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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. re: I-485 AOS application File # - give the A# Thanks Randy.
  2. I have a couple of questions about the G-28. Did you fill in those top three boxes titles "In re","Date" and "File No.",or are they meant for office use only? If you did fill them in, what did you put for "In re" and "File No." Thanks
  3. Glad to hear your P4 showed up. Good luck with that interview!
  4. Hi Dave Upload your image to imageshack.us and copy/paste the "hotlink for forum" to your post. Not too complicated. Best wishes, Gino & Lulu Thanks Gino.
  5. Mutianyu is light years better than Badaling. They should divert people to that site ... it'd be doing them a favor. Is that the section that's much more rustic and original than Badaling? Not sure what you mean by original, but hardly rustic. It is 20 minutes further out than Badaling, but once you've been to Mutianyu you'd have to be brain dead to return to Badaling -- ever. At Badaling the only senses that get aroused are sight with millions of a$$e$ staring you in the face while walking and smell when they fart. There are hawkers selling everything from Chairman Mao caps to the latest Linkin Park CD ... and at prices you'd only be able to pay by taking out a second mortgage. Half of the time at Badaling is spent in a line of various sorts. The only thing missing there is a McDonald's, Starbucks and a clown show. The scenery at Mutianyu is just as stunning as it is at Badaling, but minus all hordes of people, crap and no Starbucks, McDonald's or clown show under construction. Was just referring to the fact that Badaling is heavily restored and there are other places that still have the original materials in place thus look more rustic. I forget the names at the moment. Thought Mutianyu might be one. It sounds like it's worth checking out the next time regardless.
  6. Thanks Dave. Here are couple more for you. (the side note is for Shenzhen K-1 ) From the RIGHT http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/5886/20061226033zb8.jpg From the LEFT http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/2721/20061226045wr6.jpg Finally the MIDDLE http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/1369/20061226036qc1.jpg Best wishes, Gino & Lulu Very cool! I've got to figure out how to post some of ours.
  7. We saw him. Bought 4 off of him for friends and family. Thought he might be scamming but for the price it was worth it to get mementos with family and friends names on them.
  8. I have some more questions. On the G-325A, I assume will fill it out using her married name,not her maiden name right? Then put her maiden name under "All Other Names Used"? On the question "This form submitted in connection with an application for:" I check "Status as permanent resident" right? Where it asks for the File Number, they've already put an "A". This is the Alien Registration Number correct? And should I just fill in the numbers after the A they've put or go ahead and include the A again? At the bottom it asks for name in native alphabet. Since we're filing with her married name and that's how she signed it, how do we deal with this? There's no Chinese symbol for my family name. Should we just put the same characters for her name that we put on the original submission? Thanks
  9. This sounds like the approach I'll end up taking. I'll get her started and familiar with the basics and then let a pro take over to finish things off. Snow season? Maybe I'll drag out the instruction process until about May.
  10. Congrats!! We're filling out AOS/EAD/AP forms right now.
  11. I'd like to see it when it snows there. I've seen pictures with it covered in snow that are just stunning.
  12. Mutianyu is light years better than Badaling. They should divert people to that site ... it'd be doing them a favor. Is that the section that's much more rustic and original than Badaling?
  13. We went to Badaling. Very impressive. Not likely to happen but an interesting read. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-11...ent_6270383.htm
  14. Happy turkey day to you and Christine!! If you actually have been to Shenzhen where did you find cold water?? No ice in any restaurants only cold pop from the stores!!!!! B) And a Happy T'giving to you as well. Usually had either barely chilled Sprite or barely chilled bottled water in the restaurants in Shenzhen.
  15. I love ice cold water with any meal. Hate hot water or hot drinks except hot chocolate. But after reading all these posts, I may start weaning myself off the cold stuff. I hope there's no withdrawal symptoms associated with this.
  16. Thank you all and have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
  17. In Part B where they ask you to list "present husband" since I married my wife I put me. FAMILY NAME____FIRST NAME_____BIRTH DATE mylastname______DAVID__________my birth date COUNTRY OF BIRTH____RELATIONSHIP______A#_________APPLYING WITH YOU USA_________________HUSBAND__________N/A_________NO I put myself there because I am her husband, this shows I'm American by birth and I'm not applying for a VISA with her. For any questons you don't answer put "NONE" If it does not apply to you put N/A Thanks David.
  18. As always, the man with the answers. Thanks Dan.
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