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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Carl ,Dennis loses face by not taking stance, he is not boy right , he is westen man in family, i hope has position in family of respect, so up to him to do right thing You are probably right Jin but the way I look at it, my first and most important loyalty is to my wife. Right, wrong or in the middle I always support her. agree, but Dennis is husband she is putting him to lose face, allowing this is wrong, unless he happy to think all western men are just stupid money cow. sorry he is man/ husband to alow deception for outside cousin is crazy , no respect there. Women's intrigues should not be read as involving the husband's face. Choose battles wisely.
  2. Big, Little????? what does that have to do to letting the women play their match making games?
  3. Dennis if nothing else Al will get an introduction to how Chinese deal. You can't win anything by changing the game. Let it play out. Either Leiqin will have a good lesson in how not to manipulate Americans or everyone will be saying see we told you so. Either way you don't lose and Al will either fall in love, find another or want nothing more to do with Chinese. It will be his choice. Sit down and enjoy the show. And please follow up with the results.
  4. Drinking tap water is fine here in the USA, but organic or not, it's still advisable to wash all veggies before eating. Even if they were free of dirt and pesticides, who's to say that a little kid didn't sneeze on them 5 minutes before you bought them, or 50 people haven't handled them, dropped them, etc. Washing is good. yeah like a bird maybe flew over... Actually washing helps only a little unless you use an antibiotic rinse. Peeling fruit or cooking everything is more effective. Certified Organic means it was not exposed to pesticide or other chemicals, although this could have come from the air or water table. Washing does not remove pathogens or pesticide. Pathogens anchor into the skin (especially stubborn on meat) and must be killed not rinsed off. In China you can find these rinses in grocery stores. I've never seen them here in the USA. They are used by commercial processors in the USA. Every home should have a spray bottle in the kitchen of bleach and water. Only a little bleach is needed. Spray counters and cutting boards whenever they are rinsed between different products. Clean knives between cutting fruit, vegetables and meat. This will reduce your spreading bacteria from one to the other. Make sure surfaces are kept dry so pathogens don't have an environment to grow in. Traditional handling by leaving food out or wrapped in cloth makes the surface dry. When cooked it is often controlled by the PH. Vinegar or Soy Sauce is good for this. USCs trust your spouse when she/he leaves things out that are cooked beyond the FDA/USDA recommended 4 hours. It probably is prepared in a traditional method of preservation.
  5. Only enough brain energy left to address this part tonight. Confucius's prediction is both true and false, and can only be both true and false, never just one or the other. One could suggest that makes it negate itself... it says nothing. Because the reality is a country which lives by rule of law produces citizens and criminals. A country ruled by law will also produce criminals and citizens. I see the core point it seeks to convey, but it idealizes one example to perfection, and denegrates the other into complete corruption. Hyperbole. From my western standpoint, I would say "ruled by law" produces subjects, not citizens... but that's admittedly a western viewpoint, so I will only mention it as an aside. For your offered definitions, you have the core purpose correct in spirit, but some important nuances slip away in the oversimplification. In your (western approach) "rule of law", the majority of the laws that choke the US system aren't those designed to protect people from the government, but the ones designed to protect people from other people, which is the law system you are contrasting to it. So one could say it's not truly a characteristic of the rule of law idea, but rather of our (the west's) own implementation of it. In your (eastern approach) "rule by law", protecting people from other people, neglects that the government is not an alien entity, but also comprised of an elite group of the people, and thus is prone to devising laws self serving to those people, and actually being more forgiving of the non-government people hurting each other. Yet, there are still no shortage of laws which surround people (less perhaps, but far from the point of standing in direct contrast to the other system), as the jails never stand empty. Still by and large, in spirit you have a good grip on it. The rub, I think is in the fact that while philosophy influences reality, reality tends to defy it openly