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Everything posted by pbatt

  1. Ive used Uschina Trip as well with no problems.They got me deals on Northwest out of MSP 400 cheaper than using northwest.com to buy tickets
  2. Summary: Drive FIRST. English SECOND Job THIRD. Truer words were never spoken. Not being able to drive was one of the main reasons for my divorce from my ex-wife.Others as well but driving was a huge problem.I begged her to learn how in China while she waited for her visa, but she said was so easy to learn how to drive. After 5 years she still cannot after countless lessons. I live 8 miles from a small town of 900 in Minnesota.I live on a gravel road so driving is key to getting around. As far as learning English I have always felt a job as cashier or sales person helps improve ones language fast. For my ex I got her a job as a cashier at a local grocery store. She had to talk to customers and she got to hear a lot of variations of spoken English as well. Her English improved very quickly. Also from my experiences from teaching spoken English overseas,Most ladies are embarrassed about their pronunciation of English as well, so a job where they speak a lot helps. Plus no one from here is going to call China to check on previous work experience. Sorry for rambling.
  3. I agree with dave on this one. Having taught English in Singapore and very short time in China. I can also attest to the fact you need to be very cautious. Many bad recruiters as well as good ones. While it is generally safe in China i did read of three teachers being killed a year ago.One was in Guangzhou. Tesol or Tefl degrees used to be all that was needed but many countries are asking for BA's now. Check out Daves ESL cafe. Usually some good posts as well as job openings. I talked with some friends who teach and said because of the poor economy english classes are being cut back on. One school only teaches young students. All the older students and adult classes were cut out. Good luck with it, but i would err on the cautious side.
  4. I have to agree with Michael. ICE raids are creating a lot of new regulations. The raid on Postville IA meat packing house was all started by a Chinese Work permit gone bad at SAn Francisco Customs I believe. He said he was going to stay in California but the work visa was for IA. His mistakes led to the raid in IA. The raid on the Chinese marriage ring in Minneapolis a year or so ago has not been in the headlines for awhile. I am not sure they have gotten all thru federal court yet. IMHO that things will only get worse before better. As people figure out a new way to get around the system, the system will find new ways to shut them down. Which makes it all the more reason to be even more prepared than ever before. The headaches of the very first big change in rules is what brought about CFL. I got caught up in that mess also.
  5. Does anyone know if they are giving multiple entires for 90 days again now on the L visa? Mine expired in November. Thanks. Paul
  6. You will have to sign it in front of the consular officer also to have it notorized by them. Should only take a few minutes for them to do it there. Good Luck
  7. Very sad indeed. I saw mention of Shanghai in May. But another set of three went off about June 19th, I left Guangzhou on 20th of June and in The Southern China daily was an article about 3 bombs going off. One in Yiwu injuring 19 One in Wenzhou One in Shanghai Sad that these people have to injure so many innocents. Even with all the diligence of the Police, I am afarid Beijing will have its hands full. For all involved I hope and pray they have a peaceful Olympics
  8. Actually everyone in the world dies of the same thing.Heart failure. When your heart stops beating you die. This was explained to me by a Mayo Clinic doctor when my wife died from heart failure from cancer complications.I asked him why he didnt state on the death certificate she died of cancer. His answer was" She died of heart failure,which in turn was complicated by the cancer"
  9. I really like my Zojirushi, I have had it for 5 years now and love it,the only thing I would do over again is get the 5 cup one(I have the 10 cup one)
  10. To me it is a collective of all countries. Indonesia burns so much rain forest, yet refuses to sign a treaty to stop that, all other countries signed long ago. Many days in Singapore I could not see the sun at mid day because of all the smoke.Which I feel is the cause of the eye problems in Singapore now. Lake Superior is in danger of mass pollution and it holds 1/9 of the worlds fresh water. The culprit is our own government. Many of the barrels of toxic waste dumped years ago are rusting out and our own government will not admit what was put down there.
  11. Ok Mike, now i have to know, what do scorpions taste like and please do not say chicken I have seen them in the markets in China but never had the chance to have them. I guess like the worm in a bottle of mescal, big ones chewy and small ones crunchy
  12. Some of the new GDSM phones are pretty cool.The ones with 3G and wifi.Use the unlocked ones and no plan. If you both have one, no charge, or if you have one in usa, then they can call you using google talk for free. My friend uses this with his fiancee from Vietnam. It is the up and coming thing.The quality is great.
