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Everything posted by chilton747

  1. Been a rough ride for me. If I had the chance again, I would turn it down.
  2. Yeah all they are doing is sinking their short range missiles into the sea. This is progress!
  3. One can only hope for a favorable outcome! I think it is possible. The citizens really need a good break!
  4. cuzin' Half Moon, I wuz jest a skeert white punk on dope during that thar war. I hope this link works....this is a documentary by our local PBS station in State College. I'm the bald guy in the flowered shirt that is talkin' to Lindsey. Also, you'll see my ZigZag man decal on my flight helmet, and one of my Harley Davidson t-shirts http://atimetoheal.wpsu.org/documentary/ Good, the link works Cuzin BR I've been waiting to see this. Thank you so much👍👍👍
  5. Thank you for your service and the amazing job you have done and continue to do. We wouldn't be here without you!!
  6. Ah tells ya it's either her or me😁
  7. Ya'll got taken outa your Mizouri? Not yet yawl😊
  8. Well it was done today. Now she can no longer tell me i need to find a USA woman!😁
  9. Cuzin Wawster welcome to the group therapy for the CFL Misfits!! Cuzin Butt Rash I wonder if they wood perscribe sumuthat legal weed for my PCSD? (Post Chinertuckey Stress Disorder)? Cuzin Mick never had a Velvet Elvis but I did have a Velvet Liberace befo. Does that count fer sumthin?
  10. What did I tell you? They cashed the check last week and she got her notice to attend the oath today. I tried to tell her not to do it. Now im really in a heap of trouble. This will certainly be my fault.Help me cuzin pinto bean 😥
  11. What did I tell you? They cashed the check last week and she got her notice to attend the oath today. I tried to tell her not to do it. Now im really in a heap of trouble. This will certainly be my fault.
  12. You is rite cuzin pinto bean! I am in a hepa trouble alrite! I have to do sumthin to get in trouble becauze if I didn't then she wouldn't be happy!!! Know whadda mean Vern?? Amen, cuzin' Bull Frog. Often is the time I've "picked my own switch" (so to speak) and done some minor thing wrong...jes because things wuz going too smooth n' I was becomin' right fearful of truly slippin' up. I fully unnerstand jes what the words comin' out of yore mouth are on this here subject. I ain't had my ass kicked by a mop or a shoe in many months now. I may start goin' to church again....cough, cough...I well realize that at any given time I am only one small "imperfect action" away from a sound thrashing, and gettin' cut off for a week. cuzin; Outhouse Yessir my cuzin outhouse we come from the same mobile trailer park.👍
  13. You is rite cuzin pinto bean! I am in a hepa trouble alrite! I have to do sumthin to get in trouble becauze if I didn't then she wouldn't be happy!!! Know whadda mean Vern??
  14. Sent out the green card application today per the orders from the boss. How much you wanna bet that they cash the check and then she gets the notice for her oath?
  15. Ha yell yes fellers. Craigslist calls it curb alert.😁
  16. I likes that. Now to find a new avatar 😁
  17. Oh yeah I forgot to say that on the way for sofa number nine, she had me pick up some free chickens. One has already met it's fate.
  18. Ok so we go get a free sofa. It's only the 5th one this month. And in true redneck fashion she wants in in the carport. She says it's too big to put inside 😁😁
  19. Why hell yes you are stoopid as dog shit, hombre....but you ain't as stoopid as me. Here is some nice music to lift your moral. I use this song every morning. https://youtu.be/ZCDf3XQKKKA Awesome cuzin!! you kant be more Stoopid than me. Just as Jane I know you kant be more stoopid than me, cuzin' Homey. I know this because it is a medical factoid, anybody stoopider than me ain't gots enough brain waves to be breathing. Know wudda mean, Vern? Da only reason I says date is cause Jane told be I have a Stoopides brain in the whole world.No you nose I can't disgree wif hur. My mop slaps are real here bro! And dey rally herts to
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