pretty darn often. Maybe this part belongs in a seperate post, but I am curious of your opinion if you have one (and god forgive me for mentioning Japan on this board). But Japan, and Korea both have very ancient cultures and histories, closely tied to China's through politics, philosophy, religion, language, writing, art for millenia. The Koreans and Japanese have (in their traditional culture) extremely similar ethics and worldview. It was theorized in the past that both countries would have been model communist countries for mostly the same reasons as China(and North Korea seems to confirm this idea). Yet both Japan and South Korea are vibrant solid democracies. Their peoples have found some way to honor both their traditional cultures, and yet at the same time have a democratic government in no danger of collapse. How is this so? Not to mention Hong Kong and Taiwan... both Chinese, both currently democratic. Despite having nearly identical roots, are mainland so deeply rooted and ingrained in one way of thinking that the very suggestion a democracy is possible there is ridiculous and laughable, while for their cousins and brothers it was possible? If so, what is the intrinsic difference? I realize that Japan and Hong Kong pretty much had their systems forced on them... but why is it that there isn't constant culture clash, and asians running around with their heads exploding from living in what some suggest are magnetically opposed ethical and philosophical realities? Why?? I don't... repeat don't... REPEAT DON'T mean to suggest those countries systems are "better", "should be a model for China", or any such asinine thing!!! Really!! I am only bringing it up as an example that I think complicates the opinion that democracy and chinese thought are a square peg in a round hole. I think it's not as extreme as it is being made out to be. True, Mainland China is "different", but HOW different, and HOW much does it really influence? I'm pretty specifically addressing this to David, or to anyone who has deep insight into Chinese and other East Asian culture. I'd prefer (but of course can't truly request B)) that anyone who answers that part treat it respectfully and try to give a real answer other than "Jerpan ain't China and China ain't Jerpan, ya lobotomy candidate!". Because I'm seriously interested in an answer whether it's an agreement or not. Over looked is that the Japanese lost WWII. The constitution was forced on them by the victors. The old Samurai & Court elite had died off or faced war crime trials. Their culture had failed and it was becoming clear that the Emperor was not a God. The defeated Japanese did what their culture supported. They followed the victor. Lucky for the Japanese those who wrote the constitution and picked the leaders for the next 8 years added in details to protect personal freedom that they felt were missing from ours. The main problems encountered have been related to prohibitions on a military. (We regreted this one during the Vietnam war) It hasn't all gone smooth. Anyone remember Mishima Yukio or the Sekigun? Oh yes, we also prohibited war time leaders from serving in the new post war government. Korea didn't get Democracy until a college elite arose and curruption toppled Park.
  6. Just temporary for the holidays. I bet they are hoping nothing comes to light until things go back to normal. To China's credit they went after the Melamine scar. The USA on the other hand issued no recalls while Canada & the EU did issue recalls. Why was that? Because the US had no standard, therefor no action could be taken although Melamine was found. Since then FDA has issued the weakest standard of any nation which has one for Melamine. Politics is an issue. USDA provides protection and has successful recalls. FDA ruined the tomato industry with a mistake tracing samonella. Continual calls were made by several of the last Presidents to put USDA under FDA. It would save money to run USDA as FDA is run. Do you want a successful protective agency under one that fails to protect time and time again? If you hear of new legislation to merge the two agencies, write to your Congressman!
  7. So when was this first Asian Democracy? Roughly 1912-1916 before the first warlord era and the world wars, though technically from 1912-1949 when the Chinese civil war went to the commnists. Troubled yes, but was founded as a republic, and still exists on the island of Taiwan as a republic. That is highly questionable. It may have declared itself a Republic but it was not a Democracy until recently on the Island of Taiwan. It was an Autocracy, hardly Democratic.
  8. If you are having rice out then my guess you are out at a Chinese restaurant. In which case her way is right and let your friends learn the correct way. I've taught friends to slurp noodles loudly and they enjoy it saying "I don't have to be careful with it, just relax".
