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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Try to show a little emotion, will 'ya. Congratulations and good luck.
  2. Congratulations. Now get her here before GZ changes its mind. Best wishes.
  3. First, congratulations and best wishes to you and Min. This link is one of the best checklists that I've seen: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3980 Just remember that fees have changed, and I think where you send the AOS forms may have changed as well. As far as shots go, I had the same issue when my step son started school. We took his shot record (part of his shots were received in China, part after he arrived) to county health with the school form. The assistant checked the record against the form and said he needed a few more shots. None was duplicated. Also, while it sometimes varies, a K-1 and K-2 don't usually need a full medical exam for AOS - just the I-693 vaccination supplement filled out by your civil surgeon of choice. Shop around until you find someone who knows that a full medical exam is not needed. Lastly, as to your question about what to do after you file, remember what you did after you filed the I-129F? Does "wait" ring a bell? Hopefully, the wait won't be as long this time. Glad you guys are finally together.
  4. Rich, your problem has been bothering the hell out of me. It just didn't make sense that your step daughter could age out. I went back and looked at the DOS cable on the CSPA ( http://www.elirich.com/feb5c.htm ), and it seems there may be an out. Pay special attention to the section titled "CSPA Section 3 Cases". If you can determine that your step daughter's status is a derivative status (derivative to her mom's), the CSPA sounds like it might lock her age even though she would not meet the definition of a step child since she was over 18 when you got married. At the bottom of the cable is a worksheet that goes through the mechanics of calculating her "immigration age" and requires that you know her date of birth, the date of petition approval, the date the petition became current, and the date a visa became available (priority date?). If I am reading this correctly, it sounds like you step daughter may be okay, BUT PLEASE CHECK WITH A GOOD IMMIGRATION LAWYER WHO KNOWS ABOUT HOW THE CSPA WOULD APPLY. Good luck.
  5. Welcome back. With all those pictures, I'd say your SO is a shoe in for her visa. I remember my first return from China - after my body got time adjusted, I went out and had the biggest, juciest burger that money could buy.
  6. Wonderful news Jason. Should be a cakewalk.
  7. Mighty fine Steve. You're rounding third and headed for home. Good luck.
  8. A while back, Darrell posted a link to an spell checker that adds an icon to IE's toolbar. Some may find it useful: http://www.iespell.com/download.php I will add though that a lack of correct spelling does not mean a lack of comprehension.
  9. Onesuite is good, but I didn't provide any phone records. E-mail and Yahoo chat transcripts constituted the bulk of Jingwen's correspondence proof.
  10. People don't post pin yin in the Chinese forum. They post simplied Chinese. Pinyin is the romanization of the Chinese "write sound." Romanization approximates Mandarin pronunciation with Western spellings and includes a tone mark to signify at what pitch to say a word. This provides a phonetic alphabet for Chinese, which otherwise would not have one. 142451[/snapback] Correct, but many input methods used with Windows require one to enter the pinyin in order to call up the hanzi, so if you don't know the pinyin, it's sometimes difficult to write Chinese. I think this is what Trigg was referring to. On the ESL question, I like the idea a lot, but I would want to make sure that we Americans don't get too heavy handed in critiquing the posts.
  11. Oh Gheeeeez, my image may indeed get tanrished very soon!!!!! 142424[/snapback] Don't worry. Your beloved wife just described 20% of the US male population, 50% of the European male population, and 90% of the Chinese male population. We're in good company. 142431[/snapback] are you sayin that 20% of the male population of the Us si afraid of Jingwen?? huh frunk, is that what you just said??? 142434[/snapback] Actually, I'd be willing to bet that 99.999% of the male population would be afraid of her if they knew her. I, of course, represent the remaining .001%. And, if you believe this, I'd like to talk to you about a bridge.
  12. So, Trigg, who's that woman living with you now? Honest mistake.
  13. Oh Gheeeeez, my image may indeed get tanrished very soon!!!!! 142424[/snapback] Don't worry. Your beloved wife just described 20% of the US male population, 50% of the European male population, and 90% of the Chinese male population. We're in good company.
  14. Come on down. W're going to my mom's on Sunday to eat a truly perfect Italian meal, and like in China, a full house is a happy house.
  15. Well, well, well. It looks like you've spent enough time on CFL to get GZ's attention. Congratulations and best of luck.
  16. Fang Ling, it is good to see you on CFL, but please don't tell Jingwen about this. Otherwise, I'll have to explain why CFL is an important part of my job - at least that's the excuse I've been using so I can visit the site. Welcome aboard.
  17. Trigg, you, Fang Ling, and Wang Fang are always welcome. The same goes for all the CFL family.
  18. As others have said, you've got a month or so before your SO will receive the P3. Other than tracking the shipments and eating Cheetos, the only other thing you might do is to download the P3 documents and review them in preparation of receiving the actual packet. This will give you a chance to turn around the packet quickly and get into the P4 queue a day or two sooner.
  19. Congratulations on the interview date and best of luck to you. This is the first time I noticed that the interview times now seem to be staggered rather than all of them showing 8:00 a.m.
  20. My wife and kids seem to think that anybody is any position of authority must be listened to. I suspect this is more a cultural thing for the Chinese than for an American. When the doctor says something to my step daughter KK who is pregnant, KK accepts it as gospel. It might be something as trivial as "you need another ultrasound this week." To KK, that means "something is wrong, so we need to find out what it is." I have asked the doctor to always tell KK that everything is fine. Maybe you could ask your wife's doc to tell your daughter the same thing. Not that you are not in a position of authority, but the doc's words may carry a bit more weight. If that fails, ask the doc for a placebo to give her to ease her mind.
  21. Here' my read on the requirements. First, you must file an I-864 since you were the one who petitioned for the visa. In doing this, you have to know the "household size" to determine the 125% requirement and here is where it gets confusing. There is a difference of opinion on whether parents with whom you live are included as household members. See http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=11616&hl=864a for some discussion of this issue. Also, here's another link dealing with the I-864 and I-864A: http://uscis.gov/graphics/publicaffairs/fa...eets/affaqa.htm If you can reach a conclusion on whether your parents are household members, there rest goes fairly smoothly. If they are household members, they would file the I-864A to help meet the income/asset requirements. If they are not household members, they would file an I-864 as a joint sponsor. On your 90 day question, there is no specific requirement that you file AOS within 90 days. Technically, if you don't file within 90 days, your wife is out of status until the I-485 is filed. I have never heard of a problem when someone files after the 90 days, but I would encourage you to file it as soon as possible.
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