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Posts posted by 3timescharm

  1. Robert, is she here yet?? If not when does she arrive?


    We will file Na's AOS in May. That is still within the 90 days. We already applied for the SSC but we have to get the name changed on it when it gets here........we had not recieved the CERTIFIED copy of the marriage certificate in the mail when we went to apply.



  2. I totally agree with this guys reasoning on this. The US must adopt a sustainable economic model as opposed to trying to continue the current consumptive one. Also the US must keep and continue to attract the best and brightest graduating students.



    Dont worry I am still here.



    Glad to hear it Mike. Maybe I overreacted. Things probably are not as bad as they seem. :(

    Your right......there worse :redmad:

  3. My wife loves Ross Dress for Less and any/all outlet malls.


    She can usually find something in the clearance racks for me, her, or family members. Sometimes we spend a whole day at an outlet mall and end up with just a few articles of clothing, but she enjoys shopping, I enjoy being with her, and it is a cheap way to spend a day out of the house and out of town.

    Look-look. I do a lot of that with my tai tai. Spend hours going store to store and come home empty handed. She thinks it was a good day of shopping. :lol:

    I have also noticed that my Na loves to shop....but not spend :D . I love my Chinese wife :D


    Fen is the same way.

    If it is something that she really wants then money is no object.

    Before she came to the US she asked what she should get for my bro and I told her to get him a silk tie (thinking it will be cheaper in China). Well she got one for him and one for me.


    A couple of weeks ago I asked her how much they were. $70 each. :lol:


    Hell of a lot cheaper in the US. :eyebrow:


    Edited to add:


    Last week I took her to Applebees. I ordered a beer and she did not want anything to drink so she asked for a glass of water.

    After our drinks were served she turns to me and whispers is the water FREE :lol:

    My wife keeps asking me when I will take her back to Chillies. She ate her food and half of mine :D

  4. My wife loves Ross Dress for Less and any/all outlet malls.


    She can usually find something in the clearance racks for me, her, or family members. Sometimes we spend a whole day at an outlet mall and end up with just a few articles of clothing, but she enjoys shopping, I enjoy being with her, and it is a cheap way to spend a day out of the house and out of town.

    Look-look. I do a lot of that with my tai tai. Spend hours going store to store and come home empty handed. She thinks it was a good day of shopping. :eyebrow:

    I have also noticed that my Na loves to shop....but not spend :lol: . I love my Chinese wife :lol:

  5. Today Na has her first private english lesson.....my stepfather is an ESL teacher. She will start formal classes Monday. This is also her first day at home by herself. So far she is addjusting very well....except for the time difference. I have to make her stay awake during the day and sleep at night :P


    Since arriving on the 8th she has become friends with several Chinese speaking people here.....Charles's wife..(Newday2006) and some new friends at the Chinese restuarant here in town. I look forward to the time when we can meet others in the Atlanta area.


    I was a little worried about how my family would treat her since my last marriage to a Russian woman was terrible.....but they love her.....they think she is just the sweetest thing :P .


    I have noticed though that not only does she NOT like the stlye of clothes here in the USA but also doesn't like the price....she says our clothes are to expensive......I tell her that she is used to buying at the source :lol: .


    I will keep everyone posted as time goes on



    Interesting you mentioned that clothes are more expensive in the U.S. If you compare Chinese department store prices with U.S retail chains such as Sears, JCpenny, Kohls, etc., U.S. prices are comparable if not cheaper than Chinese. Last year I went to China trying to buy a pair of shoes and found out the prices there way too expensive.


    Of course, if you took your wife to an upscale clothing store in your state, then it is a different story.

    We were at Kohl's :P :lol: :P

  6. Today Na has her first private english lesson.....my stepfather is an ESL teacher. She will start formal classes Monday. This is also her first day at home by herself. So far she is addjusting very well....except for the time difference. I have to make her stay awake during the day and sleep at night :blink:


    Since arriving on the 8th she has become friends with several Chinese speaking people here.....Charles's wife..(Newday2006) and some new friends at the Chinese restuarant here in town. I look forward to the time when we can meet others in the Atlanta area.


    I was a little worried about how my family would treat her since my last marriage to a Russian woman was terrible.....but they love her.....they think she is just the sweetest thing :lol: .


