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Posts posted by Mike62356

  1. Even though the instructions explicitly allow a continuation sheet. I would urge you to avoid one on an I-130. Some knuckle head in Chicago sent a rejection notice stating that the information on the continuation sheet had to be placed on the form. So Write small!

    Ummm..wow..thats just retarded. I wounder about some people sometimes. :rain:

    Does make you wonder some times :rolleyes:

  2. My first wife was from the U.S. and she was asian, we are still friends to this day,we just grew apart, we were to young, my second wife was of my race and we have two children together but My son lives with me and my daughter has started her own family with a good man, now my soon to be Lao Po is some one I get along with very well, we often say the same thing at the same time or finish each others sentances, its wierd, but I like it.

    I have always been interested with asian women and have only dated one who was not asian ( My second wife ), so it was only natureal to me.

  3. I think we all knew this to a point :rolleyes: , personaly I will keep using it :cheering: as long as it helps with my Lao Po :), and we don't talk about any government stuff because we really don't care about them, we are to busy talking about us and what we want, not what they want or do unless it it won't let us do as we wish with our relationship,and if something is mentioned about governments then I just :roller: and change the subject until we talk on the phone.

    So I think if you watch what you say then you will not have a problem, (IMHO).

  4. Met mine on chlove, my step son is in the 7th grade ther and my son is in the 7th grade here, what a gap in schooling, son is still learning algebra and my step son is learning trigonometry, my step son goes to school 10 hours a day 5 days a week and then has math, Chinese and English classes on Saturdays, during the week he has 3 or 4 hours of home work and on the weekend he still has a few hours of home work, he goes longer in the year then my son does here also.

    Boy is he going to think the school system here is really poor, and he is worried he will fal behind here :(.

    Good luck guys.


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