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  1. Hi Jitimbra, I am waiting for Seoul Embassy to receive the packet from GZ sent by Pouch. I was told it would take a month. Do you now know anything about official pouch? How does it work? Does it go through regular mail or special mail system in US consulate? I am just wondering whether I can get any ideas from your pouch delivery. Thank you
  2. Ok, so they do have a storage space to put the received NVC file. Right? I am assuming mine is in there. When I called Visa info center for the first time, I gave an operator my GUZ number and she told me GZ received my file(not imply DHL delivered my packet). But a week later, a different lady said she had no record of my case. I have a GUZ number assigned by NVC and GZ received my electronic file in Sept. Do you think I can ask GZ to go to the storage to find my file to ship out to a different embassy? Is it too much to ask?
  3. Hi, Sorry guys if I ask you the same questions that I asked before. I am just very anxious and desparate regarding GZ to receive my paper file of K1 from NVC because of my unique situation. NVC sent my packet to GZ instead of Seoul. So, I am waiting for transfer of the file from GZ to Seoul. On the DHL records, the shippment was singned by stamp on the 10th or the 13th of Oct. What also makes me think the packet was arrived that I was told they received my packet on the 11th when I called Visa Info Center in China. I called Visa Info Center again last week, and they said they had no record of my case. I called DOS yeterday, and they said GZ noted the info was a mistake and have not received my packet yet. GZ also mentioned in email inquires that they did not have my file yet. Since my file do not have to be placed in the storage room(if there is a such thing) to be processed in GZ, I hope they could just mail them out to Seoul when they receive the file. I feel crushed if my file is in GZ but just waiting to be inputted in the system for a two months and then mailed out to Seoul. Another wait in Seoul begins after that.... Any advise for this situation? BTW, GZ embassy always been helpful and quick in responding email inquiries. I guess they just have two many petitions to handle. You should have more than one consulate to handle Visas due to the size of the country. I heard China is bigger than US in size. Thank you again for reading my long story.
  4. I spoke to Visa Info Center last week and they said they received my paper file and when I spoke to them this week they said the info was inputted into the system by mistake, and they don't have my file yet. DHL showed they received it on Oct/10. Do you think they lost my file?
  5. Hi RLS. Congrats on getting the email notification from NVC. Question: how did NVC obtain your email address? Does USCIS pass that info onto to NVC? I'm just wondering if I have to registered with NVC directly, like I did with USCIS, to get email notifications, or will that not be necessary as USCIS will directly pass my email info onto NVC. Thanks! You can either email nvcinquiry@state.gov (make sure to put your CIS receipt number in subject line) or call 603-334-0700 press 1 then 5 for a live operator.
  6. In my case, it took one day to process the name check from the date of receipt of my case. It varies case by case, but I was told K1 stays in NVC only a couple of days in most cases. Email NVC and you will get a response in 3 days. I think you may get a reponse that they have sent your petition to GZ.
  7. I am just very frustrated in their DHL practice. NVC sent my packet to GZ by mistake on Sept 25. It should have been sent to Korea. BTW, Seoul asked my packet to be transfered to GZ but GZ has not even received it yet. I checked DHL site, and all other shippments reached their final destination within 4 days(including Shanghai, and BeiJing) except for GZ. If my packet went to the correct embassy, I could have gotten my packet 3 by now since Seoul send Packet 3 by email as soon as they receive in mail. I just can not understand why it takes so long for GZ to receive it? Do they have a different custom law from Shanghai or Beijing? Do we need another month or two months delay because of mailing system? What is going on? In the international law, I thought documents don't need to go through the custom, and even if they need to, it should not take this long. Is there anything I can do to help our future immigrants in China? I don't think it is really fair to waist our time and days for non sense reason. Please someone explain to me why? and where I need to bring this attention to? or please convince me why it has to be like this in GZ even though there is no other place has this practice in the entire world.
  8. Mine took exactly 4 weeks for NVC to receive it from CSC and it was a long time compare to others. There is definitely something wrong in the process and I would call NVC everyday to check and email them as well. That's what I did. Keep calling and emailing NVC!
  9. If it is still stuck in Custom, NVC will not send duplicates to the Embassy. I am not even sure whether they have duplicates. I would call NVC to request whether they have sent the petition to GZ and which date. They usually tell you the date they shipped the petition. You can also email them, and they are very good in responding emails in 3 days. Good Luck. NVC phone number: 603-334-0700, hit 1 then 5.
  10. Thank you Stephen. I sent a request by courier to Seoul Embassy and also sent an email to GZ. Now, we will see what happens. BTW, how come it takes so long to sent the packet to GZ. It has been a week and the packet is still in Custom. I checked Shanghai and Beijing Shippments' in DHL site, and they don't need to go through costum there. Is there something I don't know about? It is just very frustrating that there is more delay in shipping process to GZ now.
  11. I need to call GZ Embassy to transfer my k1 petition to Korea Embassy. NVC sent our case to the wrong embassy and now I need to get the petition transfered. I tried to use my credit card to purchase the pin number for last 3 days, but it didn't work. Don't know what to do as I can't speak to the live operator unless I have the pin number and I don't know anyone in China to help me to purchase the calling card. Can anyone advise me whehter there is any way to get the pin or any other way to contact the embassy?
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