    I have noticed though that not only does she NOT like the stlye of clothes here in the USA but also doesn't like the price....she says our clothes are to expensive......I tell her that she is used to buying at the source :roller: .


    I will keep everyone posted as time goes on



  7. Well if finally got here :D . I think we were all a little nervous but it went great. My mom and stepfather were there as was my daughter. For those who must know....there is no party tonight, she is sound asleep since about 5pm :(















  8. I took Na to a CHinese restaurant yesterday for lunch and asked if they had a CHinese menu, the waitress said yes and asked if I could read Chinese.....I said no but she could...pointing at Na. Na read the menu and her eye's lite up like a Christmas tree....they had Hunan Chicken! Next to Hunan CHicken on the menu was an astric.....meaning very spicy. She had to have it....Hunan is known for spicy hot food. I told the waitress that she wanted the Hunan Chicken and the waitress said......are you sure....it is very spicy :P . I told the waitress that she was from Hunan Province and that she likes spicy. They talked in Chinese for a few minutes and then wnen the food came Na was soooooooooo happy :roller: . I made good points there :D

  9. My wife just got her first bad lesson on tipping. Two nights ago I took her to a Chinese buffet, it's the only place around here that has close to real chinese cooking. It is a relatively inexpensive place to eat. Our bill came to 26.01, I only had $20. bills so I gave the my wife $40 to hold while I checked for some change, as I was checking the watress came and my wife gave the $40. to her and told the waitress thank you and said some thing to her in Chinese and the girl left with the money. I asked what did you say to the waitress. My wife said she told the girl the food was good and that we leave now. I asked her if she knew she just give the waitress a $14 tip for a 26 dollar meal?

    My wife said I give her no tip. I told my wife yes when you handed her the money and told her we were leaving, the waitress assumed the remainder was her tip. My wife got furious and said I go get money back. I told her no you can not give a waitress tip then try to take it back.

    Just as I finished telling her this back came the waitress, my wife said see she bring the money. I said yes she bring something, but not the money. The waitress handed my wife 2 fortune cookies and left, my wife looked at the cookies, looked at the waitress walking away then looked at me. I almost fell over laughing.

    I told her enjoy them they just cost you $7. each. I wasn't happy about the loss of the $14, but the look on my wife's face was worth it.

    All the way home all she would say is "I sorry very sorry" "I sorry very sorry"


  10. I flew to LA on Sunday morning and arrived at 1:30pm. Since I had bought the tickets 2 weeks apart our seats were not next to each other on the flight to Atlanta. I went to the Delta ticket counter and asked about it and the lady told me that the flight was over booked and there was no way to say if we could have our seats changed :angry: . I was told to go to the gate 1 hour before boarding and see if they could do it. Na's flight was supposed to land at 5:50pm so I had a lot of time to kill. I went to the International terminal and asked at the information desk about Immigration and customs. The lady told me since it was her first trip to the USA that it could take 3 to 4 hours to clear Immigration and customs :lol: . I decided to kill time and just walk around for a while. About 4:30 I looked at the Arrival board and it said her flight would land at 5pm......50 minutes early :lol: . At 5pm sure enough the flight had landed so I bought some Roses and prepaired for the wait. At 6pm I decided to go stand by the place where all the passangers come out and about 5 minutes later here come Na :lol: . It took her 1 hour to clear everything. They took her paperwork and told her Welcome to the USA. That was it. We went to the ticket counter at the gate and they told that they would do what they could about the seats. Finally at 9:30 they called me to the counter and gave us seats together :o Then they made announcment that no seats could be changed due to over booking :) . It turns out the lady gave us seats in Buisness class....she said they were the only seats she could move, I thanked her and we flew to Atlanta.



    On Monday she met my parents and that went well. Since then we have gone shopping and had abot the same problems as everyone else when it comes to tipping and paying taxes on goods :blink: <_< . I think she understands.....but still does not like it.


    Tuesday we went to get marraige licenes and pay for wedding on SAturday. I also lost my bank card after the court house :ph34r:, so now I have to carry cash until it is replaced :lol: .


    I found out that she loves to shop...but hates to spend money :) .


    I will post more after wedding on Saturday and a Pictures.


    She has come to work with me today and yesterday. Tomorrow I will take off. Today at lunch I took her to Newday2006 house to spend time with Charles's wife.


