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Posts posted by MarkLuvsShuPing

  1. Hey Carl,


    I think the first records bought for me were The Archies - Sugar, Sugar and The Jackson 5 Greatest Hits. I probably had my mom buy them for me. The first album I ever bought on my own was actually an 8 track of Eric Clapton's Slowhand.


    1st concert was Waylon & Willie, Jessie Colter and Tompall Glaser, the Outlaw tour in Albequerque.


    2nd concert was "The Great Southeastern Stoned Out Wrestling Champions" (actually the name on the ticket) there was nothing on the ticket about The Rolling Stones, but that's who it was for the "Some Girls" tour at Lakeland Civic Center in Florida.


    We got to the concert about 5 mins before the warm-up band came on, we walked up to the front of the stage, about 20 ft away. During the intermission between bands, my buddy nudged me and nodded at a couple who were going at it. She had a long black skirt on and it was draped around them. Everyone just backed away and let them go.


    When the lights dimmed, all you could see on the stage were the small red lights on the amps and then the red cherries of the cigarettes that floated through the air as the Keith and Ron walked on. The lights came up and I think the first song was "When The Whip Comes Down".


    Still, of all the concerts I've ever seen, it remains the best.

  2. I talked to ShuPing last night and she likes the idea. Now we just have to find a place and determine a time. I'll keep everyone posted.


    I'd really like to do a national candle get together (Papa Carl's Great Big Candle For Love Fest?). Heck, I'd even talk fishin' instead of politics for those less inclined.


    Hey LMark, I'll be passing your way in a couple of days, though I don't plan to stay in ShenZhen or GZ for long. Let me know if you'll be in GZ on the 10th, maybe we can have lunch or something. Just not sure they make tents that big in China.

  3. Hmmm I got an email once called then and now.  I don't remember much of it except one that said 1972 cocaine , 2002 rogaine. Im tooo old to slide in mud anymore lol.

    Hmmm, well, maybe we could just sit there in the mud, you know, have one of the whipper-snappers or our MMs smear mud on us, give the illusion that we did slide. Hell, I'm young enough that I can still wallow, even if I don't slide.



  4. Hey Kim,


    I'm pretty satisfied to be an individual out here in Colorado, with my own unique opinions and philosophies. While it's nice to occaisionally run acoss those who relate with my beliefs and ideology, I don't seem to need the same kind of confirmation as you and the boys in Oregon do. I feel confident enough to open up and come together with those who differ in opinion, so if I'm ever in Oregon, I'll take you up on your offer, just as I'd expect to hear from you if you ever come out this way, if you feel you can brave it alone.


    However, being that you're a Democrat and are used to someone telling you what to do, I'll overlook your attempt at, umm, humor and political discussion here in the General forum, let's save that for the RR. I'd really like to pull this shin-dig together in Nanning and I don't want this thread to get squashed.

  5. I posted this in the "Nanning wive's and fiances" thread started by MikeXiao, but didn't want to take over that thread. I was thinking this would be a great way to make friends, since so many of our SOs are in Nanning.


    I'll be in Nanning from Aug 10 to Aug 29, visiting my lovely and talented ShuPing.


    If anyone else plans to be there at the same time, I think it would be great to get together and also, if anyone's wife is there alone, have her join us. Kinda like the Oregon and Virginia get togethers some folks have had here in the US.


    We can get a lot of information about the process to them and also help them make some friends that they'll eventually know in the states.


    If there's any interest, we can set a date and I'll talk to ShuPing about where we can do it. Should be fun.

  6. I'll be in Nanning from Aug 10 to Aug 29, visiting my lovely and talented ShuPing.


    If anyone else plans to be there at the same time, I think it would be great to get together and also, if anyone's wife is there alone, have her join us. Kinda like the Oregon and Virginia get togethers some folks have had here in the US.


    We can get a lot of information about the process to them and also help them make some friends that they'll eventually know in the states.


    I don't want to take over Mike's topic, so I'll create a thread just for this.

  7. "The water come out my body" = I'm sweating

    "The water come out my nose" = I have a runny nosy

    "Water" seems to mean any type of bodily fluids, and that's all I got to say about that.


    "Voice" = any sound.


    "You hear the voice? It is the sky." = Do you hear the thunder?

    "You hear the voice? It is child." = Do you hear the children playing outside?


    "I want to buy somethings" = I want to buy more than one thing.


    "My boss is very badly." = My boss sucks.


    "You are feeling well?" = (This one's for you Dave). Are you horny?

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