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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Wow it looks clean. Makes me want to go back to Wuhan. I wonder if thsat included plumbing and sewage lines being run to the park? The story says there had been a public toilet there before that was torn down so they probably already had water and sewage lines... Although including them again shows you're getting closer to a Chinese Government Official's way of thinking when designing a public works project Dan... And you ass u me that the original was installed with plumbing.
  2. Wow it looks clean. Makes me want to go back to Wuhan. I wonder if thsat included plumbing and sewage lines being run to the park?
  3. There needs to be established a sense of rightness. This does not necessarily relate to religion. Confucianism does not make it because it promote following in line, keeping to your position and not questioning. It is the best philosophy a totalitarian government could ask for. How to over come the notion that no matter what you did to get rich you are blessed because riches came to you, is certainly a problem today and one Chinese are aware of. Buddhism and Taoism teach this but it has not been able to over come this belief that mere success is proof that how you got there was ok. Perhaps as China develops and people are not simply trying to survive, they will discover it.
  4. I agree with you. There is no true guarantee of safety. E Coli thrives in all countries and oil will become rancid.
  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... now I finally understand everything you post! Good... Then you can 'splain it to me... half of you got baptized with water and half with words... you have a split [religious] personality; half saint and half devil Have you ever seen a badly translated Chinese restaurant menu? Exactly WHO offically translated the bible in to Chinese language? believe it or not there are Chinese religious translating scholars, my wife has a chinese translated bible that we have compared to the NIV it is almost word for word. Not strange at all since there are licensed churches
  6. Very Well Said!!!! I am reminded of the movie "Oh God" in which John Denver finally meets God (George Burns) face to face. Denver says, "But why did you pick me. I'm just a produce manager. I don't even belong to the church." God responds: "Neither do I." Doesn't "relationship" require believing he was more than a man? Once that is done it is religion. If you say it does not, I would be curious in what the relationship is.
  7. comingled in that it is a bit of everything
  8. Melamine is used to add nitrogen. The reason is that nitrogen % in milk is the test to see if it has been diluted with water. By adding a little Melamine they can add a lot of water without being caught. Dilution of products in such manor is common in the food industry in the U.S. also. We are just more careful of the chemicals we use keeping to ones that have not been declared harmful even though the industry knows they are. Read the ingredients sometimes although many laws allow some chemicals without labelling them.
  9. Thanks...but looking for Southern China. Good luck. What part? Dongbei is a big area. Cold Colder Coldest, lol
  10. Actually, we got in last night. It was tough, but I tried my best to stay awake on the return flight, so that I could sleep last night and reset my body clock. Sure is quiet here in at home. Leiqin loves the fact that she no longer needs to guard her purse, as she walks. I am missing the pulse of life that vibrates so loud in China. Oh well, back to reality and work on Monday... Your back!!?? Why haven't you been by for a massage?
  11. Dennis you are actually enjoying your trip????????? What about burgers and Pies?????? See you soon.
  12. I don't mind the heat but this humidity is getting ridiculous. Where is our famous dry heat
  13. yes they are to blame. the nerve of them aspiring to live like us Americans!
  14. Trigg & Lilac I have more majors than both of you, so there. Trigg we can all see the love tap in the ID photo. Lilac keep posting please. Often I agree with you and always like your input. Without it it might get boring around here. While people often react to posts in CFL, differring views I believe is why so many guests show up here. It helps others even if the regulars here often are stuck in the discussion. Besides we are an entertaining group aren't we?
  15. We alter between cereal and noodle soup for breakfast. Rarely we have eggs and toast. She says she likes cereal with milk and besides being healthy it is easier to make in the morning than noodles. My favorite breakfast is still Japanese. Miso soup, natto mixed with green onion, mustard and egg on rice with a piece of grilled fish on the side topped with grated radish and soy sauce. MMMmmmmmm my favorite. ut this is not available in most Japanese restaurants. Maybe I should suggest we hire a Japanese maid
  16. Uh.... I don't think the Hawaiians let us take over. They just were not prepared for the U.S. Marines to back the U.S. plantation owners coup. Queen Liliuokalani abdicated while under house arrest only to avoid the massacre of the Royal Guards who were planning to retake the Palace. The last crowned Princess was kept in a Sanitarium until she was allowed out in 1973. She was then too feeble to be feared as a figure head of the Hawaiian people. Today a group of Hawaiians still protest on the Iolani Palace grounds. The Island of Niihau still remains closed to non-Hawaiians.
  17. We have been watching an outstanding series on Yangtse TV...It is about both flora and fauna and landscape but mostly about the people...They filmed in China, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand...A whole bunch of places we want to travel...In China they only chose two provinces...Yunnan and Hainan... Why would that put a smile on your face Roger??? You already have seen both. I have only scratched the surface Dan... BEHIND THE MOUNTAIN IS THE NEXT MOUNTAIN... Roger you do know that the earth is somewhat round don't you? Eventually you will be climbing the same mountain. Although by then you may not remember much and it will all seem new again
  18. We have been watching an outstanding series on Yangtse TV...It is about both flora and fauna and landscape but mostly about the people...They filmed in China, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand...A whole bunch of places we want to travel...In China they only chose two provinces...Yunnan and Hainan... Why would that put a smile on your face Roger??? You already have seen both.
  19. Dougie, Dougie... Here in the MK we are free to do our thingie...unfettered by thr requirements of toeing the tl line... I write what I want, what interests me...and if anyone else finds it interesting then fine they are more than welcome to comment...I refuse to get involved in the patting HIMSELF on the back thread...I am quite happy right here talking about China... Life as a placebo mod sounds good.
  20. Where would we be today if the Mongols had not introduced many "modern" developments to Europe and broke the back of the Pope's armies. Without the introduction of wood slat technology beer would not have wooden kegs to age in. So is this more about when as opposed to where? Kaifeng with China's largest Jewish settlement was the capital in 1000 -1100. As long as I can leave before the attack on Jews. There are still several families living in the city who's ID cards state Jew as ethnicity.
  21. As closure it might be time to close this blog. Welcome back Brother.
  22. Really good advice, Dan. Yeh Dennis it sounds better the way you said I said. But it might be more dangerous.
  23. It will soon be over and both of you go back to the Florida routine. I think a "The Return Blog" is called for. I want to know how fast you adapt back. Perhaps you will have to organize soccer games and find a killer friend.
  24. It sounds like you really need to talk her into more classes at MP. You guys need a cabin trip
  25. me too.. but one often gets the typical; 'liver or kidney' is weak... that's most men in the world I'll go back to get a back xray in a few weeks to see if my back condition has changed from 2 years ago. All I can say is that the persistent stretching has reduced my pain considerably; I'm sure the yoga helps but there are some movements which don't, so I'll have to continue some of what works best on my own. It's just point massge; knowing the correct points. She has always been more interested in this than say the swedish approach. When she came to the US and did massage, she had to completely change her approach at first since few want (or even understand) point massage in the US... then as you know she slowly mixed the two methods to a style her own with a little Thai. But she never tires of learning the meridians and points and how one can "treat" the body this way. Because of her attention to detail in this, she was eager to take this current class on how to teach it to others. I suspect she regrets not taking the teaching class she was offered while in MP last year. Maybe that will give us an excuse to visit MP again. this time she can pay for the trip working at my clinic
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