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Everything posted by warpedbored

  1. Now that I am at 182 days a NSC and I am expection approval any day now I check the online status at BCIS about every 15 minutes when I'm online. How's that for obcessed?
  2. Now what is a measley 5700 years or so? I think her ancestors were writing philosophy when ours were living in caves and drawing stick figures on the walls
  3. Have your fiance'e book you imto the room. When Bing and I went to Guilin she was able to get the room for half the price I could have. We got a very nice room for about 35 dollars a night.
  4. Welcome Li my fiance'e also lives in Nanning. Don't be shy about your english. All of us here are used to Chinese accent and errors in grammar. Personally I find many of Bings grammar errors very endearing. Carl
  5. Are you sure they weren't really mormon missionaries? the wear suits and travel in pairs. The bicycles would be a dead give away. Carl
  6. hmmm that would certainly solve their ilegal alien workers problem,
  7. well they sound good but dont work in real life, or as the saying goes "Kids, Don't try this at home" I also forgot this: Next time you and better half are laying in bed in the after glow and she rolls over an kisses you softly an says "I love you" look deeply into her eye's and say "SO" then run for your life. When you do that the expression you get is priceless, really! Next is when your MM makes comment about you going out after other women use an old Al Bundy line "But Peg, Why would I go out for milk when I got the cow at home" Hmmmm I think this falls into the "don't try this at home" catagory. Along with "wow! that was even better than your sister"
  8. A little lawyer bashing. I hope that most of our barristers who post here wont take offense but when I read this on British ex pats I just couldn't help myself. Carl A lawyer opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door, ripping it off completely. When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW. "Officer, look what they've done to my Beeeemer!!!", he whined. "You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!!!" retorted the officer, "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice that your left arm was ripped off!!!" "Oh my gaaad....", replied the lawyer, finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm once was, "Where's my Rolex???!!!!!"
  9. I feel like Im in a black hole too. 175 day at NSC and tired of waiting. It is hard knowing that this is only the first stage of this long drawn out process
  10. 10 bloodcurdling lines that scare men most "Does your bathroom always look like this?" Granted, a three-hour burst of frenzied scrubbing is no substitute for diligent, long-term maintenance. Guys are terrified of coming off as slobs, so better to praise the 45 percent that's clean than criticize the 55 percent that's not. "By the way, we're having dinner with Edgar and Diane next week." If a guy's not scared enough that you're already doing "couple" things, scheduling them without consultation (and especially during Monday Night Football) is sure to make him run screaming into the night. "You're not really going to wear that, are you?" Just because we've been dressing ourselves for twenty or thirty years doesn't mean we're not open to suggestions. But most guys, when they hear this question, break out in a cold sweat and picture themselves in a tutu and ballet slippers. "Don't worry, kitty won't bite." No, she won't bite, but she'll scratch, shed and shred furniture. It's a known scientific fact (you can look it up) that, way deep down, 75 percent of guys are terrified of cats. "I don't think I care for your friend Jimmy." So what if Jimmy covered your back during that sixth-grade dodgeball game and you've been bosom buddies ever since? No guy wants a new relationship to crowd out his old friends. More to the point, no guy wants his old friends to accuse him of being "whipped" by his new gal pal. "What are you thinking?" Such a simple question, and yet so fraught. Here's a peek into the average guy's thought processes: Does she want an honest answer? Does she want me to make something up? If I say the wrong thing, will she send me to clean the bathroom? "My mom and dad really want to meet you." No guy expects to be liked by his girlfriend's parents; mild disapproval would be a good outcome, and homicidal loathing is always a distinct possibility. And, of course, today's girlfriend's mom is tomorrow's mother-in-law. "You were snoring, so I slept on the couch." One of the great things about being alone, and then not being alone, is all the wonderful things you learn about your sleeping habits. Go easy on the revelations; if things work out, you and your beau will have plenty of time to accommodate each others' nocturnal quirks. "Great news! My sister/friend/cousin is engaged/married/pregnant." Competition, from a guy's point of view, is a powerful thing. It may or may not be what you intended, but when your boyfriend hears this, he visualizes himself with a big red target painted on his back. (Or some other part of his anatomy.) "Does this dress make my hips look big?" I once knew a guy who ripped his own head off rather than answer this question. Believe me, he's much better off.