  9. Count me among the skeptical. Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. Roger, Dave, my brothers, you've got to learn that healing starts by having a little faith. B) Here's all the FAITH I can manage... It probably won't hurt... Actually the plastic one you pasted above with a pump can hurt. The pump can pull hard and the plastic edge is sharper than the traditional glass ones I prefer. The glass is rounded so it wont cut as the skin is pulled into the cup. I've seen the plastic ones break the skin several times. Once it was me when I agreed to try them instead of the glass cups. I tend to think that the american medical industry is not really about making people healthy just making money. Wait till the person is so sick that you need to cut something out. Many of these techniques focus on wellness and helping people stay healthy. I like many of the TCM and the massage techniques. The Placebo effect might be part of it, if we believe it will make us better. The Placebo effect is also part of the success of medicine. Blind testing has shown about 20% will get better just thinking they have taken an effective medication. Call it a placebo or the power of mind over matter. I agree the placebo effect is strong for most of medicene and big part of its sucess. The pills we take give us faith we will improve and our body heals us. Now do not get me wrong, i think that food and pills do change us and can help heal but there is more than the chemicals involved. What i do not like in medicene today is the focus on managing the symptons. I wish more time was spent on a cure. Just a few comments. Many of these criticisms of western medicine are, in fact, just what people are accusing western medicine of. They are talking points with little foundation that hopefully convince you to choose the billion dollar alternative health system over the western medical system. I'd be happy to get all my patients off all their drugs and so would the vast majority of colleagues that I have had contact with. The problem is that 99.9% of patients are not willing to do what they need to do to stop taking meds. The fact is that western medicine is the best system to save you from an unhealthy lifestyle. The fact is that 99.9% of Americans want to be saved from their lifestyle and refuse to change it. Even when I have offered alternatives, I note that these alternatives come from systems that assume you are eating a certain way and exercising daily. The most common response is, "Doc, I just want an herb that is going to cure me. I'm not interested in changing anything." Even those who say they are really motivated to change come back and say well, not so much. Maybe I'll change next month. I spend considerably more time in my day trying to talk people out of drugs than into them. Most doctors (me included) come out of school thinking we are going to be the one who convinces people to change their lifestyles. Then we meet up with the sad reality of the American population. Even those who come for alternatives are usually of the mindset that 1) "Drugs" are bad so I want to stop them (drugs are not inherently good or bad, they can be used for either purpose) 2) I don't want to change my lifestyle and i shouldn't have to because Bob at work is worse than me and he looks healthy. (why we need to do a better job of teaching science and logic) 3) I want to pretend that alternative treatments can't have side effects and hope they'll save me from my lifestyle. (pie in the sky) So then, to come up against this reality feels bad enough but then to find out that this is actually MY FAULT because I want to sell drugs, as everyone can so plainly see, is doubly difficult. Those of you who so easily toss around this generalization about doctors might want to think about how totally unfounded your conclusions are. They are no different than conclusions drawn about all Chinese people or all black people. The healthcare problems in America go far beyond the pharmaceutical industry and may I humbly suggest that if 99.9% of the population didn't spend their days creating huge demands for these interventions than you could easily put us drug pushers out of business. Good luck with that. On some of the points that were made: "Healing starts by having a little faith" and so does every con-man count on you to believe. So be very careful of where you put your faith. Con-men are usually much better than honest people at creating faith. Placebo rates of 15 -20 %. The rate of placebo effect in older studies on pain are probably over-estimates of the placebo effect in general. Outside of pain it is not clear that placebo effect even exists. So quoting these high numbers is probably not valid. Diseases and symptoms abate for a variety of reasons including the natural history of the disease. Termination of a symptom/disease after ingesting placebo does not prove causation. "I wish more time was spent on a cure" I'm sorry but probably the silliest criticism of western medicine. How many diseases has western medicine cured that alternative systems wouldn't even touch. Today herbs are offered for all sorts of conditions that the ancient texts say "avoid these people and don't treat them, they die and you look like a bad doctor". In western medicine we have an honest accounting of how well we do with various diseases. Alternative systems don't (in most cases) have any data that demonstrates