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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. "Everything is all right! The Great and Powerful Guz has got matters well in hand." Yup that is definitely what he said. Do you think they brain washed him?
  2. With your background I would make a video and shove the "we can communicate" thing in their face. Be prepared for anything but it sounds like your proof of relationship should be a breeze. However, that said the waiting is not.
  3. Same here Roger, Filipinas are nice, but I like the classic asian look. ah...yuuppp... Lucky for you two you found someone who doesn't
  4. Wrong. You must have met in person within the past two years. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?pg=k1guide Yup that's their rule once within two years of filing the application. Beyond that requirement you must convince them on paperwork and the SO in interview that you really have a commited relationship.
  5. This has been an international problem for a number of years now, primarily involving Pakistanis. There were several cases in the U.S., Norway and U.K. that reached the point of international crises Each involved a Pakistani man married to a foreign woman. In each case the man or a family member killed the woman for suspected infidelity. At least one I remember was burned alive in a public market place and it was legally accepted as justified in Pakistan. One resulted in first degree murder conviction in the U.S.
  6. Let's go back boys and look at what Frank said. He is not just talking about getting the visa. He is talking about spending time with the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with. I agree with this completely... I have to add my agreement. I sometimes wonder why they don't give more blue slips to people that have only met once. Despite how well we think we know each other through emails or phone calls, the outside world still looks at on-line relationships with suspicion. Even visiting what does one really know? The SO controls what you see and what you know. Especially for those of us without the language. There are few who can take off for a couple months. Also there is the problem that they don't want friends or others jealous and making trouble for them. Protection from loosing face is another screen that is hard to penetrate. So who is to blame? No one really, we fell for someone who is hardly accessible to us. The visa system partly because they want a marriage commitment with little chance to get to know one another. Wouldn't it be better if you could invite someone you like over for 6 months or even a year as a Fiance to get to know each other rather than a 90 day period you spend mostly rushing around getting paper work in order?
  7. Are you currently employed? Do you have varifiable income for 2004 taxes? If you worked in China be sure to have the supporting documentation of the job. As Jenny says if you are unable to show acceptable income then you will need a cosponsor.
  8. Now this "sorry" is interesting. My SO is always saying "sorry" when she sees I am upset or disappointed. I am always the one saying, "you don't need to be sorry". So then is this an East/West thing or an Us thing? Hhhhmmmm I find there are many mysteries to be unraveled in a cross culture relationship. Sometimes it is more a matter of personalities.
  9. Ah David years from now you will thoughtfully buy that tea she likes for her and face a barage as she tells you you wasted money on a tea only she would drink and you should get one both of you can enjoy. Poor poor David. I found your tea tour story interesting. I really enjoyed wondering into tea shops. The salesgirls would try showing me teas and when I told them the correct Chinese name for an unusual tea I like they would giggle and direct me towards the canisters to smell the different grades. This is one of the few things I get to do on my own. I can't wait to pick out a really nice tea tray for the home. Yunnan is famous for the Pu'er Tea I like so much. Especially I like the Tuocha.
  10. Vietnam is high on our list of places to go. First is Japan which I will show her. Then she wants to show me Malayasia which she likes. On that trip we will probably visit Vietnam and Singapore. Perhaps at sometime a group trip would be fun and Thoa might show us around on one of their trips home.
  11. David your situation makes sense to me. If there are difficulties with the older brother why have a confrontation and have everyone confront each other with their own positions, forcing at least one to loose face. Once things are done and everyone is faced with the fact of the marriage and decision perhaps it will be easier. At least know one will be in a position of irrevocable loss of face even if it is temporary. I wonder why us westerners feel the need to explain and quantify everything. My SO agrees with my decisions and says she has a wise man. I think this is mostly because if I realize she is set I something I give in quickly. Her main criticism of me is "I think too much". Maybe when she is here and we need to do more advance planning and filling in government forms she will appreciate that more.
