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Posts posted by wpc76180

  1. Folks who have completed the visa interview at the

    new consular section in Tian Yu Gardens recently please help:


    1) Is a 3 ring binder allowed ?


    2) did you have to slide your 3 ring binder through

        the sliding transparent trap-door on the interview



    The advice I got for our upcoming interview is this:


    1) It is like a bank window, so you can only slide papers through, not a 3 ring binder. However, you can use the binder to organize everything.


    2) The most important thing, is make sure she can FIND what the VO asks for easily and quickly. Then she can remove it from the binder and slide it under the window.


    Ken, Thanks for clarifying the 3 ring binder issue.

  2. I used two 3 ring binders because they made sense to me. I could divide each section into a category of there own. Financial documents in one binder and Proof of relationship in another. If at the interview my wife needed to pull bank statements out they were easy for her to access. If she needed photos they were all in sleeves she could have pulled out. I know my wife was nervous as I was here. I provided all this information to her that she could not even read. Yet she was dependant on this information to get the visa. What a bind to be in. So if I could help her to be organized this was the least I could. I really didn’t want my wife to go to the interview with all these different folders and envelopes and fumbling around and looking pretty amateur. By the time our wives get to the interview they have the right to a visa. I wanted to make it easy for Ling to be able to show someone the proof they needed to “see” to give her the visa. The interview was the most important presentation I had ever made. If I could I was leaving nothing to chance.


    You and your wife will do great.


    Amen, thank you dude

  3. At the interview your SO will be very nervous and will likely 'go blank' when asked a curve ball question like "Where is your ....." but said in a way she did not hear before.  Let her hear the names, acronyms, and slang for all the documents several times.


    Of all the things we have talked about for the interview, this is the one thing my gut keeps telling me to focus on..........hearing what exactly that VO is saying to her..............


    I'm particularly worried about my SO trying to make sense

    of the accents of the VO plus hearing thru that bullet-proof glass

    plus trying to hear over the crowd buzzing in the waiting room.

  4. RMB projected increase for 2006 3-5%.  For individuals one can convert only 50K US per month, but the banking system is not able to track multiple accounts.  Thus, if you set up a few accounts you can get the money in. 

    As far as those buildings... I am onto my third 100mm US. buy for a client.  Another 500 mm U.S. fund is being raised.  It is hot here.  A lot of real estate funds are coming in in anticipation of the property market appreciation and currency appreciation.  I am moving to Shanghai soon to get closer to the market.


    Not every market is appreciating at the same rate.


    The coastal cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenzhen

    are appreciating faster than the rest of the country.

    This means a real estate bubble just like the USA.


    Hong Kong property dropped like 30% during

    SAR's and Asian currency crisis.


    So my advice, if you're going to invest in China:

    do your homework before you invest and have a

    back-up plan.

  5. OK, lemme make sure I got this right: I mail back my DS-230 and the OF-169 back to the Guangzhou embassy but nothing else. I get all the paperwork rounded up (I-864 + supporting documents, criminal history, birth certificate, etc).  It should take a few months for the paperwork to get processed. This is the point where it goes to the USA's Visa Center. They do their thing, then they send me a P4 packet and set an interview date. Is this right?


    Man I know this should be so simple and clear but its like my brain is on fire after reading all these forms and numbers. I researched, researched, researched for 3 months this summer, submitted the papers in November, and basically everythiing I learned went out the window. Its like I have to learn it all over again. Thanks for the help everybody.




    Send back:


    1) DS-230 Part 1


    2) OF-169


    And start collecting notarized:


    1) Birth certs (no expiration)

    2) marriage cert (no expiration)

    3) police certs (only her) (bear in mind, this document expires in 1 year)

    4) collect correspondence & relationship evidence i.e.

    bank statements, photos, call records, receipts, etc.


    When you get P-4, then do the I-864.

    This means, get W-2's, pay stubs, any evidence

    of assets (stocks, bonds, house, etc) and notarize the I-864.


