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Posts posted by pbatt

  1. LiYuan and I use QQ to chat and I am trying to figure out how to get the chat logs off of there.I have looked in the folders and cannot find them, so i know I am doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated. I can see the days we chat on a calendar but cannot find a log style format.
    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

  2. One option for airplane tickets is for them to purchase what is called an "open-ended ticket" This costs more but the ticket is good for up to one year. Typically it is a business class type ticket. I did this when I went to Singapore for teaching.After I got to Singapore I just let the airline know I was not taking a seat home on the day i said I would return and used the ticket a year later.


    One option anyway.

    Good Luck

  3. Very sorry to hear about your denial. Some more information as to what type of denial would be helpful, a blue slip asking for more information or a white slip out right denial.

    There are many with much more information than myself, but if is blue slip then you need to provide them with what they ask for in the blue slip.


    If its a white slip then is a good time to lawyer up and try to solve things, someone that knows the inner workings of Guangzhou Consulate.

    Marc Ellis is highly recommended by many. I am sure there are others.

    There is a good link under the interview process section for what to do if is a white slip.


    Good Luck

  4. There is no rhyme nor reason to the fare prices now. I just got back from Shanghai and was 852RT from Minneapolis to Chicago to Shanghai, but when I got back Minneapolis to Minot ND was 705 RT.for my work.

    Prices change daily anymore. The week before I booked was 1600 rt for MSP to PVG, then Oct 20 was 852 and I flew oct 28th.I use flychina.com for price checking as well as AA.com for price checking. elong.com for inter country flights in China


    My best days to book flights seems to be on tuesday to thursday nights. Also leaving on Tuesdays and return on thursdays usually finds me the best prices.

  5. Sorry if this is in the wrong area.Please move it if it is.

    If at the time of document intake you know your police certificate has expired, can you bring a new one with you to interview?

    Also what about another years tax statements?


    I am in Guilin now for my third visit and for wedding dinner celebration. We married March 1st this year but with known red flags working to over come them.

    I plan to file CR-1 package when get back to USA but given current time frames I know by interview time the certificate may well expire and not want to wait so many days for AP as well as I will have a new years income tax filing, which will help as my 2008 is my bad year.


    Thanks for any help in advance as the police certificate is already worrying laopo.



  6. The week in front of Chinese new year's is when almost everyone wants to travel back to China to be with family and the airlines know it, so not always much for better prices.

    30 days ahead of is a good time to start looking and I sometimes start 6-8 weeks ahead. The best prices seem to be on sale on wednesday's through thursday's and I have found the best times to fly are on tuesday's through thursday's.


    Good Luck

  7. As others have said, you have not disqualified yourself but you will be in a very tough situatuion.Only you know yourself and your own personal situation better than any of us. But there is very good advice offered here. One is a very good immigration attorney.You will need the advice and also one that is well versed with the workings of Guangzhou itself.


    Time and patience is also required. You have not finished your divorce yet, finish that first, then take the time to meet your new girlfriend and get to know her very well.This will require multiple trips and time.You do not want to make the same mistakes that are plaguing you now.


    You will have many red flags to deal with, 4th marriage, second Chinese wife, etc. All these red flags have to be addressed before you even think about applying for a new visa. It will take a lot of explaining and also these things will need to be explained in a Letter Of Evolution as well as your new fiancee if you choose to be with her as she may well be asked a lot of questions about your previous marriages. As long as these things are presented and well known on your next visa application, they should not be used against you as you have told them already.


    Put yourself in the mind of the interviewing officer, what questions would you ask of the person applying for the visa? Remember, they are trying to prevent from happening what sounds like has happened to you now, marriage just for a green card.


    The best advice I can give you is do lots of research, ask lots of questions, finish your divorce first and foremost and then move on.


    I myself am just married 4th time, 3rd time to a Chinese woman, applied for fiancee visa years ago and now am in the process of CR-1 visa application. I have worked with an immigration attorney and asked lots of questions about my own case and am still gathering evidence and putting together paperwork. I am confident we will get the visa one day.

    If not I have also decided I will move to China if that is what it takes.


    Good luck


  8. Tsap

    My thought would be to wait until you get back to USA. I also had LiYuan price laptops in China before i first went to see her and found the prices to be better in USA.

    I just bought a Gateway for myself from Best Buy on sale and got it for 400USD.Hated to give up on my Toshiba but after 5 years but it was dying on me.

