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Posts posted by philb

  1. TRUTH ...and a reality check doesn't hurt either.


    What is seemingly RICH in Nanning can translate to poverty in Houston, TX before the truth is stretched.


    She had to have seen his financial status in the K-1 application process. However, this info may be hard to appreciate for a gal in China. However, if this guy did not discuss his situation; pictures of home; car, income level, education etc. There was a gap here. What did they talk about?


    My Father used to tell me, "don't marry for money....but don't let it stand in the way". Let's face it; most of these women aren't departing to escape the oppressive Communist regime.


    There are stories of Chinese women being wooed on the flight over, by a well heeled business man.


    The best surprise may be no surprises,



  2. a friend of mine, who also married a Chinese woman, just had one of her friends arrive on a K-1.


    She was devastated when she arrived and viewed the financial position this guy was in. She wanted to get back on the airplane immediately.

    She has decided to meet with my friend and his wife tonight and discuss her options; however, she is not inclined to stay...she says that he totally misled her.


    So much for LOVE.



  3. I have birth children; step children and will shortly have a Chinese step son.

    18 years old. Little english. Quiet. Needing schooling to complete HS. Terrified of leaving all his friends. He has not had a Father figure per se for 9 years. The women of the Family seem to "ride his ass". Some of it seemingly warranted.

    He had no choice in this development and refuses to be separated from his Mother. I want him to come along with his Mother; no hesitancy.


    My children, 18 & 20( in Phoenix), have met him in Nanning and they all get along quite well.

    I know that he is going to need all of the encouragement and help when he gets here. His lack of having a Father will also be challenging when he is suddenly faced with me. Not that I am a bad guy; but other than Mom, he has had little to lean on or depend on. This cuts both ways, also having little to reign him in.

    I look forward to it. I have two wonderful children now. My three stepchildren were very instrumental in guaranteeing a divorce from my second wife. We are not close; unless they get in a jam and call upon me(once in a blue moon)

    LiJing will certainly be a project. Getting him into school; pointing him in the right direction for friends and activities. Not being able to drive. Teaching him the ins and outs of California lifestyle ( it is definitely fast lane). Balancing time with him and his Mother. All good thoughts.

    I do not have all the answers...



  4. Thoroughly frustrated, I brought several cans of tomato paste and stewed tomatoes to (attempt) to make some spaghetti.


    First joke was opening the cans with a meat clever...no, they do not have canned foods; therefore no need for a can opener!


    The family ate the meal; but I could tell that they were not clamoring for my recipe nor wanting me to ship over or bring with me any more tomato paste.


    In Guilin, my SO had spaghetti for breakfast! Closest thing to noodles.


    OK OK - just get used to enjoing those Guilin flower noodles.


    yes, I do miss them....and her...



  5. I am so sorry for you and can sympathize - my SO put her son's lunar birth date on one form which triggered the same thing.

    They demanded a notarized copy of his birth certificate - would not take a verbal explanation.

    GUZ has now had out P-3 for over 3 months....shades of the NINE MONTH DELAY at NVC that we have also endured!


    Fight the fight,



  6. Hi:


    Jim gives you the DOS # - good luck.


    I also hit a snag with a wrong birthdate for her son...lunar vs calender( 1 month different) which confused GuangZhou. The consulate called my Fiance and requested a notarized copy of the birth certificate (for her son) in order to clear this up.


    While some have breezed through the P-3 to P-4 period of time in 30-45 days; I am now at 90 days and waiting. DOS has no new info... Maybe that is not what you wanted to hear but I am certain that this did not expedite the process!



  7. David:


    yes I have read it. Some of it is very interesting; some dry and some may be reaching...but it does have much compelling information.


    Better for the long flights over or before going to bed.


    Right now I am into "China Inc." and "MAO" by the same couple who wrote "Wild Swans".


    I feel that Wild Swans should be mandatory reading on one of those 14 hour excursions!


    I just finished "The Rape of Nanking" - now that will open your eyes!

    "Red China Blues" was also very good.


