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Posts posted by ptcrusier333rph

  1. When speaking English and the tune is changed, it doesn't become something else. When the tune of Chinese is changed, it comes out something funny.

    Someone named Zhu(1) Zhi(4) Gang(1), when it comes out from a foreigner's mouth, it becomes Zhu(1) Ji(1) Gan(1) - pig and chicken liver-:)


    lucky for me my SO. had me say her friend name before i met her, what my SO say i said, I would have been slapped very very hard. :huh:

  2. Ok, i seen the chinaism for you SO from china how about the other way around. just how bad have you slaughter thier language. When i try to say some vietnamese to my SO her and her sisters all double over and laugh for a good 30 min. she still will not tell me what I said wrong, only was told not to repeat it again in front of a male unless i want a black eye. :)


    my SO still grin every time i try to say thank you Cam on the on sound should be "un" like in it saying than on she giggle everytime is mess up



  3. jenny you have 5000 dollars to invest into property in china? is so put your father name on it and use it as showing he has ties in china, after he here a few time you can extend his time and when your husband get citizenship he have easier time getting here show he travel and return a few time.


    the 5000 dollars on property could be use to build a house on or refix one there. more than 5 k show more likely he return back to china.

    the other is offer a bond to show he will return. I sure i read somewhere a bond can be issue to make sure the person will return back to country they came from.

  4. There a outfit in america that will check your SO college background and show if it acreddit or not. Missouri Education dept gave me several address that i send her transcript to plus a fee and wait to see if her college eduction in teaching quilifies her to be a teacher in Missouri.


    Also talk to the local college and they may allow her 3 year of college to equal 60 credit hours of general education so she could substitute teach.


    I figure there has to be other like that for medical, I know of a doctor here that from tawian and another from india both got degree from their own countries.

  5. my step son already calling me father and dad in english, as far as my wife is concern our son is my too in blood, she never seen her son open up to a man as he does to me. first time we meet he had to take a nap, and his mom lay down with him toput him to sleep, he climb out of the bed and grab my hand and pull me to the bed to lay with them both. my wife cried for an hour and the feeling i had in my heart was something i hope to never lose.


    i'm adopting him as soon as I can, as far as i'm concern he my first born.

    oh and he 4 years old andlearning english.



  6. I been curious about this because my SO son name is Dang and I can see a lot of problems with school children teasing


    I call him Hai Dang like his mother do, but I been figuring on letting him decide on a american name on his own, I not got around to asking my SO about this considering Dang mean one thing in her language and another in ours and both sound the same when saying it.



  7. You have my sympathies, truly. My SO and I were stuck in name check hell for 10 months, after which our visa process was expedited to an unexpected degree. The rest was smooth, and very rapid sailing.


    It isn't hopeless. Continue communicating. If you have not yet written to your US senator, I'd advise that. His office will probably tell you there's not much they can do, but they will make an inquiry for you. DOS does notice that, at least they did in our case even though my senator's office told me nothing could be done.


    And hang in here. There are quite a few of us who experienced ridiculous delays.


    Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice. I will heed tigress and Franks advice and try that route. Larry, I wrote a professional letter to Marta Harty. I was just venting frustration here. I am frustrated by the way our government branches are being administrated. FEMA is a good example. There are people having interviews that submitted initial paperwork after we received GUZ numbers. I am happy for them but it doesn't make sense. Its like their throwing darts and picking the file. I am sure there is a few that need extra evaluation but there is no distinct or logical pattern to the processing. I will keep trying. Thanks Again


    follow up with a e-mail could help tooo

  8. Welcome to CFL.


    I'd probably first check with the civil affairs office in your SO's hometown to see what documents it will want.  Based on the link to the US consulate's website, "...Effective October 1, 2003, persons who have been married previously will no longer be asked to submit original or certified copies of final divorce or annulment decrees, or of death certificates if widowed. No health certificate will be required."


    The website goes on to say that the American partner to a marriage in China will generally be asked to submit a notarial certificate of marital status, but in lieu of this, the consulate will help with the preparation of a certification of marriageability and it is this last certification (by the consulate) where the consulate asks for a certified divorce decree.


    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you:


    1.  Might have a local civial affairs office that doesn't care about prior marriages.


    2.  Might be able to procure a notarial certificate of marital status if the local civil affairs office needs something related to prior marriages.  Check with your home state where your reside and see what it would take to get such a certificate.


    3.  Might have to go to the consulate to get a certificate of marriageability in which event it seems likely that you will have to have a certified copy of your divorce decree.


    As others have said, I would not try to get the certificate of marriageability by conveniently forgetting about prior marriages.


    Good luck.


    Thanks all for your responses. Based on input here and that recieved while chatting in the CFL Lounge, I think I am proceeding on a couple of paths. One, I have emailed the GZ consulate explaning our situation and asked if there is any way around the requirement for the Cert of Divorce. Based on Frank's helpful thoughts, my fiancee will also be checking her hometown to see if, by chance, the Cert of Marriageability is not required there. And I'm of course also pushing on CA and AK to see how quickly the Cert's of Divorce can be gotten to me.


    I love it when people pay attention. You seem to have all the bases covered. I wish you success in your endeavor.


    A further thought is to ask GUZ if they will accept a faxed divorce decree. I doubt the CA and AZ will fax to China but a relative could do so after receiving the originals. WA mailed mine the day after my request.


    when i got my birth cert from CA the form states that to expect 6 to 12 months for divorce or death cert, 1 month for birth records, took 4 month to get my birth records.


    you can have a family member walk into and pick up your divorce records. only thing they have to do is get a notary stating they are your brother, sister or mother.




    I'm from missouri my divorce record i can get from my court house in 15 min

  9. Alabama accent????? :whistling:  Isn't that a dialect?


    state of mind but at least it not a TN accent that a whole different language.



    as for learning english my SO teacher been taught by both a australian and a brit. and has slaughter the english language, i must have corrected about 20 words spoken wrong in the first week we been together.



  10. I understand some documents must be translated into chinese. A divorce decree for example...My chinese language teacher teaches at the university. can she do the translations?


    You are an adult. Make your own decisions. You take them to the notarial office in HK. The translations must be certified correct by the notary. Optionally, you may get them translated by somebody at the Chinese Consulate if they will and there is one nearby.


    I'm going to reply to myself again because I was in a hurry before. If you are still planning to arrive in HK 5 or 6 weeks from now you are pretty much out of time to get your certificate of marriageability. As I mentioned before, you have to file all this in HK for (was it 30 days?) BEFORE you can get married. If you haven't already gotten your documents to your SO and had her take them in to obtain notarized translations, AND obtained your certificate of marriageability, you won't be getting married in HK in February.


    i think you can have 15 days notice in advance to get married in hk thought about doing that route last june

    then another 15 days for someone to file against it



  11. it would be interesting to get jen opinion on the holidays on how she handle it. I think it be interesting reading how one SO veiw the holdiay compare the the other.


    Me and My SO would write down what we thought about the day before turning it, it was interesting reading to see what she thought was important and what I thought was. She ask me to bring more notebooks she miss reading my thoughts.



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