    My second oldest son who is an Electrical and Computer Engineer told me he could not buy the parts at cost to build it for that.

    He was saying the same thing Randy and Chawls said that Windows XP will be going the same way as yer winders 95 in a couple of years.


    My thought also would be buy it here for getting service here if you need. My Toshiba was bought in Singapore and they did not want to work on it here.

    Good luck and safe journey home.

    Besides you have enough to carry without a new computer as well :D


  9. From what I have been told, as long as you have front loaded all things in your application, you should be fine.

    Expect a lot of questions about previous marriages. Have her know all details as best you can to where they are now and why you divorced.


    Also expect her to maybe get one of the tougher VO's.

    This is what I have been told to expect and I have divorces from 2 Chinese women.


    Be very well prepared and wish you the best of luck.


  10. Can form 325a be both typed and handwritten and does it really matter? I am working on assembling our CR-1 package and LiYuan's address is just to long to be typed in and I am not sure it can be handwritten either.

    Is it acceptable to use an attached letter on the 325a? I know I would have to attach 4 copies as well since it is in quadruplicate as well.

    Thanks in advance.


  11. On my most recent trip back from Guilin on April 27th, the man sitting next to me was handed a blue/white customs form that was in Chinese. This was on American Airlines from Shanghai to Chicago.

    It seems they had them on my flight in February also. Also the Flight Attendants are very helpful with any questions in Chinese as well.

    Good Luck


  12. So.. there I was... assembling The Package.. and I'm picking out pictures....


    Well, I've been over there 5 times in the last year. I'm not quite through the most recent trip and I'm at 39 pictures to include in The Package and counting... Does that seem too many from one trip? Keep in mind, I've got four more trips to go through...


    I've tried to show ones of us together, ones of us having fun (even if it doesn't show both of us), ones of me with her friends and family, ones of her with gifts I brought her, that kind of thing.


    Sound good?



    Good Topic!

    I have been thinking of this question as well and am happy to see the answers.

    Thanks and Good Luck

  13. LiYuan and I have a 23 year age difference.As others have said, age may or may not be a problem. To me is a number, has nothing to do with true love and caring. Its good her family accepts you and agrees with everything. Its a good thing also that you can be there for the interview and wish you success.


    The real problem is explaining any red flags and overcoming them.But in the end,its really both your eyes that matter most.

    Good Luck


  14. Since I am still gathering paperwork and working on my evolution of relationship I am curious about the subject of red and white books.

    In my second marriage albeit a short one we got the red book in Wuhan but never registered for a white book. Four weeks later resulted in divorce and got a book for that.

    I guess my question is do I mention that we never applied for a white book in my second marriage to Guangzhou in my evolution of relationship for my current marriage or not?

    I know I will have a most difficult overcome and am working to resolve all red flags before I ever apply for CR-1. Now here in Guilin for second trip, and am thinking at least one maybe two more trips before apply with maybe a short trip to visit Mr Ellis or his staff in Guangzhou for advice as well on my next trip.

    Thanks in advance


  15. IMO it seems the Falong Gong was a protest group that used religion as a cover.I have always felt this is what worries party rulers more than anything.That protests will arise from these religious gatherings.

    Besides the people were told openly to not go there and if they did would suffer the consequences of their actions.

    Most Chinese I have spoken with that have religious beliefs never seem to have any problems and practice their religion openly.


    I also think part of the problems arise from people that keep trying to smuggle bibles into the country. I often read people trying to bring in 600 or more bibles into the country when customs rules state you cannot bring in so many, yet when they get caught cry the government is against religion. Yet these same people never admit what they were doing was against the law all the time.


    Since China is home to many atheists as well people feel a need to convert them. I have a very good Chinese friend in Singapore who always told me she wanted to believe in religion of some sort and attended a couple of church meetings in SG but the group was over fanatical to the point of calling her several times a week to make sure she attended the next weeks ceremony. She became scared of them. Since I was working there I talked with them and told the guy to leave her alone or there would be consequences.


    Riding the MRT I daily saw Jehovah Witnesses getting on at one stop ask a Chinese person if they believed in God and then prayed from the Bible and then get off at the next stop, where another person would get on and do the same thing. Handing out cards to attend their services.


    This thing goes on in China as well and is one reason I think the Goverment is a little leary as well.


    Just my opinion.

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