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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Congrats indeed. Another day, another milestone.
  2. I think police reports, certificate of marriageability and medical exam are good for one year. I may not be up to date on this as it has been almost four years since our interview....
  3. Good idea. But if Salina was born prior to your interview, then it would be better. 222821[/snapback] Good point, Tony! She was born before our AOS interview and I think it helped considerably. We took her to the interview and the officer fell in love with her. She was about seven months old at the time.
  4. My SO had a very common family name and given name. Our visa took 18 months, but that had nothing to do with the common name. We were in the Black Hole.
  5. Good idea, thing is, by the end of this process some of us may not have any hair left 222680[/snapback] So that's what happened to my hair!
  6. As Carl said, administrative review could mean any number of things. Most likely a name check hit came up, especially if your SO or you have a common name. Still, it could be something else. The problem is, no one will tell you anything about it or why it happened. Hopefully, some of the folks on the board here who had administrative review can give you some insight into how long it takes. From my understanding, it varies. Good luck and hang in there. Keep us posted.
  7. A few weeks ago, I was looking back through some of the photos that Li and I have together since the beginning of our relationship. Then, an idea struck me that may be useful for those of you early in the process. It may sound a little weird and unnecessary, but then, keep in mind this whole process is a little weird. Li and I had been together for four years before the interview for her visa. We had stacks and stacks of photos to choose from. We chose photos from the duration of our relationship. In the earliest photos, Li had very short hair. In subsequent photos, it got longer and longer and I was in each photo. There was even one she took to the interview when she had put curl in her hair. I think this may show that the relationship is indeed long term. So, if you have been together for awhile and have photos from different years, and the SO has various lengths of hair, maybe include them. It couldn't hurt. Really, I think it may have helped us in some small way.
  8. That is quick! Our AOS, from filing to interview, took 19 months. B)
  9. Reminds me of the AngryTexan's case back in the Black Hole Days. He was told they could finally pick up the visa by GZ. Told by DOS there was no record of approval. Back and forth, then GZ said no, there was no record that she could pick up the visa. End of story, they went anyway on March 10, 2003, the same day as us, and picked up the visa with no problem. Keep in mind that old saying about the left hand and the right hand....
  10. For the record, our AOS petition took a full 19 months. Then, when we got the green card, there was an error on it. When we went to Memphis back in April, they said they should have it straightened out in, oh, about 22 months. Real expedient system we have here, huh?
  11. Best of luck Ski. I hope it works out in the end. Hang in there.
  12. Sorry to hear of your problem. As others have said, once they put a case under administrative review, it can be a real crap shoot as to how long it will take. This is very unfortunate, indeed. As you go through this, hang around Candle more often. You can get a lot of info here, as well a vital support.
  13. Ah, so good to hear from the Trigginator!!!!! Li has had several physicals at the request of INS/BCIS/USCIS/AND A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE..... You don't want me to get into the fingerprint issue..... Seriously, Trigg is right. They can, and do, ask for whatever they want, whenever they want.
  14. I agree with Roger that this is not something that is likely to affect anyone anytime soon, but it could in the future. Without a doubt it is worth keep an eye on this for the benefit of those just entering the pipeline as well as future Candle members.
  15. Dennis, I'm very glad that you survived the night I don't think i could survive without the fan. I generally use the central air and the fan. I tend to use the fan yearround... I need the air on my face. 219445[/snapback] Yes, I can relate. A fan is a man's best friend. Well....almost.
  16. I suspect there are many reasons couples break up and I agree with what someone said about the first year being critical. As for the reasons posted in the original post in the thread, I don't know. Li and I are more than five years apart in age. And we live in a rural area with little access to Chinese cultural contacts. And we have now been together for nine years. five in China and going on four in the States. I believe each situation has its own variables, but this is a great topic for discussion in that general "trends" may be discovered.
  17. As I mentioned earlier, for many years I had a full beard. Now I just have a goatee. Li really likes it. She can have the best of both worlds, smooth cheeks to kiss and a fuzzy upper lip and chin that adds much pleasure when...
  18. Is that a cold, hard fact, Dennis?
  19. The Irish WOULD be ruling the whole world if the bloody Scots hadn't invented Whisky. 218622[/snapback] Yep, whiskey and golf. Those Scots are a sadistic lot for sure....
  20. Gee, and all this time I thought it was the Irish!
  21. The Foxfire Books are a great storehouse of Appalachian wisdom for sure. But... I ain't givin' up my fan, I don't care what Granny Clampett says.
  22. Well, now there's an idea for ya! Propane torch! Why didn't I think of that?
  23. Li and I have often had this discussion. She doesn't particularly like having a fan blowing on her. I do. I also like the white noise of a fan and have slept with one since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I have trouble sleeping without the fan and Li understands that is worse for my health than the fan. So, I will give up anything for my baby, except maybe my fan! Actually, with Li in the bed I don't aim the fan directly at the bed, but away from us. That way I have the noise, air is moving in the room, but the tornadic blast is not directly affecting us.
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