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Posts posted by Mike62356

  1. Hi guys, I'm back, we received 28.5 inches on the weekend and now they say we'll get another 18 to 24 inches outta this next one tonight and tomorrow, if you don't here from me in a day or two send in the brandy dogs, well just send them now :P ;) :clapping: :greenblob:

  2. Okay, my wife is from Fujian and as you all know there are some prejudices concerning women coming from here, but she has a few things to say about the darker skined people of the world, or at least she did until I pointed out about her being from Fujian and how she felt when other people said something to her about it.

    Her only problem now seems to be more with people from ( sorry to those from there or of this decent ) India and I still don't know why she has this, she just says "because it from India" when I ask her.

    I showed her this clip of this girl, at first she made a face but kept watching, when she started singing Samantha closed her eyes, smiled and said she has a good voice and is very pretty.

  3. Dongyan, I think you should go for it if you can. You will be setting a great tradition for the family you will have in the future.


    But don't mess around joining any of the other branches of the military, go for the strongest, meanest, toughest service, the Marine Corps.



    Semper Fi

  4. Theres a Chinatown in Philadelphia, its not big at first sight but it is set up somewhat like an old Chinese town, with a main tourist street and some back streets that if you didn't know they where there you would never see them, thats where some very good foods are.





    These are all great, but you should come see for yourself, say around Chinese new year, can be fun!!!

  5. Theres a Chinatown in Philadelphia, its not big at first sight but it is set up somewhat like an old Chinese town, with a main tourist street and some back streets that if you didn't know they where there you would never see them, thats where some very good foods are.

  6. While most know that Veterans Day honors those who have served in the military, the meaning behind its exact date (November 11) may not be so familiar. Here's the backstory:


    Back in 1918, in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, a stop to hostilities was declared, ending World War I. An armistice to cease the fighting on the Western Front was signed by the Allied powers and Germany.


    President Woodrow Wilson immediately proclaimed the day "Armistice Day," kicking off the annual commemoration on November 11. But over the years, with veterans returning from World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day — a day reserved to honor veterans returning from all wars. But 11/11 still represented the end of the Great War in the public's mind, and the date stuck.


    In 1921, unidentified dead from the war were buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., Westminster Abbey in London, and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The tradition to honor those killed in the war but never identified continues every year in the U.S. The ceremony is held at 11 a.m. at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.


    Congress designated Veterans Day as a legal holiday in 1938, and since then, most Americans have come to know it as a day for store sales and parades. Yahoo! Searches on the holiday have already surged on the Web. People want to know "veterans day history," "veterans day closings," veterans day sales," and "veterans day free meals.


    This info0 was found on yahoo headlines,

    Enjoy your day. :blink:

  7. Personally, I think anyone that has been given the death sentence for any reason should only get 5 years of appeals if nothing happens with said appeals the its goodby, so long, it was nice, no more of this 10 or 20 years of appeals bullsh*t, you did something that got you a death sentence, then you die, end of discussion .

    Now I know there are some here that will not agree, thats okay, I don't mind or care really this is my opinion.





    okay now you can flame me.

  8. Hello, as a Vet. I would like to say Thank you to all that have served and are serving, and to say that we should all remember those that gave thier all so we could be here today, I for one can do this with a smile for the friendships I have had and do have and with a tear of sadness of remembrance.

    I will never forget one and all that served with me and especially one that had asked us if anything would happen to him would we send him home to his highlands to rest, we did and as we loaded him on his last flight home we played on the pipes " The Flower of Scotland " as he asked, he was a good man and friend and now I think I can let him rest in peace in my mind, God keep you Ewan Steward and Thank you Marine.


    Thank you all.

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