how well they do. When there is no cure, we pay attention to quality of life and relieving symptoms, if we don't we are accused of not caring about quality of life. If we do, we are accused of preferring to treat symptoms over "cures". If you have the cure for cancer step up to the plate and lay it on us. If not then we will continue to treat symptoms for those that we honestly tell we don't have a cure. One shouldn't forget that alternative medicine is an industry as well. They sell the idea that supplements and herbs have no side effects, which is false. They sell an idea that was never sold by the original practioners of TCM, Ayurveda, etc, that supplements can save you from your lifestyle. There is good and bad in both industries. If you as a patient go in with the idea that one or the other is entirely bad then you have done nothing but take away your freedom to choose the best option for you at any given moment. If anyone truly feels their doc cares more about the pharmaceutical companies than about them, find a new doc. Remember though, that if you are truly willing to change your lifestyle and do what it takes to stay healthy, your doc will most likely be happy to help you with that but you are a rare breed. We see one of you once a year, MAYBE. Don't blame us for not noticing, bring it to our attention. Despite our best effort at lifestyle change people still get sick. There are a wide variety of choices of what to do then but listen to the facts before you decide. The field of medicine is vast, no matter what approach you take. Approach it with an open mind and discover the best path for you. As an Alternative Practitioner I basicly agree with you. It is very disappointing that most of my clients are back again because they don't avoid the cause of injury or illness. I think we would be all better off if Medicine and Alternatives could be used side by side as Complimentary Medicine. There are a few hospitals now that do this.
  10. I wonder how the Vietnamese there will react to the flag change. Most in California are still vehemently anticommunist.
  11. Count me among the skeptical. Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. Roger, Dave, my brothers, you've got to learn that healing starts by having a little faith. B) Here's all the FAITH I can manage... It probably won't hurt... Actually the plastic one you pasted above with a pump can hurt. The pump can pull hard and the plastic edge is sharper than the traditional glass ones I prefer. The glass is rounded so it wont cut as the skin is pulled into the cup. I've seen the plastic ones break the skin several times. Once it was me when I agreed to try them instead of the glass cups. I tend to think that the american medical industry is not really about making people healthy just making money. Wait till the person is so sick that you need to cut something out. Many of these techniques focus on wellness and helping people stay healthy. I like many of the TCM and the massage techniques. The Placebo effect might be part of it, if we believe it will make us better. The Placebo effect is also part of the success of medicine. Blind testing has shown about 20% will get better just thinking they have taken an effective medication. Call it a placebo or the power of mind over matter.
  12. I am afraid that's not quite correct. The House Un-American Activities committee which was established in 1937. By 1947, Congressman Nixon was on the committee and leading a subcommittee. He interviewed Whittaker Chambers, a one-time member of the Communist Party and the man who pointed the finger at Algier Hiss. By 1948, Nixon and Karl Mundt introduced legislation to communists to register and barred them from holding elective office. (Nixon's involvement made him a household name and in-part, prompted Ike to take him as a running mate) During the Nixon administration, the House Un-American Activities committee was renamed to Internal Security Committee, but was dissolved after Nixon was out of office. McCarthy and his list of communists didn't show up until 1950. During the McCarthy days Nixon was a Congressman and later the Vice President, although Nixon did attack McCarthy on instructions from Ike. I stand corrected. I should have used the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Government Operations Committee in relation to the Senator McCarthy. Bobby was made assistant counsel of the subcommittee in January 1953. Films and photos show Bobby during questioning of suspected individuals who were accussed of foreign loyalties standing or sitting behind the Senator. Jack Kennedy represented the family at Joe McCarthy's funeral in 1957. The names and titles may have been mixed up but it doesn't change the damage that was done by members of our government in the name of protecting us.
  13. Count me among the skeptical. Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. Roger, Dave, my brothers, you've got to learn that healing starts by having a little faith. B) Here's all the FAITH I can manage... It probably won't hurt... Actually the plastic one you pasted above with a pump can hurt. The pump can pull hard and the plastic edge is sharper than the traditional glass ones I prefer. The glass is rounded so it wont cut as the skin is pulled into the cup. I've seen the plastic ones break the skin several times. Once it was me when I agreed to try them instead of the glass cups.