    Good luck dude

  6. Hello everyone,


    My so is lucky to get the visitor's visa in the late of July. Now her visa will be expired,but we still dont get married yet. We plan to get married next week. Time is pressure. I want to get some paper work ready beforehand, so we can send them as soon as we get married. I checked all your guys postings here, not having to find the imformation I need. What I want to know is:



    1.I know I need fill in forms:1-485,1-131,1-765.What else forms do I need?

    2.Can I download the forms from internet ? What size paper do I have to use?

    3.I have a technique question: Can I fill in the form online?How can I fill in it online? Because I tried yesterday to fill in the form 1_485,but the form just doesnt let me fill in anything.

    4.I was told I need the physical examination before I send all the paper work. I live in New Jersey, where is the nearest hospital?


    Please help me as soon as possible, cos I am running out of my time now.








    Visitor's visa i.e. B-1 or B-2 does not allow

    Adjustment of Status (I-485).


    The visa is not a dual-intent visa.


    She must leave at the end of her visit

    or risk getting deported by the Dept. of Homeland Security.


    Only visas that allow adjustment of status is

    L-1, H-1, or O-1 which are related to employment.

  7. As a US citizen, I know that I may have to prove my single status

    in the US by doing the following:


    1. filling out the affidavit of single status form.

    2. Get that notarized.

    3. Then bring it to my Secretary of State in San Francisco to approve it.


    My fiance is in Shenzhen, China. Does she need to get a certificate

    to prove her single status by any Chinese government agency?

    If so, what are the steps, and where?


    Anything to make this part clearer would be appreciated.


    Just tell her to contact the "min zheng ju" in Shenzhen.


    That's the local municipal government office that handles

    marriage registrations.


    Then ask her to apply for

    a "dan shen zheng ming" (Single status certificate)

  8. My situation is similar to (probably worse than) Jonathan's.  I was in Shenzhen with my wife over the last couple weeks when her P3 arrived.  I accompanied her the city's notarial office where she was told to return to Sichuan, her home province, for a police certificate!!  My wife has lived in Shenzhen (in different addresses) for the past 5 years at least.  So I don't know how much luck Jonathan's girl friend will meet at the city's notarial office, unless of course she's originally from Guangdong province.


    This has been quite frustrating for us.  My wife cringes whenever any part of this process requires her to deal with public employees in her home country.


    Try giving "expedite" fees.


  9. My wife has the same reaction. There are practical matters to talk about (Will, life insurance, etc) and she does not want to talk about them. I am not allowed to say the "D" word. I thought it was because of her father death, 3 years ago, but I am not sure.


    Can anyone shed any light on this cultural difference? Is it a religious thing?


    It's probably because your SO's came from 6,000 miles away and

    now you're talking about dying and leaving them alone.

  10. I've been debating all day whether or not to take advantage of a music site. I can download up to 125 mp3's for a month, FREE!

    It brings back memories of the old napster days.

    I've been avoiding this thread but I have now given in to the temptation and think I'll just jump in feet first! Oh what the hell! It doesn't take much to twist my "rubber" arm. Besides, there's a few tunes I like to download anyways. And it's FREE!  :P



  11. 2006 Holiday Schedule

    January 2 Monday New Year's Day US & China

    January 16 Monday Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday US

    January 30, 31, February 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Lunar New Year China

    February 20 Monday Presidents' Day US

    May 1, 2, 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday International Labor Day China

    May 29 Monday Memorial Day US

    July 4 Tuesday Independence Day US

    September 4 Monday Labor Day US 

    October 2, 3, 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Chinese National Day China

    October 9 Monday Columbus Day US

    November 10 Friday Veterans' Day US

    November 23 Thursday Thanksgiving Day US

    December 25 Monday Christmas Day US


    WOW! 4 days off in January alone.


