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Posts posted by philb

  1. Doug:


    I too share your frustrations. I have been in "administrative review" at NVC for 6 months now. What in God's name could take 6 months? Between my SO an I - we do not even have a traffic ticket. So far as contacting a government official who gives a squat seems to be out of the question.


    How do I continue to explain this to my fiancee who has the patience of JOB? The mightiest nation in the World has a bureaucracy that sucks so bad it is embarrassing! and YES, I too, am being robbed. Robbed of the time of enjoyment that I should be experiencing with my fiance.


    Maybe we need to unify as registered voters and voice our displeasure. However, I think that petitions have been sent ad naseum and the situation remains unchanged.


    Who will give me the time back?



  2. Adam:


    Maybe some still think that Chinese women have bound feet and walk single file with their heads down. (My brother wanted to know how the rick-shaw rides were during my visit!).


    My brother, and any other man with that perception, has a rude awakening coming! There may be a little separation between within the home and outside the home...but don't bet on it. When my children visited with me and met "their future stepmother (lol)" their first impression was - WOW- she is a real spitfire - full of energy, and love and happiness...literally glowing!


    Has anyone heard the Bud Light commercial taunting the "mail order bride catalog orderer"...while most men look in catalogs to buy furniture; these REAL MEN OF GENIUS search for someone to clean the furniture?


    Yes Adam, there are certainly stereotypes out there. Too bad that they are so misinformed.


    My only question is, how come she is always right? And I sincerely mean it...she always seems to have it figured out! Damn, I love it!



  3. Waldo:


    Join the NVC hell club!


    I have been held up for 5-1/2 months now. Originally, I was told that my K-1 application was selected for "secondary background check of the Beneficiary"(3/4/05). I was told "that my application had been sent to Washington to be handled by the Agency".


    Last Friday I got through to NVC on the phone. The lady told me that this statement was incorrect. My application was "under administrative review". She did have a record of all interactions by me; including previous eMails and telephone conversations. She also related that I had been given a GUZ case number; which was a good thing. However, no timeframe was available.


    She related that the best time to try and get through was Friday evenings. I too have been unable to reach NVC any other time. When I sent email requests per the recording, I received a canned response via eMail in about three work days.


    My fiance and I are besides ourselves being arbitrarily kept apart. I watch the other's timelines pass by me knowing if this ever shakes loose we will still have about 9 months to work our way through the system.


    By the way, when I suggested that my State Senator or Representative might want to help me; I was told"go ahead, we tell them the same thing that we told you"


    Who will give me back the time?



  4. Dailyview:


    Hello- I am living proof of "Namecheck hell". The NVC in New Hampshire pulled my K-1 application out "randomly" and sent it to "Washington" to "the Agency" for secondary background check of the beneficiary.

    It has been 5 months now and I have been totally stonewalled. When I asked if it was sent to Washington D.C. or the State of Washington I was told that they couldn't tell me. When I asked which (of the many wonderful Agencies our tax dollars support) Agency might be assisting us so ably, I was told that they couldn't tell me. When I asked for an estimated time; a normal or average time delay or if there was anything that I could do to facilitate this process - you guessed - they couldn't tell me. When I suggested that possibly a Senator or Representative could inquire - I was told - go ahead - we tell them the same thing that we told you.

    So I eMailed in a query. Got a response back in 4 days. You guessed - "due to 9/11...yada yada yada..."

    It just tears me up to be left behind in the dust - As David tracks timelines and several guys that I have met here slowly progress; I daily attempt to console my SO.

    I will not be defeated by this bureaucracy!


  5. Alex:


    There is a light!


    I agree with David; make sure the financials are current....2004 tax return.


    Just a word of caution; I got hung up in NVC hell in New Hampshire. They pulled my K-1 out for "secondary background check of beneficiary"...it's been 5 months with no word...I hope you breeze through.


    Fight the Fight!



  6. I just returned from 2 weeks in NanNing with my SO and I took my 17 year old daughter and 19 year old son. Told them to say hello to their future Step Mother.

    Give them the pocket translator and let them run with kids in the family!

    They had a blast...the two swords my son bought even made it back!

    I offered them business class seats or $600US and a coach seat...of course, they took the money!

    Now there was one night chugging beers with the gang and singing with the band that my children admitted opened up a side they had not seen in me in a long time....HAPPINESS....

    Now if I can only get Yun here with me!

    Oh and they had a movie camera and we shot alot of film. The movie shot from the back of the motor scooter was worth it's weight in laughs!

    .....and try and remain calm.


  7. Welcome to Frustration City!


    Our K-1 was selected for secondary background check of the beneficiary by Washington Agency.....


    Which agency? "Can't tell you"

    How long? "Can't tell you"


    It's been like this now for 3-1/2 months....our government protecting us from ..... from what? Going nuts?


    At least you don't have to feel like you are the only one,

    Phil & Yun

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