    She is having a good time here......I must be doing something right :lol: .



  11. WE MADE IT :lol: . Everything went real smoth for POE. I will give many details probably tomorrow. I am still trying to get her un-packed and situated. She is having a blast so far.


    Look for detials coming soon :P .



  12. ok, she is here and I thought I had everything ready to go :lol: . I am running vista and can not figure out how she can type on her QQ and yahoo chats in Chinese. Is there a program I need to buy that will allow this? I have the Chinese language installed that came with vista but this is very confusing to me and still can not figure how to type chinese in chats or on a word documnent.


    Any help would be great. She did bring a Chinese copy of Windows XP SP3 with her but I will not install this :lol:

  13. Well it is Saturday night March 6th. Tomorrow morning I will head to Atlanta Airport for a flight to LA to meet my Na......who's plane lands 5 hours later ;) . I spoke to her this morning and she is very excited.....as am I. She is a little worried about the weather as it is raining in Xaingtan and in GUZ.......her flights goes thru GUZ. I am hoping that she will be thru immigration and customs by 8pm. Our flight leaves to return to Atlanta at 10:55 pm and arrives here at 6am. It will be a long day for both of us , but we have been waiting what seems like forever for this day to come.


    I wanted to thank everyone on the furom for all there help and I will continue to be apart of it.


    Charles (Newday2006), I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing you again soon with Na by my side :P .


    Thanks again to everyone.




    Good luck to you both; I hope Na will come on here in a few months and give us her impressions of the US.


    And of you -- but we'll have to have you banned temporarily for that! ;)


    Impression of him.......


    He is another Robert. Enough said. :D

    I resemble that remark.........there are alot of Roberts on this site....you should be careful Sam ;)


    Just kidding. No offence. ;)

    None taken....I thought it was funny ;)

  14. Well it is Saturday night March 6th. Tomorrow morning I will head to Atlanta Airport for a flight to LA to meet my Na......who's plane lands 5 hours later ;) . I spoke to her this morning and she is very excited.....as am I. She is a little worried about the weather as it is raining in Xaingtan and in GUZ.......her flights goes thru GUZ. I am hoping that she will be thru immigration and customs by 8pm. Our flight leaves to return to Atlanta at 10:55 pm and arrives here at 6am. It will be a long day for both of us , but we have been waiting what seems like forever for this day to come.


    I wanted to thank everyone on the furom for all there help and I will continue to be apart of it.


    Charles (Newday2006), I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing you again soon with Na by my side :P .


    Thanks again to everyone.




    Good luck to you both; I hope Na will come on here in a few months and give us her impressions of the US.


    And of you -- but we'll have to have you banned temporarily for that! ;)


    Impression of him.......


    He is another Robert. Enough said. :D

    I resemble that remark.........there are alot of Roberts on this site....you should be careful Sam ;)

  15. Well it is Saturday night March 6th. Tomorrow morning I will head to Atlanta Airport for a flight to LA to meet my Na......who's plane lands 5 hours later :P . I spoke to her this morning and she is very excited.....as am I. She is a little worried about the weather as it is raining in Xaingtan and in GUZ.......her flights goes thru GUZ. I am hoping that she will be thru immigration and customs by 8pm. Our flight leaves to return to Atlanta at 10:55 pm and arrives here at 6am. It will be a long day for both of us , but we have been waiting what seems like forever for this day to come.


    I wanted to thank everyone on the furom for all there help and I will continue to be apart of it.


    Charles (Newday2006), I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing you again soon with Na by my side :( .


    Thanks again to everyone.



  16. This thread brings back lots of memories. I remember back when I was maby 4 or 5 and my mother would pick me and my sister up from Kendergarden....sorry about the spelling.........she would driver her old comet down the same road every day going home. There was this boy ...maybe 6 ot 7 that would always throw rocks at the passing cars. I rememebr my mother stopped one day when he threw a rock at her car and told the boy that if he threw another rock at her car that he would be in trouble. A few days later the boy threw a rock at mom's car. She pulled over and spanked the boy RIGHT THERE on the street, and then took him to his house and told his mother what the boy was doing and the mother spanked him again. We laugh every time this story is told, this was back in the 60's.....fast forward to 2010.....how long do you think my mother would be in prison for now :blink:

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