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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. As others have said, the 90 day deadline is not a drop dead date. While, technically, your wife will be out of status until she files for AOS, I've never heard of any adverse consequences as a result of filing AOS after 90 days. I would be inclined to wait until the tax returns are filed before filing the AOS
  2. Frank = fa lan ka (phonetic, not pinyan)
  3. I'm moving this to the general discussion forum to give it a bit more exposure. Congratulations and best wishes.
  4. I'm sure 001 serves a purpose, just not mine.
  5. The form is indeed ambiguous and says you may submit the supplement: "...If you are a K-1 fianc¨¦(e) or K-2 dependent who had a medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fianc¨¦(e) visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement, not the entire medical report. You may include the vaccination supplement with your adjustment of status application..." I went ahead and included the supplement, sealed in an envelope by the civil surgeon, with the I-485.
  6. Mick, LMAO. I've been know to call my mother in law a horse, but not on purpose. The one word that I can't seem to pronounce correctly is tea or cha2. My tongue just doesn't seem to want to go where it needs to to get the pronunciation right. Such a simple word, and all I get is blank stares.
  7. Sorry to have to welcome you under these circumstances. Mike's case is certainly one that got sidetracked. I think Alex's case was another one. If I recall, both involved unfounded allegations from some third party. I think Mike's files stayed in GZ, but Alex's were returned stateside. Do you know where dad's files are now? It is difficult to get straight answers from the consulate, but if you do a search, you may find some additional contacts for your dad. There is also a member on this board (king) who practices immigration law in GZ. You can find his contact information here: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9030 . Maybe he can help get to the bottom of this. Tell your dad to come join us. If nothing else, I'll bet we can make him laugh at little.
  8. Congratulations to you for 1) passing the AOS and 2) not reaching across the desk and choking the IO. This reminds me of a post I made in response to someone asking what types of questions might be asked. Maybe it'll add to the glow that you should be feeling from passing. VO: How long have you been waiting to get the visa? More than one year. VO: Good answer. If you had answered less than one year, I would have denied the visa. VO: Is your spouse/fiance(e) a terrorist? No, be he/she is a terror when she/he gets really mad. VO: Are you in love? Yes. VO: What's love got to do with it? VO: Are you a member of the communist party? Answer 1: No, but I voted for George McGovern and Al Gore. VO: Close enough. Answer 2: No. I didn't even know communists partied. Can I get invited to the party? VO: Not if I grant the visa. Your choice. Well?? Wait a minute, I'm thinking. VO: Do you speak English? No, I speak American. VO: Does your fiance(e)/spouse speak Chinese? Yes, but he/she uses a dialect that you couldn't even begin to understand. Think of it as Mao meets Madonna. VO: Do you plan on working when you get to the US? You've got to be kidding. I been out of work for more than a year waiting for this visa. You think I wanna go back now? VO: Do you and your fiance(e)/spouse have sexual relations? I really haven't asked them. but I guess they could be sexual if they had to. VO: What will be the first thing you intend to do when you get to the US? Face the consulate and do what robhon did to the restaurant owner [old timers might remember the post]. VO: And what was that? Oh, you know, used American Sign Language to illustrate a bird. VO: Speaking of birds, which bird is America's symbol? The construction crane VO: Good answer.
  9. Wrong-o: http://foia.state.gov/masterdocs/09fam/0941081N.pdf 9 FAM 41.81 N12 CHILD OF ALIEN K-1 FIANCÉ(E) (CT:VISA-756; 07-27-2005) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department have agreed that the child of a K-1 principal alien may be accorded K-2 status if following to join the principal alien in the United States even after the principal alien has married the U.S. citizen fiancé(e), and acquired lawful permanent resident (LPR) status. However, the cutoff date for issuance of a K-2 visa is one year from the date of the issuance of the K-1 visa to the principal alien. After one year, and provided that the alien qualifies, the filing of an immediate relative or second preference petition would be required. Send the lawyer a bill for your pain, suffering, and emotional distress.
  10. How long till she 'follows to join' ?? You'll want to be careful about any 'age out' issues... Frank is probably our expert on these issues... 149689[/snapback] "Follow to join" K-2 derivative status is good for one year, meaning the child can get a derivative K-2 up to one year after the K-1 is issued. However, if the timing is right and since the K-1/2 visas are good for six months from issuance, it might be easier for both mom and daughter to go to the interview and get the visas at the same time. The daughter would then have six months to use it or lose it. A K-2 is good up to age 21, and aging out should not be a problem for the daughter as long as the I-485 is filed before she reaches her 21st birthday. KK, my step daughter arrived on a K-2 at age 20. We filed the AOS before she turned 21, and she got her green card. In all honesty, I can't remember if we submitted copies of the kids' birth certificates with the I-129f. Jim, you've really had your share of weird things to deal with - divorce papers, commitment letters, birth certificates. Maybe all this will settle into the normal routine soon.
  11. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=87039
  12. If you're concerned about another delay in filing, consider what I did. I just used e-mail correspondence between us which indicated our intent to get married. If I recall, the e-mails just talked about our life together in America when she came here and we got married - no formal commitment letters. Remember though, this was done a while back, so I don't know if USCIS is pickier now.
