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Posts posted by clayton2103

  1. :D YEA!!! :P


    Let me be the first to congragulate....US!!!


    Yes, the results are in. Another CFL'er has acheived the coveted "PINK" and oh what a feeling of relief it is!!!


    In the wrong line, as we were directed by an "employee" in place number 5 when we realized we were in the wrong line at the last minute. Repositioned in the proper line to pull up the rear. Not the start to our day as we had hoped.


    In at 7:45 and out she comes at 10:10 with the "PINK" in hand.

    I joined with two other Americans who were there on a CR1. Both working in Beijing. The first wife arrives with the "PINK", soon to be followed by Wen Li with hers! Waited about one more hour to share the happiness or sadness with the last at our table to be elated when all three of us acheived what we all here are seeking.


    Wishing to enjoy this day with my baby I will make this short.


    Only three questions:


    1. What does your fiance do for a living?

    2. How did you meet?

    3. How many times did your fiance visit?


    Well prepared, as you all know with the "kitchen sink", he only looked at the photos. Did not even look at any of our saved emails, letters, phone records, travel documents, evolution of relationship, timeline or any of the other papers that I spent hours and hours preparing and saving over the last 17 months.


    Took our hospital papers, my I-134 and viewed swiftly my IRS transcripts and W-2s.


    The entire interview was in English. My baby was so proud! Little does she know how much more proud I am of her!


    Off now to buy our airline tickets. Will arrive on Thanksgiving Day.


    Best of luck to you all and of course, Michael and Fang!!! Dinner is on us Friday eve. Mr. Yang knows where to find us.


    Clayton & Wen Li....FOREVER MORE!!!! Let our life together now begin!

  2. Thanks so much Dave!


    Imagine our surprise to come to CFL and see a post directed to both myself and Wen Li.


    You hit the nail on the head. All your wrote was so accurate. I know you've been here, done that!


    As for the results.....See our most recent post!


    Thanks to all the others for your good wishes.


    Clayton & Wen Li

  3. Thanks again to everyone.

    We are hoping to bring home the "PINK"....thinking the "PINK"....wishing, needing, wanting, dreaming, etc., etc., the "PINK."

    Although, what I do know for sure is that I will be back in my baby's arms so very soon. What more could I ask for?


    Best of luck to all that will join me on the 15th and to those who are soon to follow.



  4. As I will be leaving the laptop at home, this will be my last post for several days. We hope to find an internet cafe near the consulate to keep everyone updated as we learn of our interview outcome.

    Departing from home today from Nashville at 4 PM and arriving in Nanning to share one night with SO and family prior to leaving for GUZ on Monday the 12th.

    The "kitchen sink" is in order. Feeling comfortable with all the long, long hours of prep to bring this all together. We will be doing a bit of studying and double checking of all the paperwork in the several days before our interview.

    I was lucky enough to find Candle for Love early on in our relationship and a HUGE thanks to everyone who made this site possible and to all who have helped me with my many questions and concerns. Not needing to mention certain names, but thanks again to the members who stand out with their knowledge of the visa process and all who give us here the confidence to move forward with our dreams.

    You all have been a blessing to myself and my SO.



  5. Although it is not stated in any of the paperwork included in the P4 packet, I have noted that some have or will be taking their copies of the I-129F.


    Is this necessary? If so, has anyone ever been asked for this at the interview?


    I do have mine in exact order as sent and ready to present once again if needed, but it is a load of paperwork that will need to be carried along. I have enough already!



  6. Thanks tsap and all the others here who have wished us all well at our interviews.

    It will be a busy month for CFL'ers. Let us hope the first "PINK" will lead the way for us all.

    Perhaps you may be joining with us this month of November. It is so difficult to know sometimes, but I will hope you hear something soon yourself. I feel a bit like I am cutting in line ahead of you, I'm so sorry. Wishing you and yours the best!





    Clayton, you waited in line for almost 10 months. You earned your spot. Enjoy it. Everyone else will get their turn. :P


    Thanks Lee. Yes, it has been a wait as it has been for us all and you're queued right behind us. If tsap, Chilton and a couple of others here would care to join us...I have no complaints. Step right in!


    Good luck to us all.



  7. Thanks tsap and all the others here who have wished us all well at our interviews.

    It will be a busy month for CFL'ers. Let us hope the first "PINK" will lead the way for us all.

    Perhaps you may be joining with us this month of November. It is so difficult to know sometimes, but I will hope you hear something soon yourself. I feel a bit like I am cutting in line ahead of you, I'm so sorry. Wishing you and yours the best!



  8. Although I have saved my last three years of tax paperwork from H&R Block and all original W-2s, I requested from the IRS my tax transcripts and my W-2 statements that they will provide also. It takes a bit longer (a week or two) to get both requests filled, but they did and will arrive as requested.

    In my "kitchen sink" I now have three years of tax transcripts, IRS W-2 statements and all original W-2's just in case.



