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Posts posted by philb

  1. I would check with the proposed school system about enrollment.


    Most, if not all, school systems will not allow your child to enter into schooling without first displaying compentency in english. There will be an ESL class - hope that there are other asians; not just hispanic attending this.


    Have your SO bring over the Chinese school transcipts when she comes and save yourself some time and pain.


    ---at least this is what ole Eric has coached me on...contact esun41...he'll tell you about the same. He has recently enrolled 2 children.



  2. My understanding is that the police report is only good for 6 months; my SO is in the process of renewing hers. I think that letter of employment will be OK ( for 1 year). Remember the translations and notarization.


    2005 IRS...if you are in the process of filing; at least have 3 prior years and your W-2 from your employer for 2005. I am sure that after 4/15 they get alot tighter. I am also in the process of completing my 2005 taxes and will at least have a copy of my W-2 on hand. I will also have current bank savings statements and will declare real estate.


    It's all to show financial capability.


    Good Luck,



  3. Last year I sent her flowers and she was all excited - not overwhelmed but definitely thrilled.


    This year I sent her double what the flowers cost (last year) and told her to spend a little and save a little. She about jumped through the screen to thank me and congratulate me on not wasting money on flowers. waste...waste...waste.


    Is she Chinese or what?


    The pictures she sent me from my recent visit are priceless and just make me long for her more.



  4. wow:


    It sounds like you've already covered alot of the hot buttons.


    Maybe proposing the 5 minute tape may help. You might just have to go back over there to convince them.


    Is there a big age difference? Are either of you very recently divorced?

    Did you send an I-134 Affidavit fo Support?


    Again, the Lantern Festival just completed so things should begin to settle down.


    Good Luck,



  5. Patrick:


    Welcome...from a guy born in Evanston and raised in Deerfield..


    Listen to that old timer named Frank!!! Do everything possible to keep the Application in China. My preference also would be King.


    As for evidence, I'll ask a few questions that are in no way meant to critisize you, however, they may help you.


    Did you accompany her to either interview?

    How many times and for how long have you been together in China?

    Were you asked for the 5 minute VHS tape speaking together?

    Did your letter get past the love part and explain how you communicate with her?

    How many different mediums did you use to communicate? Phone logs? eMails? Letters?

    Do you have plenty of pictures together? With her family?

    Do you have any letters of encouragement from her parents and siblings?


    Again, try to keep the paperwork there.


    Good luck,



  6. Ron:


    I spoke with my SO today and asked about Ahua's intent. She is very committed to you. YOU are going to have to solve some of the communication snafus. Myself, I bought my SO a computer and a years ISP service...well worth it. I also signed up for onesuite. I've also been at this for over 1 year and you don't want to know how much.


    Western Union....I-129f...325a...these are all bumps in the road that CFL will help you manuveur.


    It takes quite a committment and some patience (along with cheetos) to complete what many have described here as the best thing that they have ever done in their lives.


    If you want to PM me and give me Ahua's cell number; I'll have my SO contact her and see if she can help.



  7. Thanks,


    Good to know that that question came up. I also, am from California and retained a New York attorney. All he does is Chinese Immigration and his fee was only $600 to look over all of my documents. He did find a couple of glitches that I fixed before it went in. He also fielded a last minute question when I found out that my SO's Father had actually passed away 10 years ago and that I was meeting her stepfather. This does make a difference on the application. I feel that he was worth his fee





  8. I just returned from a visit(Nanning). I was showing several pictures to an American born Chinese woman(here) who asked me what was my perception of a "Chinese" person before I met my SO and traveled to China and how had my perceptions changed.


    For the life of me; she took me by surprise. I actually had to think for a moment: what did I think? That Chinese restaurants (here) were dirty? That they were running around in rick shaws(there)? I was really at a loss. I am so immersed into the country; it's people...trying to understand their history and culture...to enjoy the beauty of their country; it's architecture; it's people.


    What has changed your myopic western view of the Chinese since meeting, courting, engaging, marrying a chinese SO?



  9. Carl & Mike both have this down.


    I signed up for onesuite.com and use it for regular short calls...so there is a log. I go through $5-7/month.


    the workhorse is a personal computer tied into yahoo. Hook up the webcam; hit the call button and see; talk & type; and hear her voice. Skype.com is another service.


    I talk to my SO every 12 hours with voice and webcam. I'm not sure how I'd keep going without all this. The $500 bucks I spent to get her a "state of the art" computer with translation sofware has paid off in spades. plus the entire "family" is on the computer constantly. I call it SanSung VS the "chinese army"...most days its a standoff!



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