  11. Most Internet Cafes to Be Chains in 3 years: Official The majority of local Internet cafes, currently exceeding 110,000 in the country, will be put under the management of large chain store companies within three years, as part of efforts by the Chinese government to rein in the fledgling and troublesome business. Liu Yuzhu, an official with the Ministry of Culture, said this Saturday at the First China International Exposition on Online Culture being held in Beijing. In June 2002, some people set fire in a local Internet cafe, killing 25 and injuring 13, which triggered a crackdown on unlicensed operations. As a result, the number of Internet shops dropped from 200,000 to 110,000. Less than 100 chain store operators will be set up in the future, to help regulate and standardize the sector. Not all of the Internet cafes will be chains, but the government will issue relevant regulations to ensure the healthy operations of these individual shops, according to the official. (Xinhua News Agency October 26, 2003)
  12. What ever the reason I wish they would pick one and stick with it. I have read that when they switch to DST that monday is one of the highest accident rate days of the year. The USA spans 5 time zones if you count Alaska and Hawaii. China only uses one time zone although the country spans six.
  13. Who cares? What about the clause that the toilets had to be spotless BEFORE the game started?
  14. Ok my curiosity has gotten the best of me. What is the little red book?
  15. To paraphrase Mr. Foxworthy, you may be a redneck if your house is on wheels and your car is on blocks. No offense intended. If you and your wife fight over who gets to use the teeth first at dinner you may just be a redneck If your children call you Uncle Daddy you may .....
  16. Hmmmmm must have been the extra thumb. I-129F petition for fiancee visa and G325A biographic data lol
  17. lol my plan exactly. Great minds do think alike.
  18. I love that line "jealous powers of national governments" gonna have to adopt that one.
  19. Take extra copies of the I-125 F and G125-A and have her sign them. That way if there is a mistake you won't have to send them back to her to re-sign. I would try and have it all filled out before you go. That gives you more time to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts and you wont be distracted from having a wonderful time with your sweety. Have her get notarized translations of her birth certificate and any divorce decrees or proof of husbands death etc if applicable. Take lots of pictures preferably with dates on them and make sure you take several pictures of you and her with her family. Save all your hotel receipts, boarding passes, ticket stubs etc. Anything that will prove you have been there. Make out a statement promising to marry her and sign it. Have her do the same. Most of all have a great time!!!!
  20. 3 weeks at BCIS in Vermont? Getting a head start on the application makes a BIG difference. It makes me want to move to New England!!! I hope there is some pressure to do the fast turnarounds throughout the country (as well as in the NVC and Embassies). But, unfortunately, I fear that some of the BCIS offices may be slower than others. My app was collecting dust and growing spider webs in Nebraska as gigibebe's application came and left Vermont. And, now, I fear that mine is collecting more dust and spider webs in Moscow!!! Of course, I can't imagine the frustration of those who have been put on the 18 month schedule (and I keep hoping that mine will be finished in less time than that ). I still get tears in my eyes when I think of Robhon having to say goodbye to his baby in the airport. ----- CK ----- What is the 18 month schedule? This is a new one on me.
  21. Your time line is not longer than normal for NSC They updated thier timelines today and are officially processing March 24 now. I do know of several cases in early April that have been approved though. What disturbs me is the rising number of RFEs there. They used to be rare but the last list LIN numbers I saw for March showed them out numbering approvals almost 2 to 1
  22. My ex wife is Japanese. Before we married in 1980 I called the INS in Boise Idaho where I lived at the time and asked them what we needed to do to get married. They told me we needed a fiancee visa and that it took 6 months to get. Then I asked them what would happpen if she came over on a tourist visa and we got married. They told me she could stay. She came over on a tourist visa, we got married and filed AOS. At the interview the VO pointed out to me that she was in the country ilegally so I told him what I was told on my phone call. He frowned some but approved her anyway. Six months later she had a permanant green card. Now I realize things were much more lax then but if I thought that I could avoid all this grief and bureaucratic nonsense I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  23. Bing loves games. She tried to teach me mah jong while I was in China but I couldn't read the tiles. I love to play Cribbage and Bing wants to learn. Anyone know where I can find instructions to play in Chinese? Carl
  24. The day before yesterday Bing received the perfume I sent her. Package was unopened and although I honestly declared the value at 52 dollars she did not have to pay any duty on it. Perhaps because I put on the customs form that it was a gift? I was stressed over nothing it seems. Carl
  25. I believe there is a clause in the sunday football law that allows you to opt for college football on saturday if you prefer. Also in section 2 I believe it says under no circumstances is a vacuum cleaner to be operated while a football game is in progress.
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