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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Jingwen's dialect produces: jigga = this nagga = that
  2. The I-129F (for a K-3 visa in your case) is not required. The idea behind going after the K-3 was to allow your spouse to come to the US while the CR-1 (I-130) was being processed. It is not required, and some people just go with the CR-1. Others go after both, essentially playing the lottery as to which will get processed first. Others going through the CR-1/K-3 can probably tell you if it's worth your while to now apply for the K-3 since you're already 2+ months into the CR-1 process.
  3. I used Eric&Yuhui's post as a guideline: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....dc8b5e4192c61f4 Just remember, though, that the fees and filing location have likely changed.
  4. Jingwen and the kids also used large suitcases which contained mostly clothes (old and new), shoes, cosmetics, CD's, VCD's, linens, herbs, tea, and a few electronic things that I had previously bought such as the camcorder. I was fully prepared to pay excess baggage charges, but the biggest suitcase came in a few ounces under the limit (I'm too old to remember what the limit was). In all, I think we had about 6 suitcases plus carry ons for the four of us. Checking in at the airport in Guangzhou was not a problem but you might be pressured to use the suitcase tape wrap services (optional) for an additional fee. We entered the US at SFO, and clearing customs was routine. We filled out the declarations form. I can't remember the details but I recall that we listed most of the stuff. No bags were checked by customs. I had thought about using a limo (actually cheaper than parking the car at the airport for three weeks) but opted to drive. Fortunately, I drive a wagon, so transporting the luggage home was not a problem.
  5. Atlanta's sort in the Northeast (part of Georgia). Does that count?
  6. What a pisser. Maybe another e-mail or letter to the chief of the IV Unit might help.
  7. As suggested, try a west coast gateway. Getting to LAX or SFO from Boston should be relatively easy. I've done this from Atlanta, using Airtran to get to LAX and connecting to an overseas flight from there.
  8. so, why would anyone elect if can file a joint return anyway? Such an election (to file joint) may be disadvantageous if the spouse is properly classified as a non resident alien for tax purposes and has significant income from non US sources. As a non resident alien, the spouse would normally be taxed only on US sourced income. If you make the election to treat the alien spouse as a US resident, you will be able to file a joint return, but you will normally be taxed on the worldwide income of the non resident alien. It's a number games as to which is better.
  9. It's actually good that you have come to this realization early on. For many people the rose colored glasses aren't removed until the SO arrives in the US and the routine of living begins. This can make the adjustment more stressful. As you say, life is not a fairy tale, but knowing what life might throw your way, makes "happily ever after" more than a pipe dream.
  10. I went the ATM route. I set up an account with BOA here in the states. I sent Jingwen an ATM card (with VISA logo). When she needed money she would go to the BOC ATM and withdraw what was needed. Pluses include low cost - maybe $1.50 per transaction; convenience - the money was always available; control - you can monitor the activity online. Minuses include unreliability ot BOC's ATMs - they work maybe 90% of the time; card going bad - since the account and card were in my name, BOC wouldn't give Jingwen the time of day if the card went bad - have to be prepared to send another; a little ATM knowledge - you have to know that you're withdrawing from a checking account rather than a credit card or savings account - it took a little practice for Jingwen to remember this; exchange rate - not the best, but not bad.
  11. So, what's the problem? Having experienced all these things with my step son, I consulted my cousin who, in a former life, was a driving instructor. He said the wandering from lane to lane is a common problem that comes from not looking far enough down the road when driving. New drivers tend to look only a few feet ahead, and this causes the meandering. See if you can get her to look further out. You heart will thank you, and so will the Volvo. If she can't succeed, I'm sure your insurance company will thank you.
  12. Can you say euphemism? I think most of us know what's going on. BS by any other name still stinks.
  13. Me thinks it's time to start spending more time in the LL and increase your blue thingies and posts. Rumor has it that 500 posts get you your P3, 600 gets you your P4, and 1,000 gets you a visa. Like the Tom Petty song says: "Waiting is the hardest part."
  14. Personally, I see some linkage. If the legal process of obtaining a visa were streamlined and efficient, there might be less incentive to circumvent it. I think it is a legitmate policy inquiry as to why the process is slower or slowest with respect to China. The administration may have its reasons for such a policy, but a critical analysis might still be warranted and might even cover an analsis as to why special visa categories currently exist for citizens of some countries (Cuba and Haiti immediately come to mind) and not from other countries such as China. However, I don't know if J has to limit her article to family based visas or whether it's broader than that.
  15. I was thinking more of the standard petition/application receipt number: http://uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/scn...ional/index.htm "...Your Receipt: After filing your application and paying your fees, you will receive a receipt number. These receipt numbers are very important. Please use these numbers whenever you write to us about your case, and whenever you contact us to find out about the status of your case. The numbering system used on receipts has significance. For most applications filed at a Service Center, your receipt may look like this: LIN 99 001 50001. In this example, the LIN represents the Nebraska Service Center, where the application was initially received into the electronic system. Cases that are filed at or received by another Service Center but processed at the NSC will generally carry the designation of the originating Service Center: LIN = Lincoln, Nebraska or NSC EAC = St. Albans, Vermont or VSC SRC= Dallas, Texas or TSC WAC= Laguna Niguel, California or CSC In the example above: The 99 represents the fiscal year (October 1, through September 30) in which the case was received. The 001 represents the computer workday in the fiscal year on which the fee was taken. The 50001 represents the particular case number. "
  16. Wonderful news. Your fiancee handled it very well. Congratulations and best wished.
  17. I'd go so far as to say that 99% of our SO's translated documents are in that same format.
  18. Pardon my French, but this is pure T bullshit. I can't believe the interviewer would be so stupid as to claim this as a basis for an erroneous translation. I'm sure you tried everything, but sometimes, logic, reasoning, common sense, and even the law will not convince an idiot. As to conforming the documents to this idiot's notion of a proper translation, there are numerous services out there that will do it. I believe anyone who is competent can translate the document and certify that the translation is in conformity with the original. I just wonder if someone would be able to certify the translation as in "comformity" if the names are reversed. Do you have a return date?
  19. This is what I did. Since our return to the US was about 10 days after the interview, I was comfortable that we would make the flight. Also, I wanted absolute certainty that we could sit together on the flight to the US. Yep, it cost more, but I wasn't worried about that.
  20. Why does it take so long? I'm going to guess it's a combination of bureaucratic inefficiencies and limited resources to handle the workload. I'd be more inclined to rely on our CFL statisiticians for a better guesstimate of the interview: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....582c119d6b5fc3d
  21. At the time we filed for AOS, we sent the forms to the local office, but we still ended up with an MSC number. Here's a link that explains why: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....7e3f15443369bd6
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