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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. To quote Sarah Vaughn: "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets". If GZ wants an I-134, you'd be very foolish to try to convince them that they don't need it. You may be right technically, but I wouldn't try it.
  2. Unless she gets her green card or at least the I-551 stamp in her passport before you go on vacation, she'll need advance parole. Many people have been able to get advance parole for non emergency travel. Jingwen used advance parole to return to China after her father died, and it took about 3 months to get it. Re-entry at the airport was a little less rountine - she had to go to a special room while they verified everything.
  3. I like the idea. What I can't understand is why we (K-1/K-3/CR-1/IR-1) always seem to have problems with SSA. If I had to guess, I'd say that SSA is wrong more times than it's right when it comes to getting an SSN.
  4. Take a look at this: http://www.immigrationportal.com/attachmen...tachmentid=8181 as supplemented by http://www.immigrationportal.com/attachmen...achmentid=10678 It's a pretty good write-up on the process and provides some contact numbers. Good luck.
  5. Dan, I'd like to learn more about this. I was always told that until such time as an SSN is actually needed to receive a benefit, SSA won't issue one. In other words, SSA would give you an SSN because at some future point in time you might be receiving benefits. You are not the first person to suggest this, so there's probably some truth to it, but I'd like to understand it better.
  6. Priority dates are virtually meaningless in the context of a K-3: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....67af2b3d192ef34 http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....67af2b3d192ef34 http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....67af2b3d192ef34
  7. Same here. If you use the same rules for the I-134 as apply to the I-864, you are supposed to provide copies of all attachments, including W-2's.
  8. I have read about K3/K4 RFE's from the service center on the I-129F that hit: Missing copy of the NOA1 from the I-130. Missing or incorrect passport style photo for the USC and/or spouse. Unsigned G-325A for the foreign spouse. Uncertified copies of certain governmental documents like birth certificate, divorce decree, etc. Missing copies of governmental documents that establish citizenship for the USC (birth certificate, passport, etc.). I have heard of instances when an RFE was sent because the USC did not copy his entire passport (using this rather than the birth certificate to establish citizenship). I have also heard of an RFE being issued for failure to include a certified/translated copy of the marriage certificate.
  9. A couple of weeks to a couple of years. Sorry, it's very difficult to estimate - too many variables. If I were a betting man, I'd say start calling them in 4 - 6 weeks. Unless things have changed, you probably won't know when they're done unless you ask them or you get your P3.
  10. Good news indeed. Maybe you can give us all a report from the new facility. Good luck.
  11. My step son's AOS is still pending. We filed in Atlanta back in April, 2004. I know you're frustrated with the slowness, but it's good to hear from you nonetheless.
  12. I would get a new, original I-134 for the interview. In all honesty, I don't recall having to file one with my I-129F - maybe things have changed.
  13. I think the K-1 visa status should have been enough - marriage or no marriage. It's amazing to me that SSA can screw things up so often. You're right in seeking out another office to try again. Good luck.
  14. I was told this exactly by an attorney. My SO is suspicious just the same. How much did the attorney charge? I'll send you a bill.
  15. Don't worry about the things you can control because you can control them. Don't wory about the things you can't control because you can't control them. In other words, don't worry about anything. The only thing you can do at this point is to give your wife a call or e-mail and tell her how great she is, how well she'll do, and that you love her no matter what. Give her confidence, and she'll be just fine.
  16. I must say it's nice to have the oldies checking in like this. Thanks for the updates.
  17. Can't add much to David's post. You can do a search in the Polls section about age differences. I haven't looked at them recently, but I'll bet many will show an age difference of 15-20 years.
  18. Sounds like the weather couldn't dampen your spirits. Congratulations.
  19. Welcome to CFL. A Washingtonian? Sounds like an opportunity for an inside info member. Good luck with the rest of the process.
  20. Bingo!!! Most excellent. Congratulations and best wishes.
  21. Curious-er and curious-er. I don't know what to make of it. Let's try out some scenarios: 1. The lady inputting your biometic data accidentally keyed in the wrong information and the system cancelled your appointment. 2. The biometics flagged something (unlikely) that put the matter on hold. 3. Everything is copacetic. Your wife doesn't need an interview anymore, and she'll get the "Welcome to America" letter shortly. Your step daughter is unaffected. I know of one case where the wife got her green card without an interview, but one of her children is still in the interview queue. 4. Someone updating the database keyed in the wrong MSC number. So far, your chances are 3 out of 4 that something got screwed up. I can't wait to hear what USCIS has to say about this.
  22. Hmmm. Tough question. I'm assuming it was the K-3 that got hung up in the black hole rather than the I-130. If so, was her son listed in your I-129F? I'll assume for the moment that he was, but you wife did not get a P4 for other than her and her daughter. I'll also assume that her son was under 18 when you got married, so that he'd qualify as an immediate relative as your step child. If I were in your shoes, I'd go ahead and get the K-3 visa but as soon as your wife has it, I would request an interview for the K-4 for the son. If GZ balks at this, as suggested in David's post, I would consider filing a separate I-130 for him. This is a pure gut reaction on my part. Also, do you think there's any connection between the custody issue and the snafu with the visa?
  23. The party line is that she must leave if she doesn't get married within 90 days. Like Carl says, otherwise, she'll be in an overstay status - not necessarily the end of the world, but she'd be illegal with all the problems associated with being in the country without proper documentation. Check dcwfn's post in "Our Stories" regarding his wife's problems for just one example of what can happen. I sure you're exploring all avenues to resolving your relationship issues. Good luck.
  24. The light at the end of the tunnel just got a little brighter. Good luck.
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