  13. I'm going to make a wild guess and say no. Most US jurisdictions will not issue a new marriage certificate unless the marriage took place in the jurisdiction. There may be exceptions to this, but I would think they're few and far between. There is a process within the Department of State for authentication of Chinese documents. I don't know if you are still in China, but here is one link that might help: http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/cons/auth.html If you are already in the US, you might contact the DOS and ask if it can be done stateside.
  14. I hate to be the one to break the news, but the symptoms don't go away after your SO arrives. In fact the syndrome just continues on unabated. 1. The "to do" list just gets longer as your spouse re-makes the house in her image. 2. You'll still check CFL daily for the latest news on adjusting to life in America. 3. You'll still wake up at 5:00 a.m. asking yourself if you really need to take that business trip and leave your spouse at home in a strange land. 4. You'll still tell the boss to shove it as you try to talk to your spouse who is on the phone with you when he/she walks in. Doesn't he/she know where the priorities lie these days? 5. Your letters and e-mails will start with "ni hao". 6. You won't need your wallet since it won't have any money in it, and the credit cards will be maxed out (see #1). 7. You'll start cursing in Chinese. Actually, this is a good thing since most Americans will just look at you and smile. 8. You'll start driving the speed limits around town since your spouse is not used to going faster than 35 mph. It'll be tough to hold your ground on exceeding expressway speed limits. 9. You'll have to leave work early. "Sorry, boss, my spouse was out walking in the neighborhood and got lost". 10. "Wo ai ni" will continue to be part of your Chinese language vocabulary.
  15. Take a look at http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...ndpost&p=140424 for information on how GZ might determine which application to proceed with.
  16. Smog? You want Smog...? Oh they have that too. Now we're talking.
  17. Apparently, HK treats the K-3 as an immigrant visa and allows you to schedule your own appointment: http://www.usconsulate.org.hk/consular/iv/appointments.htm Sounds like the ball is in her court now, but I thought you already had an appointment. Unfortunately, only non immigrant visa appointments can be scheduled on line: http://www.usconsulate.org.hk/consular/niv/appointment.htm
  18. One piece of advice on e-mailing GZ. I always found that I got a better (not fully canned) response when I used "other" in the subject line, not one of the pre-written subjects. http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html
  19. Nice pics, but I question the authenticity. No smog.
  20. Building on lies is like building a house of cards. If it collapses, everything collapses. Having said that: Dear Dad, I have some wonderful news, but I need your advice on what to do. Do you remember that nice man [umgoblue] who visited us? Well, he has asked his government for permission for me to come to the United States. Guess what. The United States told him it has given me permission, but I would have to come to America very soon. Imagine that. [umgoblue] must be a powerful man to be able to accomplish this. I have already talked to my boss about this, and he thinks this is a fantastic opportunity for me – to be able to go to America where I might earn a lot of money. I owe this all to you dad since you were the one who helped me all these years. So, this is what I would like to do. I would leave now and go to America and see if I like it. If I don’t, I will return home to you. But, if I like America, I would want to stay to see if I could earn a lot of money and help you like you helped me for all those years. [umgoblue] tells me that it would take about three months after I arrive in America for the government to issue travel papers for me, so I can return to China. So, whether I like America or not, I will be home in about three months to see you. I am so excited about this. You have raised a good daughter, and I owe this chance of a lifetime to you. It will be hard being away from you for the next three months, but I know you raised a strong daughter, and I will make you proud of me. Tell mom your plans and get her buy in, but if the old man says "no", everything collapses.
  21. Yes, it's almost over. Good luck to you both.
  22. I am not sure it's possible to change one's K-1 status to another non immigrant status while in the US. This might rule out a switch to a student/work/K-3 while your wife is still in the US. It might be possible to start the K-3 process while she is here, but remember that a K-3 is only available for spouses residing outside the US, and I would be very reluctant to file the I-130/K-3 while your wife is still in the US. It is risky, but it would be possible to leave the US prior to having the AOS completed or before advance parole is obtained - risky in that there might be no way to return to the US legally without having obtained another visa. If you leave the US without advance parole, you would be viewed as an abandoning the AOS, and your only option is getting another visa. Further, if you leave the US after the advance parole is filed but before it is approved, you are deemed to have abandoned the application for AP as well. There may be other options out there that would allow your wife to leave the US before she obtains AP or before her status is adjusted, but I'm not seeing them right now.
  23. Great news Adam. I would be very interested to hear how the interview process differs in Hong Kong. Best of luck.
  24. Let me make a wild guess here. Your P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 was entered into the system. That's great news. You are now in the queue. Good luck. One thing I would suggest is that you confirm with GZ the mailing address (in English and Chinese) for the P4. Since your SO did not actually receive the P3, you certainly want to make sure that they know where to send the P4. You'll need the appointment letter from the P4 which can't be downloaded.
  25. I tend to agree. Jingwen brought maybe a dozen or so actual pictures of us together and with family - no ceremonial wedding pictures though. In addition, I printed out maybe a hundred or so pictures, four or six to a page, which was assembled as part of one of the binders. The VO didn't bother with these, but we had them just in case.
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