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Steve and Qingqing

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Everything posted by Steve and Qingqing

  1. Well we have plenty of pictures of us together and shot of each other. Dont have but one or two with her relatives, wish I took more now...What about cards where she refered to me as her husband even though we are not married... Im thinking these will only confuse them or give them reason to ask for more evidence......also what about letters that she uses an american name I gave her.... Im thinking this might confuse them as well.
  2. Well, we filed the P3 forms this week and I just got back from my second visit with my SO. I was wondering just how many photos do you all think is really needed as proof? We shot over 300 pics this time as well as that many from our previous trip. I have gathered about 80 of the best shots of us together and separately, plus we had Professional studio shots taken this time ( pre-wedding pictures and other studio shots). We will include a few of those (less the wedding shots as not to confuse them with our K-1 status). How many photos did you include for your interview?
  3. I can draw some comparisons with my friend because he was K-1 last year and recieved a P3 package and his fiancee one also.. he thought it a mix up of some sorts but she got her P3 4 weeks later...hopefully my fiancee will get one as well and when im there. As of now it would be best for me to just bring them to her next week in person.. no chance of them getting lost and id like to go over them before she mails them off so as we dont forget anything....Thank you for your advice though. Im hoping she will get a P3 as well...Mine was actually mailed from washington but had the GUZ seal on the outside.
  4. We are not married yet. we have filed for the K-1 visa.. A good friend of mine who's now filing with his wife for her greencard told me he too recieved the P3 package but had no idea why they sent it to him as well as her.. Hers arrived 4 weeks after his and 4 weeks should be when im with my fiancee next week so I hoping she will have hers then and i can check for bar codes.. The only bar code I could find was on the outside envelope. But the forms inside were outdated and had expired.. so I sent her the most recent forms ( expiring in 2007) to "practice" filing out for when hers arrive.... I find this strange that they are sending the packages to both of us... Oh one other note, Ive got one new question, we have known each other since 2001 and since falling in love, shes been calling me her husband and signing her emails with wife ... can i still use these emails as proof or will it only confuse them during the interview since we are NOT husband and wife.. I think it will....if so , then most of our proof is phonecards and phone statements and a few emails that dont imply married...
  5. greetings all. Im new to this site but already on my journey to bring my sweetheart to america this coming year.. I have already filed and recieved the package 3 but she has not.. My question concerns are these... why do they send out a package to the sponsor and fiancee? I have sent her copies of all the papers I have recieved and she has already gathered all the documents she needs for the interview, less the medical exam. My question for all of you is, should she wait for her original P3 to come and send those 2 forms back asap or can she use my forms in my P3 package and send those in? I will be in China next week ( 2nd visit) and will bring her my P3 package.... I read that her package might contain serial numbered papers or bar coded papers that she should use. Should I also bring her any orginal documents in case they ask to see them? Im bring her a bunch of paperwork ( phone records, photos, copies of divorce papers, emails, instant messenger messeges, etc... I have all these in 2 binders for her to present to them along with all of her paperwork.. Please let me know any advice... Thank you.
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