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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Congrats and best wishes for a successful interview and speedy reunion. It's about time, don't ya think?
  2. Oh well, use 'em while ya can good buddy. Then spend a couple of months practicing with a pottery shard. It'll get you ready for what's coming....
  3. It may come to that. But if she doesn't want me to shell out a few bucks for a pack of bics, how's she gonna feel about the cost of an electric razor. Just had my birthday, so can't ask for one as a gift. Maybe this disposable can last til Christmas, ya think?
  4. A great idea! However, she doesn't shave her legs. Doesn't need to. That's pretty amazing actually. She does shave under her arms. Maybe I can let her use the dull razor there.
  5. Don, are you saying that Li has more experience shaving than I do? I don't think so..... Granted, she is great at saving money...no question. But a dull razor is not a man's best friend. How long do you use a disposable razor oh wise one?
  6. Well, here's a cultural issue for you. Let me explain.... I have a goatee and, for many years, wore a full beard. The only time I shaved it off was at one point during the Black Hole, in protest of not getting our visa in a timely fashion. I suspect my posts about this are somewhere deep in the bowels of this here board. Anyway... I have a goatee and I hate shaving. Nothing worse than dragging sharp steel across your face when you are barely awake. To make a long story short, Li has made it be known that she thinks I use too many disposable razors and we could save a lot of money if I cleaned the one I use after every shave. Her most recent comment was: "You can use a razor for years....." I tried to explain that no matter how many times you clean it, it's gonna get dull after a fairly short length of time. No matter how clean a razor is, a dull razor is a dull razor. She doesn't seem to be able to get her mind around this concept. Bless her heart, she goes into the bathroom and, using a toothbrush, cleans my razors to a high shine. I love this woman so much. Still, I need to find a way to get her to understand that, after a week or so, even a clean razor feels like dragging sandpaper across my face. Don't laugh fellas....this, too, could happen to you. Maybe I need to grow my beard back. B)
  7. My first year in China, we lived in Hefei, which is the capital city of Anhui Province. In many ways, I liked Hefei and look forward to going back there for a visit. When you walk a block of any of the main streets, there are mazes of small alley ways, loaded with little shops that sell all kinds of stuff at very low prices. In fact, shortly after Li and I met, one of our first dates consisted of a great meal, then her helping me buy a coat for the winter, as the weather was already beginning to cool off. I remember standing outside an outdoor stall in the sleet and snow while Li bargained endlessly buying me a jacket. In the end, she got it at a great price. It's these kind of little adventures that I miss. I love the small streets off the beaten path and the interesting sites, sounds and smell. I miss it.
  8. Gee, Kenny...why do I get impression you are a butt man?
  9. Hang in there Ski, and keep plugging away at them. One of the lessons we all learned in the Black Hole was that being persistent does finally pay off.
  10. Great point, and we must never forget those cute little Chinese butts in such great numbers ! In America, its tiring seeing so many Mack trucks. 216056[/snapback] Your point is well taken my friend. And those cute little butts are well rounded!
  11. One of the things I liked most was really good jaozi! (dumplings) My first year over there, living in Hefei, we often visited a little dive, hole in the wall really, down a narrow alley way that served up great jaozi. Also, huang gua, (cucumber) served raw, but spiced in a way that is indescribable but delcious. Also miss the women. No matter what direction you looked in, you would see a beautiful face.
  12. I think I know that place. Is it out by the Turnpike Extension?
  13. During the five years I lived in China, I was on a Z work visa. It had to be renewed every year, but the cost was nowhere near 1000 RMB. The most I ever paid was 250 and that was always paid by my employer. As someone mentioned, these laws appear to be changing quickly so it is best to try to stay updated.
  14. Great letter, Ski. Hope you get a positive response. Please keep us posted.
  15. Welcome aboard. You'll find a lot of great folks here!
  16. Sorry to hear about this Ski. In fact, I am more than sorry. I am outraged. It just sickens me to hear of cases like this and the ignorant reasons they give for refusing the visa. The age difference thingie is the most ridiculous one of all. You would think that the legitimacy of your relationship had already been established by the granting of a visa to your wife, not to mention her AOS. I agree that racism plays a role, but I also think these kinds of rejections reflect the lack of compassion, the lack of understanding and the downright lack of sensitivity on the part of those vested with the power to grant or deny a family visa. Ever since our government pulled us all through a maze of keyholes back in the Black Hole days, I have lost all faith in the leadership of this country. I am not being political here. The idiotic acts I, and many others, endured went down both sides of the aisle. I wonder how, for example, in your case, they justify denying a visa because your wife is an only child in a country that has a one-child policy!!!! Secondly, I think it is high time these folks did a little revised thinking. China is no longer a "developing country." The standard of living for many folks, especially in the cities, is not so different from ours. I lived over there for five plus years and can state without reservation, that in many ways life was far easier and less stressful than what I experience here in the States. I wish you well in your discussions and contacts with Congressional folks, but I have little faith these days. I know some of the newer members of the board will think I am being overly negative and I apologize if I seem that way. But believe me folks, what many of us endured at the hands of our government during 2002-03 was beyond belief and inexcusable. Sorry for the rant Ski. I feel for you and wish you success. It's just that in light of all of this hoopla about illegal immigration, whenever some one tries to obey the law and do it the right way, to see them get slapped down pisses me off to no end. B) I need a Valium!
  17. Congrats and thanks for posting the details. It always amazes me how different each interview is. Our AOS interview really had no real questions. Just talked about life in China and Chaoshan food, which is the specialty where we lived our last four years over there. Anyhoo, best wishes and keep us posted.
  18. Congrats and best wishes for you and your family.
  19. Somehow, this does not surprise me in the least. I wonder why they don't ask for the application for the birth certificate, rather than the actual birth certificate? I guess what matters is that you applied to get married, not get married. If they ever ask you to turn in her conditional SS card, with the work authorization required statement on the back, you ought to tell them you don't have it, but you do have a copy of your application for the card.
  20. For Li, it would be hard to say. More than likely it would be her niece, who is a very intelligent nine-year-old (she was six when we left). Someday, somehow, we would love to get her here, along with her mom, who is Li's older sister.
  21. Try to learn to sleep on your stomach, rather than your back. Of course, don't do this if you fart louder than you snore.
  22. Let me tell you my friends, this kind of crapola brings back a lot of bad memories. I pray none of you are about to get sucked into what some of us old timers did.
  23. Hope this new fangled law doesn't auger the beginning of another Black Hole era. In the original Black Hole, new procedures regading name checks started the whole mess. None of the agencies really knew when and what they were supposed to do. But please, I am not trying to alarm anyone here. All of this could be a bit of a delay, just a minor glitch. Hopefully, the powers that be learned a few lessons from the Black Hole of 2002-03.
  24. Really sorry to hear you drew such a jerk for an interviewer. Nevertheless, the worst of it is over. Just give them the documents and be done with it. Glad to hear your wife is recovering well. Please, keep us all posted on all fronts.
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