    As you can tell; I've got to do something other than eating cheetos!



  8. Guys:


    There is some good info on this if you hit the seach button.

    My experience was that NVC can give you the approximate date of approval. THEN you must go to the DHL website and really take an educated guess on which packet your application is in and follow it on the DHL website. Once the delivery hits the warehouse; it will remain there until the consulate is ready to work on it.


    If you figure a week to get to GuangZhou and 2-4 weeks just sitting collecting dust - you'll be pretty close. After your application leaves Portsmouth, N.H. there is little more that the NVC will be able to help you with. The upside is that there is little more that they can do to screw it up(and I would know).





  9. As you can see from my timeline; I am a little OVERDUE.


    Right now, I'd accept the Chinese Army and a marching band if she was here next to me.


    It's all perspective...go with the flow...look at that that glass that is now overflowing and cherish every minute - every smile -


    This could be a good excuse to sneak away to a little hideaway for the weekend.


    Turn it into a possitive experience. Oh, and confirm that her friend is returning to whence she came in the near future; that you'll miss her dearly and that you all should keep in touch.


    Best of luck ----and enjoy,



  10. I have cashed American Express Traveler's Checks at two distinct branches of the Bank of China in NanNing( 4 trips over 18 months).


    It seems that certain branches are set up for this. Bring a copy of your passport...B/W is OK. Your SO can help you with this. For some reason I was limited to $500 at one branch on one occasion.


    Again, I recommend taking a camera and having the guard take your picture with your Fiance in front of the reader board showing the date and exchange rates..prima facia evidence of being with your SO in China on a specific date.


    Good Luck,



  11. I have been to Nanning four times now. I have found few places that will take my credit card. I take American Express traveler's checks and take them to a certain branch bank that my SO knows and cash them in at a fair rate.

    One time they limited my amout to $500; but then went to another branch and cashed in another $500...go figure...welcome to China.


    I agree with taking plenty and splitting it up as you carry it. If you have to "blast yourself" out of a situation you certainly don't have many alternatives...money...in any country TALKS. Its easier to bring some travelers checks home than to be scrambling over there...especially in Nanning.


    Good luck, and yes - I know an Amercan ex-pat working in Nanning who has been very helpful to me. PM me and I'll hook you up.



  12. Interesting topic, as I am faced with a similar question. 


    My SO's son is 10. He is a very smart, handsome, well-mannered young man, and we got along great. 


    I want to make sure that when he gets to the U.S., he has the least struggles possible, given the distance and culture change.  While he is learning English as quickly as he can, his teachers are Chinese, and there is a certain difference in how English is spoken by Americans vs. how it is taught out of a text book.


    Part of my dilemma is over timing:  If my SO comes over here at the beginning of next summer, then we could focus the whole summer on ESL classes and get him ready to enroll at the start of the school year in the fall.  However, if her K1 is issued on a typical 7-12 month timeframe, we do not want to delay her move that long.  But neither do I want to throw her son into the public school system in the middle of the year.  Hence the dilemma.


    Has anyone actually dealt with a similar situation, and what did you do?


    My stepdaughter come here at age 14 during March of '04. she spoke a little English as taught by Chinese teachers. we enrolled her immediately so she could transition into American schools. It was a good move as not only did she assimilate well but she rapidly learned English. In retrospect I'm glad she came mid-term as it gave her a huge leg up socially as well as academically.


    Take Trigg's word on this. I've met Wong Fong and had no problem at all in speaking English with her. Even slang and humor which surprised me. She does have a bit of an accent, but carries on a conversation like any other kid her age.


    Soon we will be getting her caught up on cussin'.




    I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I didn't mean to NOT enroll. It is just that most programs will begin with ESL and minimal education classes until they pass a certain level of fluency.


    It doesn't make sense to throw a child into a competitive class situation in say, Trigonometry, without being able to understand any of what is going on in english. Of course, I didn't fare much better in some of my classes supposedly speaking the language...

    I sure didn't do so well in chiming in on this subject!


    Back to the cheetos,



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