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Posts posted by philb

  1. susieq...et. al:


    be patient. you are not out of the expected timelines. If you feel you are in a dark zone; look at my timeline...9 months at NVC with no information whatsoever. Just knowing that I am out of that trench is a victory. Knowing that I am somewhere in the DHL big house of customs and directed towards the omnipotent GUZ feels like a victory.


    I am certain that there still remain 50 ways to screw the pooch is unsettling; but I will jump one stump at a time and focus on my sweetheart who is patiently waiting..



  2. Bob:


    I think my case was an exception; not the rule. However, it did not shorten my anguish. I received a GUZ# and then called every week. I was told that my application had been selected for "secondary background check" and sent "to Washington". There was no timeframe offered; no description of what was happening. I was told to wait.


    Most people here seem to glide through. Many that applied at the same time that I did now are united in America.


    What was it? Ruby and the Romantics? "Our day will come".



  3. Larry:


    My sympathies. After 9 months my case mysteriously broke loose from NVC name check hell. I cannot tell you what will help. I called weekly and finally sent a letter to Maura Harty. 6 days after I sent the letter, I found out through calling that my K-1 was being sent to GuanngZhou. I do not think that the letter had anything to do with it.


    I do know that your SO will go through an agonizing period. NO; you did not do anything wrong; NO; you did not incorrectly fill out the paperwork; NO there is not something that would raise a red flag. NO; writing or calling President Bush will not expedite anything.


    I know this hurts; but patience and endurance is all I can offer. I wonder if they sometimes think that this will discourage the relationship. When I hit GuangZhou I can only show continuity for 2 years waiting on the process.





  4. I was in Nanning last Christmas. SO got presents; family got presents; friends got presents...all handed out Christmas eve at our engagement party.


    No one complained. Everyone left full and happy and then Kareoked into the morning hours.


    My vote: you can never go wrong sending your SO a gift...for any and every occasion. Try some flowers saying - just because "I love and miss you"...delivered for less than 20 bucks? come on.



  5. Loose lips sink ships...


    I am also guilty of using Lao Po and Lao Gong; while we are definitely not married yet. I have heard mentioned here that this habit leads to a quick response when asked,"what is your Lao Gong's name?" OOops..I meant my Fiance NOT Husband.


    Off on the wrong foot with the VO.


    I must correct this and reflect the proper status also.



  6. Jesse:


    Good luck. I hope that you have a better shot than I got - 9 months of NVC HELL.


    I think some elected officials in some states are more sympathetic to immigration than others. Arizona and California borders are being overrun right now; its hard to get their attention. I called NVC every Friday evening so I almost always got through to an operator who I made sure logged my call ie. my continued interest. I did write a letter to Maura Harty, but I think my K-1 broke loose before they actually could have done any investigation.


    I sympathize with you. Doing anything while you wait is better than just sitting there dumb and dazed waiting on our government to perform.



  7. the waiting is worse than water torture.


    after 9 months I was cut free from NVC HELL. 6 days prevoiusly I had written a letter addressed to Maura Harty. Not sure it did any good; but my SO knew that I was trying. If there are any more over-long delays - I am going to go crazy.


    I hope your time is much less.



  8. This subject has always been dear to me.


    I think that every circumstance is unique. What city she lives in; her educational level; her ability to find a good job; or any job; who she is supporting?

    What is your station? What is your position? What does your heart say? What does your gut tell you?


    One thing that runs through many responses: SHE NEVER ASKED ME FOR A DIME. I broached the subject when we met in NanNing. After I had a true sense of all the questions above and had satisfied myself that IF I decided to send money, that it was not to buy her; to gain stature with her friends(face), or to to drop her into the lap of luxury; I was convinced that I should cautiously send a limited amount of money.


    Do I send her money? Damn straight. Have I handed out red envelopes to family members? You had better. Have I traveled with her son, nephew, niece and niece's friend...you bet. WHY? Because I chose to do it. Would our relationship be alive if I had chosen to refrain? probably. Is that how I want to interact with my future wife? Withhold and test...naaah.


    We have discussed budgets for both of us. She has seen the K-1 application. She knows what I make etc. She also knows the committments that I have. If I don't have the money at the moment? She waits. When I have traveled to NanNing (including bringing my 2 children), I take care of everything. There is no jealousy over who gets what and what priority is in place. Unfortunately ex-wives get spousal maintenance...I could go on but I'll bet that this part of money discussions is familiar with many.


    Each person has to travel this road and make his own judgement on what to do. I labored over this one long and hard and it still can hit a nerve sometimes when I send that Western Union wire over. However, I also have a very appreciative Fiance who is just getting by and is very frugal. I'm happy with my decision and sleep very well at night - on all counts.





    I called the NVC tonight - my weekly dose of frustration and was informed that my K-1 visa application had left New Hampshire.


    I was told that it is being electronically transferred tomorrow and will be in a DHL shipment this week. I'm not sure that Maura Harty had a chance to even have an assistant look at this; BUT - you have to wonder - all of a sudden it pops out and heads to GuangZhou after 9 months of waiting - and about a week after an extensive eMail to The Secretary of State.


    I know - sit back and wait - hey - after 9 months of absolute silence - anything is welcome.


    My SO is absolutely ecstatic. I also told her to be real careful who she shares this info with....no 3rd party bulls^%$t.


    The offers from CFLers for help is sincerely appreciated. If Alex gets through this maze maybe there is another frustrated member that could use our help. Let me know,



  10. Alex:

    In NanNing, I found out that a specific branch of the Bank of China would handle traveler's checks while the others would not. Once we located this branch - it was a breeze to complete the transaction.


    I also took a picture of my SO and me in front of the wall that had all the info at The Bank of China - INCLUDING THE DATE - to use in the future to prove that we were in China together...at different times of the year.


    Good luck,



  11. Alex:


    Stay cool. Focus on the ring. You are very close. Just jump through the hoops they have placed in your way (THIS TIME) and flip them all the bird when it is over.


    You have endured more than any one American should. Read many of the recent posts...the system is broken. We're trying to forge on while the wheels are no longer round and are falling off.


    Keep in mind that there are many many people pulling for you right now and only a couple of dufusses pushing paper in a sadistic circle. You will prevail.



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