that the daughter will be able to overcome this and with the love and positive thoughts of all of us, she can have a wonderful and happy life.


    I omitted Jenny's Chinese name out of respect for her situation.

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