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Everything posted by CR1togo

  1. I also think posting their full name here would violate CFL posting guidelines. If known, is first name only OK??? acw
  2. All there when I looked- although the words are in a different location. Strange, as both my copy from GUZ and that under the K-1, P-4 link are BOTH GIV-24 (REV 3/96 ). acw
  3. We took door #2. What did we win? Whadda we win??? A week's round trip to GUZ later. (fully paid for by us, of course). Used long addresses to cover the bases- as instructions did not say. acw
  4. Family reunion- here or there? That is the question, hey?. Hope it's ALL of you together! acw
  5. Congrats on a sucessful interview and taking the time to post the details. acw
  6. About 35+ years for me. Saw hot dogs being made. acw
  7. SHE is using the grill next? Hold it, wait a minute here. I know the party stance on the wife being in charge but a line still needs to be drawn in the sand here. That's the only domain we got left. Don't touch my grill! It's too complicated and dirty for you dear.
  8. Can't resist this one Carl. Woman at the local news stand in China almost always wears a sweatshirt with "EMERICA" across the front. And GOOD LUCK to you and Ying! acw
  9. Thanks, Paul, I forgot to mention the name check being started beforehand- I believe ours actually cleared before GUZ got the paper copy logged in. acw
  10. Fred, my understanding is that you will NOT be placed in the interview que UNTIL the name check(s) are done. Seems that GUZ will very occasionally miss one??? acw
  11. For me: Other than what DOS told you about skipping namechecks- just another day down on the farm. Mark, this action should give you a little jump on the routine. That is, IF someone is smart enough to realize this fact WHEN your paper copy actually arrives. A few people here, however, MAY not know about the "E" copy being sent to GUZ first. They (GUZ) will NOT schedule anything until the paper hard copy arrives- often after 3-5 weeks in "customs delay" and a week or two to log it in. acw
  12. Thanks Frank- a picture is worth ....... even if it is HIGHLY enlarged. Great for us old ah, ah, I mean to say ah, vision impaired people. Never thought about downloading one- acw
  13. David here are some other comments. No offense to the writers. An "A" for effort but it's apparent they are not CR-1 people. I really believe that NVC needs it's own guide. There are special instuctions on the I-864 package, the actual process, timelines of major events and shortcut methods that frankly l don't care to take the time to write out. See the NVC forum at Visajourney for additional ideas/to see what a large bucket of worms detailing the NVC nuances can be. acw
  14. See @@@ my comments on your post. More on FAQ later. Dinner time!
  15. Sorry David, in view of your post count the question seemed too basic to me. Yes, a CR-1 gets an interview at GUZ as does the DCFer's, K-1 and K-3. A CR-1 Immigrant Visa has the added step of NVC approval after USCIS Service Center approval (DCF I-130's are slightly different) but before being sent to post. This step eliminates the need of Adjustment Of Status that the quote/unquote "NON IMMIGRANT" "K" visas do "after the fact". Bare bones version: After a few weeks of waiting for NVC to assign a new case # (GUZ type) we have to elect an Agent of Choice, on form DS-3032, (lawyer, petitioner, Beneficiary, etc.) where we want subsequent paperwork to be sent. We then receive the Affavadit of Support and IV fee bills. After the payment of these fees to St. Louis is reconciled with NVC Portsmouth, NH they generate and mail the I-864 and later the DS-230 packages. The DS-230 package contains a GUZ Special P-3 supplemental sheet. It is "somewhat" equal to doing the P-3 at GUZ. From this point NVC ships the file to GUZ, clearance delays, log-in times, name checks GUZ, P-4 and the interview process are about the same as a K visa. Some folks at VJ recently report having sped through NVC in 68 days after getting a case number using various shortcuts. Typically 3- 6 months is what this has taken most to get through the NVC approval cycle in the past. acw
  16. David, I'm confused by your question. I think you're asking if a CR-1 gets an interview (at GUZ)??? Yes, of course. acw
  17. For the I-94: Just basic stuff on the front side of the card (backsides quite appropriately (pun intended) is for Gov. use only. As Gene has said the A file number is listed on it- block #20 backsides). Name, birthdate, citizenship, passport #, city where visa was issued, city where he boarded, airline and flight #, address while in US.
  18. Ditto my sentiments with what Don and others have said (also disgust and anger come to mind when seeing the downward spiral of events you've endured since interview). ALEX: I would also question if the lawyer would see his/her fee reduced IF you do get congressional help. ZINGARO: I'm not a fan of either Senator from Ca. but hopefully they will do something for YOU. Try your Congresspersons also. BEST of LUCK to the both of you and Mikexiao!!! acw
  19. I-94 arrival (top) and departure (bottom) of two part tear apart card. Single page THIN cardboard type card about 4-1/4" x 11". Generally these are passed and filled out on the return flights to the US by the non citizens onboard. Often the airlines play a tape on how to fill it out prior to landing. Ring any bells? I have both a Chinese and English version here but NO scanner.
  20. I'm addressing the CR-1 process only. To process a CR-1 you must file an I-864 with the NVC and have it approved BEFORE they send the application on to GUZ. A K-3 is the same as a K-1 in the financial aspects, i.e., I-134 may be asked for at GUZ. Subsequently the K visa people file the I-864 during Adjustment of status. acw
  21. The K visa people do not have a monopoly on confusion. Trust me the immigrant version is no better. As clear as freshly stirred mud! The CR-1, P-4 says to take all items to the medical listed on the OF-171. Divorce certs, passport, B.C, adoption decree, marriage cert, death cert, Non-marriage cert, police cert (if over 16), Court record, evidence of financial support or offer of employment, Medical exam info., photographs, Family Composition form and 230 II form. acw
  22. Finally got email response from GUZ 6-2-05 @17:21 (sent May 28). My question: "Our I-864 was submitted and *approved* at NVC. We recently received our Packet 4. The OF-171 states we must provide an I-864 that is "..... *ORIGINAL* signed and notarized". Do we have to submit a NEW I-864 OR is a copy of the NVC approved one sufficent?". GUZ Response: "If you have submitted original I-864 to the National Visa Center, Ms. Xx Xxxx Xx does not need prepare new. But she should bring your tax returns of year 2004 if submit year of 2003 and 2002 for NVC". acw
  23. WAC. Example off NOA-1 slightly modified: WAC0515664422. acw
  24. Still awaiting a reply for one I sent GUZ on Sat. night Jim. acw
  25. Jim, Is having the physical done beforehand in maybe Shanghai not an option??? Sure give you some breathing room. acw
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