  12. Lilac sometimes the oldsters here go into a fog and daze off remembering the good old days... We newer arrivals put up with it and even try to humor them. Now as a newer arrival you may interpret this as us being a little crazy And you may be right. But we have earned it by hanging out here waiting for the Great Guz Consulate that has even more power over us than an Emperor second only to the power our girlfriends and wives have. So pardon our zaniness and you are welcome to sit and wait with us if you are involved in the visa process. We are really harmless except maybe Roger and Lu Li has a muzzle on him Welcome
  13. I was ask why a woman from viet nam, all I could say is "because I love her." - ptcruiser Ah, Robert. When you get back tell us again why a woman from Vietnam. I think you will have a longer list. The Vietnamese are an amazing and interesting people. If you don't get addicted to the food I will want to know why. I didn't get to tour like Trigg but have always wanted to visit there. I expect an answer to this by the end of summer.
  14. I dunno Is this a trick question? Let's see if he is four years older then you should also be four years younger than him. So if you are both traveling in time at the same rate of speed then which one of you will arrive at your 50th wedding anniversary first? It seems a bit confusing but I think it means GUZ better get his act together so the two of you can get together and decide where it leaves you. Ever been to Sandusky, Ohio? All abooooooard !!! For Anaheim, Azusa and Cucamonga!!
  15. I just put on some Puu Er tea to steep. It is one of my favorites. It varies so much I have never had two batches that tasted the same. Today I am having the one that comes in little pressed bowls. Each one makes a pot. It is aged just right to be mellow, rich and smooth. Osmanthus is nice too. Those are the trees in Shanghai that bloom and fill the whole area with their scent. Kind of like the Orange and lemon trees of L.A. so has anyone had any interesting tea experiences?
  16. Robert you are talking about government employees stationed abroad. Not only do they get all the U.S. federal holidays but Chinese ones as well. Vacation time depends on what senority and GS level they have but it is more than norm in industry. We take care of our public employees well. Plus they have a union to protect them from their employers (management and us.) Now what were you saying about don't they realize how little vacation most of us get?
  17. Perhaps a department store PC shop would let you burn a vcd or dvd from a web cam for a small price or in the name of love. If nothing else available it might work. Or even on a VHS demo at a TV shop. There should be a way to do it.
  18. David that's great. Also probably best that you did it that way. What would she have said if you paid hard earned money for a class that taught you what should have been nartural to begin with. viva la diferencia!!!
  19. Wow! Jim is getting good at that Font, Size, Color thing! Way to go Jim!
  20. JJ get your social security number as soon as you get here or as soon as you get married. They should accept your I-94 in your passport as enough to get the SS number. If they wont then do it as soon as you marry and take a certified copy of the marriage certificate. You can change information at social security easily later. Having the SSnumber makes it easier for other things because most forms you will be doing will ask for it. If you are coming to a state that requires the Social Security number to get a driver's license it is even more important to do quickly.
  21. One more bold step into the unknown for mankind.
  22. I agree with most of what you say but think perhaps they don't need anger management because they are doing it effectively. The pressure valve releases the pressure and things quiet down. This is actually preferrable if handled in socially acceptable ways (yelling over small things seems to do that in China) and is part of many cultures. Martial Arts training in Asia has also been an acceptable outlet and actually trains redirecting the energy to positive use. I have doubts about American anger management techniques as simply defusing without being productive. I have seen more work groups with anger management sessions fall apart than come together. The secret is in not holding the anger to grow over time. These observations many have made on personal levels may explain a lot about the demonstrations over Japan currently going on in China including how the government may regard them.
  23. It is the dollar that would be devalued with the RMB rising. So far the Chinese government is holding fast so don't expect ony quick changes. Also China would do it slowly unlike Japan over 30 years ago. That time in two days trading you could have made 25%. I had heard of it in advance and didn't have any cash at the time. Kicking myself ever since. I hope I haven't guessed wrong this time. But you are better off putting it in profitable Chinese goods if you have a way to market them here. If the RMB appreciates the goods would also rise in value based on replacement cost. Economic growth in China has been disjointed by locales and a quick rise in currency could pose a dramatic set back to China's plans to be an alternative to the U.S. in the future.
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