  9. Michael,


    I agree that spacebar should have nothing to worry about with the tax transcripts he has, faxed or otherwise as long as they match the W-2's and what the tax preperation company has filed for him in the past.

    One issue he has is that his interview appointment is for the 8th if I recall correctly. This will limit him in choices to change up at this last minute.

    I think you are fine spacebar with what you have. I do see the concern of your SO. Time to reassure her all will be well. Stress time is at a maximum for all of us now.



  10. Corbin,


    Note C4's post above. Apparently it does make a difference what consulate the visa issuing company uses. VisaRite uses a consulate that gives the 120 days after entry type visa for the one year mulitple entry "L" visa. To most of us this will make no difference as my longest stay has only been one month, but it is nice to know we have the choice to stay longer if so needed.

    Read of each type visa and how many days after entry it will be good for on each site. C4 has listed some other good choices.



  11. Corbin,


    Yes, I have used them numerous times and I have had zero issues with them. Emailed me upon receipt each time and provided return dates on every visa and received it prior to the date they stated. Price is comparable to most others that offer the same.


    Go for the one year "L" multiple entries. The visa will be returned to you in your passport and read that your stay is valid for 120 days after entry.

    There was a post on this recently about the length of stay after entry, so I am not sure if the 120 days is valid, but I am assuming so since it is a Chinese visa issued by them.


    Go shopping with no worries with VisaRite.



  12. Thanks ILS and we certainly do hope to find the coveted "PINK" paper on the 15th. All our paperwork is completed except for some handwritten forms that we will complete once we come together again.

    Departing next Friday for Nanning followed by our travels to GUZ. Arriving at Mr. Yang's on the 12th.

    Hoping to meet more CFL'ers while in GUZ. Everyone has been great and a huge CONGRATS to you and yours. Such success from many here brings more strength to our own hopes.


    I'm feeling comfortable with the rubber stamp since it now seems to be the standard. Thanks to all who responded.



  13. I visited my bank, Bank of America today to get my document/s notarized and was surprised to see that the seal used was not raised and that it is just a simple inked stamp with signature of notary public, today's date and date of the notary publics expiration.


    I've learned that in Tennessee they no longer use a raised stamp seal due to faxed copies not transmitting the seal properly.


    This should not be an issue...Correct?




  14. I have traveled to Guilin and Yangshou twice in my visits to China. The best meals I have eaten during my travels have been in Guilin.


    I visited both cities once in May and found the many western backpackers and rock climbers in Yangshou as others have written and again in January to find the town nearly empty of many tourists as the weather was quite cold.


    Although I do agree that Yangshou is designed to cater to the tourist I had the opportunity to travel to a small farming village about 20 miles east of Yangshou. I fell in love with the area on this trip. It was like stepping back in time and it reminded me of the photo books I saw as a child of what China was like. I felt I had stepped into one of those photos. A bit surreal to be there and see it all. The homes, rice fields, gardens, mountains and the people were all an amazing sight.


    After reading this thread, I am adding Lijiang to my list of places to visit within China soon. Thanks to the OP for this thread.



  15. I must laugh. I have gone to the links posted and found both 30 and 120 days to be listed.


    I googled Chinese "L" visas and found some sites supporting the 120 days and some supporting the 30 days. Go figure.


    It is beyond me. I only know what my visa reads in my passport.


    In reality, I myself won't be staying longer then three weeks at the most on this next trip so it is irrelevant to me, but not perhaps to the OP who does not frequent this site since we here at CFL are all "evil."



  16. Tack another 30 days on top of the 90 days for the new 1 year "L" visa.


    I have recently received my 1 year mutliple entry "L" visa and it states on the visa that you can stay 120 days per visit.


    Here is what is posted on the visarite.com web site:




    To wait out the visa process with your SO/wife, you may only have to exit and return 3 times to finish all.



    I am looking at mine right now dated 10/10/2007 issuance

    Categories (L)

    Duration of each stay 030

    Entries (M)

    If I knew to post a pic of it , I would attach to this message.


    I am at a loss for an explanation of the difference you have with your visa versus mine.


    My recent Chinese visa is good from 09AUG2007 to 09AUG2008 and clearly reads: DURATION OF EACH STAY 120 DAYS AFTER ENTRY.


    Like yours, Category "L" and Entries "M"


    Looking at all my past "L" visas for 1 or 2 visits per visa, each allow 90 DAYS AFTER ENTRY.


    I did purchase my visa from visarite.com as I have all of them. It arrived as their site states.


    Makes me wonder???



  17. Tack another 30 days on top of the 90 days for the new 1 year "L" visa.


    I have recently received my 1 year mutliple entry "L" visa and it states on the visa that you can stay 120 days per visit.


    Here is what is posted on the visarite.com web site:




    To wait out the visa process with your SO/wife, you may only have to exit and return 3 times to finish all.



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