  13. Maybe you can cook dog to taste like chicken but i do not care how much you wash chicken feet,I wont eat them, I know what they grew up standing in But i agree with what has been said before.China has a vast culture and experience for everyone. I love it there and as far as eating strange things, some areas of this country eat some wild stuff also.
  14. I came across this today, China is trying awfully hard to be politically correct for everyone for the olympics. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7501768.stm
  15. I agree with Jim, things like that usually break. Plus duty on that much wine! But if you were to try to ship it, I am sure for enough money anything can be shipped and shipped safely. I guess you have to ask yourself if you can live with yourself if it breaks. What city are you shipping it from? Good Luck
  16. A lot depends on the goods and what you are bringing in and how. If flying, you declare you have commercial goods and pay duty based on value. If by parcel post or DHL it also depends on quantity and size of shipment.If large shipment you may need broker. The customs agents have a list at POE of every good known to man to be brought in.If you see the book it is about 8 inches thick. PM me if you have certain questions Have a nice day
  17. I have brought Chinese knives back home many times in checked luggage, no problem. The only time I ever had trouble was when i moved to Singapore to teach.I took one of my fillet knives with me in my checked luggage but it was inspected by TSA. The knife was gone when i got to Singapore. it was worth more in sentimental value than real value, altho I hope he cut himself as it was razor sharp. Good luck with it
  18. When going through Minneapolis,she needs to go to the far right side in lane two.You can go with her, but they will not let her go thru with you on the US Citizen side. The flight crew goes through lane one, so many not walk to the far right side right away.
  19. Yes in many ways the days of cheaper goods are disappearing. Wages are going up in China also. A year ago a business owner in Hangzhou told me many companies were leaving China then because of labor costs.But also the cost of raw materials and shipping. Some went to Vietnam but the costs of goods there are already higher than China. Most are going to Malaysia,Indonesia and India,Thailand also. But sooner or later they will have the same problems there. China's birth policy is starting to create a labor shortage of younger workers. China actually wants to get away from the reputation of being a place for cheap goods,they want to focus on technology instead. They already graduate more engineers in one year than we have totally in this country. Costs of goods are also going up in this country.
  20. I would like to retire in China or Vietnam. I like Guiyang area.Or Vung Tao in Vietnam. New Zealand would be cool also. I taught for a year in Singapore, it was ok but getting very expensive to live there. Everyone likes to experience the american dream but I have two friends form China that have been here two years and are ready to go back to China, they dislike it here. To each his own. My reasons are I love it over there and I could be happy there, my children think father is crazy, but they just want me happy also. I think the reasons will be as varied as the answers to why or why not as so many things are individual tastes
  21. Guilin is like an hour plane ride from Shenzhen. Not bad at all. Check on C-tip or elong for plane and hotel packages, also The local travel agent may have some specials. Have fun, you will have great time. Paul
  22. I am in favor of Guilin also as the river cruise is great as well as the caves there are awesome. As well as going to see Elephant and Camel mountains. Guiyang in Guizhou is very beautiful also, the day trip to the waterfalls is a must see as well as Guiyang has many wonderful parks and Lakes to see.Take the gondola to the top of the mountain and take the walk down is very beautiful in Guiyang also. Even tho I will get into hot water with many members but I like the hot pot better in Guiyang than Chongqing. Hainan is a wonderful Island as well.To bad so many problems but Lhasa in Tibet is also a must see. China has so much culture and history and so many things to see and do. Even Zhuhai is a nice place and they have a smaller version of the Forbidden City to see.Plus some great seafood. Pick one or two places and enjoy.
  23. If you have to file the I-751 now, then just tell them the facts on a separate sheet of paper.If she has only been arrested and not officially charged with anything, then just tell them she was arrested for whatever violation.Just be honest. You will have a chance to explain all at the interview. Good Luck
  24. I use it a lot to send money for business there. I send USD and get RMB in China. I get a better exchange rate from WU than from any Bank in China. I agree check the online rate. Minnesota is outrageous. Much cheaper at K-mart. So many China posts it is easy for your SO to pick up. Just make sure the name matches. I messed up once and got name backwards.No big deal as I called western Union and they changed it, just took another day to get money there.
  25. I really like the chinese food website mentioned before Another site you can try is www.allrecipes.com Not only good chinese recipes but also many other styles of cooking plus you can convert from english measure to metric I tried the clone of a Cinnabon recipe and my Chinese students loved it Have fun Paul
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