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Posts posted by pbatt

  1. I am not sure if this is the right spot to ask this,sorry if it is not. My GF in Shanghai has a friend here who married a USC and now they are getting divorced. She canceled her interview.

    What she is wondering is how to stop the CR-1 process? She is worried it will affect her later if she meets someone else and wants to apply again.She just wants to make sure it will be over and not put a check against her for the future.


    I told her I would ask here for her as there are so many people with much knowledge.Its a long story of what went wrong, so I will spare everyone all the details.


    Thanks in advance for any help


  2. I will add that I have not traveled with family members. But will tell you what I have observed at Minneapolis/St Paul Customs.


    I have seen many family members traveling together,Even mothers with adopted papers.

    They are told to take the child down to the Non US Citizen line to go thru customs.

    The biggest thing I see that creates problems is Non US citizen trying to use US citizen line. Minneapolis has an officer walking around directing non US Citizens to the visitor lines.

    No real red flags as I can see. Just tell officer you are helping mother is all.


    All ports also have translators also.


    Hope this helps some


  3. I know this question has come up many times. I know K-1 is fastest. But sometimes the fastest is not always the best way.What I am wondering is if there is somewhere that explains the answers in written Chinese.

    My girlfriend wants to know which is fastest way for her to get here.She can speak English but is worried she will not understand in written English.She has worked in USA before, but is in Shanghai now.

    She feels more comfortable with written Chinese.So she can make clear.If someone can help I would greatly appreciate it or PM me.


    Thank you very much in advance for help.

    Have a nice day


  4. Thank you everyone for your responses. I should of added more at first, sorry. My GF wants a pet beagle for her daughter, she lives in Taiyuan.

    She does not know where to find a beagle in China, so she asked me to bring her one from america.

    I told her it is not worth it but when she gets to USA she can have one.

    Thanks for the links as i can show her all the requirements, altho for her, money is not and issue, more of her daughter being happy.


    I fly many times to Guangzhou for business. So i know would be a headache. I will try to convince her to wait, but as you know, sometimes you have to pick your battles very carefully with Chinese women. <_<


    Thanks again everyone.



  5. I agree getting a good attorney is the best advice.

    I feel sorry for the child to be put thru all this. In some ways he is being put thru the same thing as she was.

    How did she get thru school and banks without a SS number check? Even to go to College now requires SS number.


    She has skirted the issue for too long. A friend of a friend is Running Gulianni's Campaign for president. He told me there are two issues that will be focused on this year.

    The economy and illegal immigration. In Minnesota, people are getting tired of all the illegals. The local police are cracking down fiercely now, and even the Governor finally is forcing local cities to comply or lose state aid.

  6. Yes The PRC form G-1 And Single status are the same.Just get it notarized locally, then to Secretary of state and then To Chinese consulate closest to you, Mine also is Chicago but i just drove there and done it.

    Same as to Sec of state in Minnesota. Then no time in mail or lost mail.

    Chicago is very quick and friendly.


    If you mail in the application, yes it is best to include a cover letter.



  7. I have a question regarding the time frame for applying for citizenship.At what point can you take the test? Is it three years after getting green card? Also does the time matter if you have divorced?


    My ex has her green card and was wondering at what time she can apply for citizenship.She got her temporary stamp in December 2003 and has her 10 year card now.


    Thanks for any info in advance.

    Have a nice day


  8. Usually the customs agent will confiscate any meat products, not sure about Yak meat. But i do know for a fact that Beef, Pork and Chicken are not allowed,dried or fresh..

    Most commercially processed foods are allowed.Sauces,seasonings,candies, teas, etc. I do not know of any fines unless it would be flagrant violation. Usually they just take away from you.

    Fresh Fruits are not allowed either.And plants.They are worried about citrus diseases.


    The old rule applies: If in doubt, throw it out.

    As far as alcohol from Beijing,you cannot take in carry on, but are allowed to put up to two liters in checked luggage.

    Is funny there,50 meters past the checkpoint is duty-free.

    I was told it was taken away so you would buy from duty-free at a higher price.


    In Minneapolis i have never seen any fines levied, but have seen many things just taken and thrown.

  9. One option you might try is check in the Yellow Pages under insurance. Many states have insurance programs available.Minnesota has what they call MN Comp and Mn Care.These programs are available when you cannot get insurance elsewhere.

    But they also have some different rules.But many also have an 800 number to call for insurability.


    Good Luck. Paul

  10. I am curious if anyone knows of someone that can be hired to translate letters from chinese to english and from english to chinese?


    I know there are some programs, but i have found these to be slow and often difficult to use,does anyone have any suggestions? I would not mind if i had to pay someone for this service.


    Thanks in advance.



  11. I am flying to taiyuan on Dec. 6th.I will stay at a friend of my fiancee,s house.He lives alone. Liping will stay at her sisters house.Does anyone know the proper procedure for registering at the local police station and does it have to be done right away?

    I do not want to get into trouble by doing the wrong thing. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks and have a good day.


    After I get back from China we will start the K-1 visa process.



  12. Can anyone explain to me the laws regarding Divorce in China?My friend lives in singapore and has been seperated from her husband for 1.5 years.She wants a divorce but he doesn't.Can some one explain to me her options.She has talked with a lawyer in China already.Does she have to wait for 2 years of being seperated to file on her own? Or can a judge just declare it over if he does not want but she does?

    Thank you for any information in advance. Paul

  13. When we filed AOS and Yan had to get her shots,Minnesota wanted MMR, Tetanus And Hep B. You get a list of civil surgeons and the clinics they work at.It takes 3 months to get done as one is a 2 part series of shots.The hard part at least here in Minnesota is finding a clinic to give the shots, Many would only do so after she had a 500 dollar physical.If you can get them done in China it is much better.But remember to get the Yellow Card of Vaccinations.It is Recognized thru out the world.Then you have the card to show for proof of vaccinations.

    Hope this helps. Paul

  14. Yan,s parents went to Guangzhou to pick up her visa and passport. They send a form for power of attorney for you to sign to allow someone else to pick up the visa for you.They dropped off the letter in the morning and had the visa at the end of the day.Early on some people were having to wait an extra day to get the visa so it may be a good idea to allow for an extra day just in case.Her father was the last one to get a visa that day, he was worried that he may have to come back the next day. Good Luck.


    Paul and Yan

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