  14. It isn't any surprise. China's manufacturing depends on a quick turn around in goods in the USA. This ain't happening. In the 60s & 70s it was said about the economy in Japan "if America sneezes, Japan catches a cold. Just wait to see what a whopper China catches by February.
  15. Count me among the skeptical. Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. As far as I know remedy tests that included chicken soup all concluded it cured the fastest. But to get the cures working, guasha and cupping work wonders.
  16. While I remember hearing about Nixon's "UnAmericans List" in the 70's, the list you are referring to was developed when he was on the Un-American Affairs Committee in Congress back in 1947. To the best of my knowledge, the list you're talking about was a complete media-created myth that became part of the anti-war movement legend. You are not alone in believing you did not get a job out of grad school because of "the list." It was a pretty common excuse not to hire someone when their anti-war activities were well known. If the list exists (which I doubt) it would be in the National Archives and on the web. That Un Americans List was McCarthy's. Nixon helped prosecute in California at the time. Bobby Kennedy was a legal aide to McCarthy. It was to flush out Communists.
  17. Once again my friend you passed over me to let a lady work on you The sign at my clinic clearly states we do Guasha. At least mention to your lady friends that I sell the best Guasha scrapers around at reasonable prices. They are Xiuyan Water Jade and the best for getting out that fever or cold. Please remember if you need cupping we do that too. I'll get those toxins right out of you. It is good for mobility, pain and arthritis.
  18. I knew countless people who claimed that they were on Nixon's enemy list. Is your name here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon's_Enemies_List I didn't see it. Perhaps you meant the supplemental list assembled by Charles Colson and company: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_list_o...tical_opponents ...but I did't see your name there either; maybe you're covered by one of the organizations? I know that I was really disappointed when I learned my name was NOT on the enemies list; I thought I that I had been a real PIA to the Nixon Administration. Do you really believe that Roger? The anti-war movement had nothing to do with Nixon's resignation - that was Watergate baby, burglary, erasing tapes, lying even to people who tried to help him and the media who hated Nixon as much as they love Obama. The anti-war movement was certainly influential in getting us out of SE Asia, but I don't know if I'd give the anti-war movement as much credit for that as you seem anxious to give it. there was a list of student activists which black listed us from government employment for a number of years. My name was on it because of a visit to the White House as a representative of my college. I carried a letter from the faculty as far as they would allow me, which was the front guard house. An Aide to Nixon met with me. I also was watched because of leading some of the post Kent State protest in Ohio. This list was given as the reason I did not get a job after grad school. Perhaps not THE LIST but it was referred to as Nixon's UnAmericans List. It was about the size of a town's phone book.
  19. ... for now. Maybe at some point in the future, but certainly not now. And not so well here. I am always amused by our insistance on a multiparty system for other countries while we bolster our two party system at home. It is about power not rights.
  20. We seem to glory in rights that need constant protection. Only our vigilance protects these rights, not the government. I was on Nixon's black list in the 70's. My father (a government worker) was ordered kidnapped for disposal by a Senator (no longer living) another Senator (a family friend) got his release. We live on the edge of a free society and can teeter either way. A free press can be as deceptive as a government controlled press and harder to recognize.
  21. Who's harping? I'm drooling. Singapore has easy visa arrangements with the U.S. also. Her husband is from Singapore...Jet Li is a USC now... Yup it wont be long before dreams are realized and we have her over here.
  22. Who's harping? I'm drooling. Singapore has easy visa arrangements with the U.S. also.
  23. What's that on her finger? http://i36.tinypic.com/1t38ua.jpg It's a bandage... she got it from mop slapping you into oblivion... in your dreams... THE TRAITOR!!!!! The gorgeous, sexy, fatal attraction traitor. I might not see anymore of her movies. Well I might consider not watching them. Maybe I'll just settle for youtube out clippings of critical moments in the film. Just to get the plot of course.
  24. From what I hear in Tinseltown around here, China is starting to bring performers for one month engagements in clubs like Japan has long done.
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