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Posts posted by philb

  1. DHL delivers the package to their facility in GuangZhou. The consulate fills out the appropriate paperwork to direct delivery to the consulate.


    Today, they are still sitting on the 10/27/05 package (and most subsequent). It seems that they have been picking up 3 delivery packages at a time about every 10 days.


    You can track your DHL delivery on the DHL website and go to TRACK REFERENCES and use I-730 and the guesstimate date you have. With the holidays approaching, it is looking like a 2 month period between leaving the US and actually arriving inside the consulate.


    Cheetos and a chair are my suggestions.


    Good luck,



  2. LIand LARRY and other interested CFLers:


    Correct me if I am wrong...please...


    The NVC located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire is an outsourced goverment unit..ie. it is a private company competing to perform services for the State Department of the United States Government.


    Could look see requests from Maura Harty's office be the last thing that they want piling up when it comes time to renew; rebid; renegotiate the contract services?


    Just a thought...



  3. Rakkasan:


    You will enjoy NanNing. I got a kiss on the cheek at the airport and a translator to meet the family. After that, a pocket translator will get you by. The Buddist tower at Green Park is a must...rent the tram!

    There is a nice cave...about 26 clicks out - I think it is Ying Ling.


    I agree; Guilin and Yangshou if you have the time. You'll think that you are in dreamland.


    Nanning - Cold in Winter...I mean bone chilling cold in winter and hot and muggy in summer. Dress for the occasion!


    There are many folks here that have courted in Nanning...


    Fire away!



  4. Our Guvermint officials just busted a big smuggling ring from China to California.


    The article stated that the tip off was CSC (Laguna Niguel) noticed multiple applications for wives by a single person.


    Got to hand it to those guys! Huh? They took 9 months looking at my application at NVC!


    I suspect that if there is a problem it will surface at your service center and you can respond quickly. Remember I said IF. Those Guvermint boys are "at the top of their game". They busted 44 people!



  5. new guy:

    Welcome to CFL. I think that you are early in the process and focus should be on cheetos with the mop coming later. In fact, forget the mop for now and tell Trigg how much you enjoy living without a mop!


    As for the intimacy: Check the triggictionary for the word TRADITIONAL. The old timers (above)(LOL), are all correct...let her lead...remember you are in her country; in her home town; in front of her friends and family....while you're spinning through Trigg's little masterpiece; look up "FACE". as in saving face vs loosing face. You'll find in general, that the many stares become a smile with a simple hello. The ole smile is one of many international communicators that you will learn. Discussions with her parents about your long term intentions won't hurt you either.


    If you go over as a gentleman and don't set your sights too high; you may be pleasantly surprised. Try courting her and spending some time together....as my Mother once asked me, "what are you going to do with her the other 23 hours and 55 minutes?"...in the Triggbook it's called a RELATIONSHIP.


    It can be truly magical,



  6. Jesse:


    Sorry to hear this. As you know, I am just starting to be able to sit down after removing the shaft from my ass.


    Now I've been sitting in DHL customs for a month. Maybe I could tell the IRS to hold on for awhile while I perform a detailed review and decide if I want to jerk them around a little more. Think that would fly?



  7. Sally:


    I called on a regular basis for 9 months...while friends breezed through in weeks. I finally wrote a letter to Asst. Secretary of State; Maura Harty who did track down that my K-1 had returned from Washington D.C. and was on it's way to GuangZhou.


    Laryy is correct; you will not pierce the NVC veil of secrecy. I do not think that the operators know anymore than what they tell you.


    A chair? some cheetos? nai xin, nai xin. (patience)



  8. Jim:


    I tried searching for a trend on the omnipotent GUZ receiving timely DHL deliveries. I went back to October 5th through November 4th.


    The only trend (if you could call it that) was that it appeared that the magic STAMP only came out about every two weeks and picked up a (random) group of packets.


    If your packet went before 10/13/05 you are in the grinder. If you were lucky to be an even date (now I'm really getting chinese superstitious) from 10/18; 10/20; 10/24 - the STAMP has found you. If your packet went on an odd day - 10/17; 10/19; 10/21; 10/25; 10/27; 10/31 you are still lingering in the GATEWAY.


    My packet went somewhere between 11/1 and 11/4 - with the 11/3 packet already signed STAMP on 11/14 ( go figure). So with Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas looming with the all-consuming Chinese New Years celebration starting 1/29/06...who knows?


    Only the great GUZ knows.



  9. Jim:


    Well I feel like we are in the same car of the train!

    I am watching DHL since NVC (and Maura Harty) both stated that my K-1 was electronically sent to GuangZhou on 10/31/05 and stated that it would be sent DHL "in the next couple of days".


    I, too, have started the DHL watch. One package was signed STAMP - while others sit at GATEWAY.


    I am actually looking at all shipments 30 days prior to my ship time and watch as GuangZhou closes in on my estimated ship date. It does look like they are taking about a month. Why some are accepted right away while others sit....only the GUZ knows...


    I have seen many identified as diplomatic papers...so much for that guess.


    Funny, I have been telling my SO that we will be married in JUNE, '06. Let's cross our fingers.


    Keep in touch,



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