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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Well Steve, if they don't get you coming, they get you going. After AOS was filed for Jingwen and the kids, we got the notice to call for the biometrics appointment. Absolutely no problem and we got in within a few weeks. All the good that did since the wait for the AOS interview at that time was 2+ years in Atlanta. My step son is still waiting to go to his interview - currently scheduled for September.
  2. It's really hard to say what bothers me the most. You've mentioned several things that point out the differences between China and America. But, I will say the one non cultural thing that left a lasting impression on me from my very first trip to China was the litter. I could not believe that amount of trash. People would walk down the streets and just toss their wrappers or whatever else they didn't want. It really bothered me to see this particularly in view of my preconceived impression of China as a clean country. It's a real shame.
  3. Dan, I'm starting to lose my appetite. I also heard that saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small quantities.
  4. At least she's eating good ol' beef and a fine cut at that. Jingwen is not a steak eater, but she still washes her meats and uses the water soaking method to thaw. Surprisingly, while she washes the food, she'll leave the leftovers out overnight, her theory being once it's cooked, it's cooked - kinda like the nursery rhyme: "peas porridge in the pot, nine days old."
  5. Chalk up another success. Glad the cancellation thing didn't screw things up. One down, one to go. Incidentally, what did your wife do to the Capitol Police?
  6. You might want to consider applying for a K-3 visa once you have the I-130 NOA. Otherwise, yes, you can wait. Here's a quick link to help you pass the time: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?pg=guides
  7. The first thing you might do is to start tracking the files from NVC to GZ. I think there's a link in the Resources section on how to do this. If history is any indicator, figure about a month to get from NVC to GZ and another few weeks for GZ to enter the data into the system. My suggestion is to track the shipment until it shows as being delivered and then call DOS once a week and e-mail GZ once a week or so until someone acknowledges that the files are in the system. You can also check other people's timelines to get an idea of how long it takes for the P3 to be sent once the data is entered into the system. As far a prepping for the P3, it might be good to take a look at the P3 forms (also in the Resources section I think) and begin gathering some of the information. I would suggest holding off on the police certificates and other documents that have a one year shelf life until you get a little closer to the finish line. Good luck.
  8. Here's a good place to start: http://www.floridabar.org/tfb/TFBConsum.ns...F0?OpenDocument http://www.floridabar.org/tfb/TFBConsum.ns...11?OpenDocument You can also go the the home page and search out other documents. I presume your step child is a minor. You probably need to consult with an attorney to determine whether and to what extent the father's consent will be required and to what extent the child's consent will be required.
  9. Good news. Looks like things are moving in the right direction for you guys. Please keep us updated on your progress and Rick's as well.
  10. Jingwen made a special request to buy a small packet of crushed pearls - crushed almost to the point of powder. She wanted KK, who is due next month, to start taking it. Of course, none was to be found in Atlanta, so mama just sent us some, along with some other strange goodies - not cheap I might add. Anyone, especially are resident herbologist, Dan, ever hear of crushed pearls used in this manner?
  11. Don't confuse the visa's expiration date with the length of stay. Think of the expiration date as the "use before" date you see on food products. Use the visa to gain extry before the expiration date or toss it. The permitted length of stay is usually determined at the POE by the IO and is generally shown on the I-94. For Jingwen's K-1, I think the expiration date was 6 months from the date of issue. This meant she had to use the visa within 6 months to gain entry into the US. Her authorized length of stay as shown on her I-94 was 90 days, starting from the date she entered the States.
  12. Did you guys complete a DS-3032? If so, were you designated as agent? If you were so designated, the P3 might be going to you.
  13. Forget which is faster. Go with the one that makes sense for you.
  14. 135780[/snapback] Just to finish this thought: 9 FAM 40.11 N4.3-2 ¡°Class B¡± Finding (TL:VISA-189; 04-22-1999) "A ¡°Class B¡± finding informs the consular officer that a serious medical condition exists which constitutes a departure from normal health or well-being. The consular officer must consider such finding when assessing the alien¡¯s eligibility for visa issuance, i.e., the likelihood of the alien becoming a public charge." In light of this, the USC's ability to provide additional documentation as to his/her ability to provide financial support over and above the norm may take on greater significance. If the USC were to provide a letter from his/her health plan to the effect that pre-existing conditions are not a bar to participation, I think this would be very helpful. Absent that, sufficient assets/income or other resources may be necessary.
  15. Sounds possibly like a married vs maiden name thing. I still have trouble translating govspeak.
  16. I ran across this on filing DCF - don't know if it is applied universally: 9 FAM 201.1 Location of Petitioner and Beneficiary (TL:VISA-152; 09-09-1996) a. As a general rule, the petitioner must reside in the consular district but the residence or even physical presence of the beneficiary is immaterial. The petitioner must execute the petition in person before the consular officer.
  17. For Jingwen, she would consider Virginia a short drive from Atlanta if it meant a chance to play with a veteran.
  18. Same here with pre-existing conditions - not a problem (Aetna - Employer Group Plan)
  19. I think Jesse is right. Let me welcome you to CFL. You will find that this community is more of a family than anything else, so please lean on us during this difficult time for you and Amy.
  20. Robert, I don't know what the marriage laws are like in Vietnam, but you might want to make sure that what's coming down the pike (marriage license in your words) is the official recognition of a marriage or simply a document that states that the parties have met all the requirement to be married - Big difference.
  21. I took a quick read of Part II - Pervasive and Serious Problems. Remembering that this is a USCIS and not a DOS report, the ombudsman identified many of the same problems that we have encountered in real life. The real question is whether any significant improvements will come of it. One thing I found interesting was the section dealing with how people abuse the system by filing for a green card solely to get an EAD which then allows them to go after drivers licenses and social security cards.
  22. In case you haven't seen it, here's a link to the U.S. Embassy website that gives some general information on marriage in China. Assuming you meet the residency requirements, etc., DCF may be faster in that it allows you to bypass many of the filings with USCIS in the states. http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/us-citizen/mrginfo.html
  23. How much time you got? Jingwen is an avid player, and I learned from her. However, there are various sets of rules, and she does not play by the Hong Kong set. Her rules are actually a little easier. Incidentally, there are free game downloads available on the net with rules and all. Here's one link: http://games2download.com/free-mahjong-gam...ong-mahjong.htm
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