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Everything posted by jgrier5

  1. *Still Whining* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Wo de lao gong zai nar?
  2. I keep those pictures on the down low. Although there have been a few floating around Beijing "dian nao wang ba"
  3. I am still waiting Nooneufo. Confirmed that my case was complete back in November and that my name check was completed in January...waaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. And my security check was completed only one month after yours...humpf! That angry is directed towards GUZ! Bring 'em out bring 'em out!
  5. That is the latest news from GUZ and is the same estimate that my congressman got from them. I think I am going to abide by that estimate, Nooneufo since we still really don't know how GUZ treats CR1s. I have the feeling that CR!s arenot put in the que until the name and bakground checks have been completed. It's all good, he is totally worth the wait.
  6. Silly Rabbit That means an attorney.
  7. It was fun, just taking that picture....RAR~
  8. So will I be taking a trip out to JFK next month or not?
  9. As an officer of the court, I must sak you all to please watch your words. What you post may be used against you in a court of law.
  10. You are so right. Cheetos, orange fingers, and cheeto breath all make me so hot! Do I look sassy? I am really a quiet girl...but it is the quiet ones that you have to look out for~ RAR! Thanks for saying that hubby and I make a good couple. If you think that pic is hot wait till you see the one where...oh, sorry...wrong forum. How am I supposed to know you guys are over 18?
  11. Only for you Nooneufo would I go through this must trouble detailing a timeline of governmental redtape. BTW, Nooneufo when was your namecheck complete?
  12. Am I? Nooneufo said my rainbow is on backorder. You might not want to use my timeline as a measure. Plus my hubby's background check was completed in January. WAaa
  13. Love is in the air http://tashimawang.liquidblade.com/images/jg.jpg What if every GUZ case had a photo attached to personalize the case?
  14. C'mon GUZ my clock is ticking here! I need to push out lian ge bao bei before I return to Beijing to practice law....KAUI YI DIAN!
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