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Everything posted by jgrier5

  1. blac bla bla bla bla lbahahaha bla bla Too lazy and tired to rant, but you know how I feel. We have to pay extra $$ for a change of flight....crappy GUZ
  2. I am ok now. I looked at flights and there is a flight leaving CAN on the 26th, so he can leave then rather than the 25th as originally planned. Although we will have to spend extra dough for switching the plane ticket, its ok...we have come this far...
  3. I agree. I will be so glad when we are done with this crappy process. God only knows why they want to add an extra step on the process. And they also charge a "modest fee" in order to send it rhough China Post. I could add some swear words like squid @$%#$^#%&^#^. But I am just happy that my hubby will be here soon, and that God is helping us through it. I adore him , and nothing could keep us apart. Not even bad blood between a political superpower and an economic powerhouse. All the red tape in the world can't hold us back.
  4. We just purchased my hubby's airplane ticket to find out that he may not be able to make the flight b/c of the new visa pick up method....how many days will it take to ge the visa after the interview? His interview is May 23rd 8:00am. Immigrant Visa Section Begins to Return Visas by Mail The Immigrant Visa Unit of the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, China is pleased to announce the inauguration of a courier delivery and pick-up service for all immigrant visas issued from April 27, 2005. Courier delivery will offer convenient and timely return of immigrant visas through the China Post system. Visa recipients from within Guangdong Province will have the option of the Consulate mailing the visas directly to the applicant's home address. The visas may also be picked up at the designated China Post office on Shamian Island in Guangzhou, a short walk from the Consulate. Please note that applicants from outside of Guangdong Province must, for now, pick up their visa packages at the China Post office on Shamian Island near the Consulate. All immigrant visa recipients must use the China Post system for return of the visas. There will be a modest charge for this service. Details will be provided to each visa recipient on the day of their interview
  5. You crazy ole' man, I didn't even know she had an interview date set!
  6. Oooo...sorry about the pics. I sent them UPS the other day. They really weren't anything to schnazzy. A close up of us playing with the camera in Sanya, some pics from Huairou near the outskirts of Beijing....a wedding pic as well... Hehehhe...We'll provide better pics once he arrives!
  7. Thanks, I am about to buy the plane ticket now.... geez
  8. Hubby's interview is coming up soon on May 23rd. He just got the huge UPS package of evidence I sent off last Friday. a VHS tape, calling card reciepts, letters, emails, a notarized letter from me in Chinese and English, notarized copy of my passport, plane ticket stub from latest trip to BEijing in December, bla bla bla
  9. We didn't spring for an attorney. The visa process is administrative/procedural and does not require any knowledge of substantive immigration law, unless you have unique circumstances. Save your money for your honeymoon! Take it from me as an attorney-in-training.
  10. *Angels singing* Hallelulah! Hallelulah! Hallelulah! Ahhhhhhhh
  11. I want to buy some beach front property in Sanya...oooo
  12. C'mon, you know we all are waiting to hear back about the interview.
  13. My hubby is four years older than me...where does that leave us?
  14. Yes~ *looks over her shoulder* *looks under her desk*
  15. hehehe you just want to know my mailing address so you can stalk me hehehehe
  16. Sure, within China that is true, as they are domestic flights. But international flights can be booked well in advance. I tried to explain this same thing to hubby. He has his panties in a bunch about buying the tickets now. But I would feel better doing it that way. I guess that is a go! I will buy the ticket sooner rather than later. ANd if anything screws up , you guys can reimburse me.
  17. Just wondering if I should buy it now. I don't want to wait until after the interview to buy it, that seems more risky. Has anyone else bought the plane ticket before hand? And advice against this? I would hate for to wait until the last minute and the price goes up... right now the price is $570 or 4,370RMB. Maybe he can just swim here. It would be cheaper.
  18. Starbucks...ahhhh good memories. The date is approaching fast, I need to start cleaning.
  19. Do I have to do the I-864 all over again? Should I also submit copies of the old one that I gave to NVC?
  20. Bahan~~~ I am still waiting along with you, you aren't alone. You have my support.
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