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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I Tivoed their live Shanghai performance in HD for Christine to watch when she got here. Saved it for about 5 months. She wasn't impressed. When I asked if she wanted to watch it, she just said "No need, I've seen them" and went back to her computer.
  2. Very sorry to hear about this. I hope you're able to catch it before it gets back to the US and can get it reversed. Good luck.
  3. Glad to hear it Don. Best of luck with getting her back here now.
  4. Congrats again! Nice write-up. You obviously observed the 5P rule: Prior Preparation Prevents Pisspoor Performance. Great job!!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! Thinking pink thoughts all the way.
  6. CONGRATULATIONS! General Patton would be proud.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! Go,celebrate,paint the town pink!! GUZ could use some fresh paint.
  8. When you accuse others of "attacking" or "bashing" the US simply because they point out the possible hypocrisy in our policy or complicity in the polluting of the planet, then yes, it sounds kneejerk. The points you've made are legitimate and worthy of being heard. But so are the ones made by others who've chosen to see where the other shoe drops. You could've made your points without resorting to insinuations of others being unpatriotic.
  9. Why do you need them? They've already been submitted at the POE.
  10. Are US apologist's heads considered ugly? They're just as guilty of knee-jerk,reactionary defense of the US as they consider those who point out the ugly facts are.
  11. Shouldn't she just need the I-693A vaccination supplement? They should already have all the rest of the docs that were included in the brown envelope she turned in to Immigration no?
  12. Only a few hours to go now. Hopefully you're getting a good night's sleep right now. Go get PINK!!
  13. CONGRATULATIONS DON AND PING! Another very well prepared CFLer scores pink! Way to go!
  14. Developed countries taking the responsibility and initiative to change their ways so as to reduce emissions that harm the planet and the people who inhabit it? That might cost some big businesses some profits. Not bloody likely.
  15. Congrats on the date! Make sure the pics with the Cubs jersey are prominently displayed. Best of luck.
  16. Way to go!! It was great meeting you and your lovely wife. It was nice to have another couple to go through the process with. I'm pretty sure our SO. knew more about what was going on than we did. Yeah, the wait in the line at customs took longer than the "interview" with Immigration. I kept waiting for someone to tell her to follow them into a little interrogation room but they never did. Couldn't have been easier. Good luck with the meeting and then enjoying life together. We'll talk soon.
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