    Maybe I should join the Foreign Service... :P

  12. Last year got in the habit of checking the commode for ICE FIRST :) . Toothbrush would freeze up and one of the two BEDROOM heaters (NOTHING in the kitchen and bathroom) would freeze up until noon. This was a high rise apartment that was ONLY 3 YEARS OLD! Got snow a few times right after Christmas. Heard it was one of the coldest winters Shanghai has had in YEARS!


    I'm going for 2.5 weeks.


    Not having heat at home really sucks.


    I'm thinking of bringing a space heater.


    It's 1500 Watts but I need to get

    a A/C transformer for the voltage differences.


    Has anybody on CFL ever

    brought a space heater to China before?

  13. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but DS-230 Part II is not needed for K-3K-3 is a non immigrant visa, and the actual visa application is the DS-156 and DS-157 (supplemental form).  The DS-230 Part I is used only to provide biographical information.  Part II is not used.




    You are correct!!





    DS230 Part 2 is used.


    You get it with your P4 package.


    In Part 2, your SO needs to sign

    a statement of truth in front of the

    consular officer during the interview.


    She can fill in the rest of Part 2 but

    don't *sign* the form until she gets


  14. I would like the hell for someone to tell me why is it that in the other countries the visa process is only 4 to 6 months???? Has anyone here looked at the other web sites to see there time line...this is damn depressing...this makes me sick to my stomach to see the very short wait...what the hell has my wife and I done wrong to this country????

    You will never convince me that there is a reason for it....This is so unjust that I will never trust this country again for there actions like this I have been in a namecheck for 3 1/2 months and still no word but other countries are already getting done BULL........!!!!!


    Dan M


    The reasons why China has the slowest consulate:


    1) historically the Chinese have *always* been discriminated by

    the U.S. government; going back as early as 1870:



    2) the U.S. government has never been comfortable

    with welcoming communists or citizens of communist nations

    to USA; remember your buddy Fidel?


    There is an exception -- Cubans; they were given

    the wet foot-dry foot law simply because they've got voters in both parties, in the congress and in the senate and they're very visible in Florida


    3) the Immigration Act of 1965 was designed to curtail Chinese

    immigration to USA:



    So, the main fault lies with the law.


    Law which was enacted by Lyndon Johnson's administration.


    So to answer your question, what the hell has your wife

    and you done to this country...nothing.


    This country just doesn't want Chinese people to immigrate here.

  15. My wife is worrying a little bit as we get closer to her interview about the telephone records that I sent her.  I went online and printed the list of calls from my Dynasky calling card and sent them to her.  Now she is asking if we need to show a photocopy of the actual card that I used.  Is there any need for that?



    What about just photocopying your credit card

    statement showing the purchase?

  16. need some opinions here. Do you guys/gals think that these name checks take soo long. Because



    1. China is a communist state?


    2. There are just too many people in China?


    I know in S. Korea and Taiwan. Name checks dont take long at all. Nor perhaps other DEMOCRATIC countries. Discuss.....




    1) Yes.


    2) Yes


    3) Chinese names appear similar in Western alphabets i.e.

    Wang Li Li in Beijing is the same as Wang Li Li in Shanghai.

    But written in Chinese, the Wang Li Li can be different.

    So gwai-lo's computer software don't understand

    that Wang Li Li can be different persons.


    4) Few staff in Washington DC doing name checks.

    Not to mention, the staff needs security clearance

    to access CLASS, NCIC, etc etc

    And security clearances take time to approve -- even for US Citizens.


    5) Staff who gets Security clearances usually leave for better pay at

    private government contractors like CSC, Raytheon, etc etc.

    Or worse, they get burn-out from the low-pay, and mind-numbing

    job, checking names and staring at a green computer screen all day.


    (eg: my previous supervisor got carpal tunnel in both hands after 5

    years at the NSA....and they never paid a dime for her surgery)


    6) Guangzhou is a big bottle neck.

    Look at India (population = 1 billion), it has 3 US Consulates handling Immigrant visas. And not to mention the US consulates in India

    have more useful information on the websites.

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