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Posts posted by pbatt

  1. Once you clear customs and go downstairs to exit, there is a travelex money changer place. To the left of that is a bus/van transfer service that will take you to HuangGuang Customs. The fee is 150HKD. Arriving on Northwest you will be fine.


    Either you can meet your SO there or take a taxi to your destination.Just ignore all the people who want to help you and cross over the catwalk to the taxi stand.


    If she cannot meet you there, have her send the address to you in Chinese to show the driver. Is what I always do.


    I just took this very same van a month ago.


    Enjoy your trip


  2. MSP/STP is an excellent POE also,very easy and on VJ is rated highly as one of the more friendly ones to use.

    It is also one of Northwest's hubs

    Is flight NW20 from Tokyo/Narita. You arrive around 1230pm, early afternoon and plenty of time for connecting flights.You do not get the EAD stamp tho.


    Use the lane on the far right side.The number 2 lane. Toplaw used it recently and had very good luck.


    Good Luck


  3. During bad economic times pickpockets increase. An older Chinese gentleman told me long ago to never carry my wallet or my passport with me,he said why give them a temptation.

    So now I just keep some cash in my pocket and a copy of my passport page and visa in my pocket. My wallet and passport stay in the safe at hotel.


    I also keep the phone number of my credit card company in the safe as well and also store in an e-mail to myself. Just in case it is stolen.After the card is lost its hard to find the number to call on the back


    I guess I am lucky with over 20 visits to China alone and several other countries I have not had anyone take anything.


    Even in Us now more and more stories of handbag theft and pickpocketing.

  4. During bad economic times pickpockets increase. An older Chinese gentleman told me long ago to never carry my wallet or my passport with me,he said why give them a temptation.

    So now I just keep some cash in my pocket and a copy of my passport page and visa in my pocket. My wallet and passport stay in the safe at hotel.


    I also keep the phone number of my credit card company in the safe as well and also store in an e-mail to myself. Just in case it is stolen.After the card is lost its hard to find the number to call on the back


    I guess I am lucky with over 20 visits to China alone and several other countries I have not had anyone take anything.


    Even in Us now more and more stories of handbag theft and pickpocketing.

  5. A sign of things to come one day. Airlines have to start making money or they will go out of business.The government cannot afford to keep bailing them out.

    I feel the days of cheaper tickets are long gone now. I look for them to start weighing carry-on bags soon. Which maybe a good idea as I do not like the overhead bins coming open on flights in turbulence from such heavy bags.

    The bad thing is, only the customers suffer in this. Less flights, reduced services.


  6. In your baggage is much easier, as was spoken before, you are more adapted at explaining quickly in English. As long as the medicines do not contain anything prohibited in this country should not be a problem.


    I believe the US Customs website has a list of ingredients that are banned.


    I have brought many medicines back but are just common ones no problem.Both in my carry-on and in checked luggage.


    Good Luck


  7. All of it is true. The sad thing is, they can go to any processing plant in america and find illegals.

    The plant in postville is kosher plant, largest one in US. But the way they kill the cattle is far crueler than any plant in USA.


    Few people in this country want to work so hard for 7 dollars and hour.Even other plants pay 9 an hour.


    My brother was plant manager of a company in minnesota. two thirds of his workforce was illegals.The plant was raided. All were deported. 7 days later a third of them were back with new ID's. Never raided again.


    Its all about the benjamins $$$$$$.

  8. I use e-tickets all the time in China, never had any problems. I have never used Ctrip but I always use E-long. Never had any trouble with them and I can call them from USA or in China.E-long also accepts CC's


    I just show up a couple hours early and look for the check in gate and show them my passport. They print my boarding pass and I am off to the boarding gates.

    Good Luck


  9. If this question is in wrong place, please move it to the right one.

    Has anyone just entered China after the new rules went into effect?I am curious as I am scheduled to go to Shenzhen on the 20th of May.

    This time i do not have hotel reservations as will stay with my GF.Will i need an invitation letter from her?

    I have never registered at the local police station before when staying with friends, guess I better do this time. My visa is good until November but this time,if i not put a hotel name on the immigration form if they will give me a bad time.

    Thanks in advance


  10. I have thought of the side trip to Guangzhou also, is up to her,have to pick my battles :lol:


    I have read some about HKG for marriage, guess I need talk to someone more who has done it. I did read that you have to file an intent to marry for so many days before, in case someone objects.

    Need to do more research.

    I mentioned this to her about HKG, but she said her friends got married in China and got their visas in 8 months.I tried to explain to her that was before the huge backlog, but am losing this one :o

    Thanks everyone


  11. The question in January was for myself and the red book of divorce I have.It was all in Chinese and had it translated to English when I was in Guangzhou in January.The translation took to long before I had to leave and did not get my single affadavit done.

    Yes I stand corrected I meant affadavit of single, eligible to marry certificate.Sorry about that, my bad. :o

    My GF lives in Shenzhen and we have been talking about marriage. She is from Chengdu and all her family lives there.


    We are talking about getting married maybe end of May. I was looking at Chicago Consulate but could not find a workable link to see about getting an Affadavit of single status certified without driving there and is 6 hour drive one way for me.

    I am not sure if they accept mail in applications in Chicago anymore.I also saw on their website that as of April 15th all L visa applications have to have Hotel reservations included as well as Flight reservations. I have always just had the flight reservations before.


    She wants me to fly into HKG this time and stay in Shenzhen, then fly to Chengdu.But still need to get the affadavit done in Chengdu before we can marry.

    So I was curious if anyone had ever done the single affadavit in Chengdu before?


    Thanks for all the help


  12. Yes I agree it is nice to see them doing their job. But to me it also does make things harder in some respects.

    My reasoning is that they have found 43 this time. So when words spreads to different groups in charge, there will be more pressure at Guangzhou to stop this type of activity.

    Then will be more pressure for proof of people doing the process legally to prove they are not committing fraud in some way.


    In some ways I think this is why we are seeing more blue slips this year.


    I hope it doesnt but from what I have seen in the past, this type of thing always come back to haunt the ones doing the process legally.



  13. As was stated before, ethanol is a huge waste of water. It is a quick fix to a long term problem. Over a year ago an article in the Singapore Straits Times, stated China and India could both not afford ethanol. Corn takes 8 gallons of water to produce a gallon of ethanol, sugar cane takes 11 gallons. Not sure about beats.

    Water is one of the scarcest resources in these two countries.Not to mention the high rise in food prices from diverting corn and sugars to ethanol production.

    The US will see a large increase later this summer from these very problems.

    It has been said that wars will soon be fought over water, not oil.Some political ones have been in US already. The state of Texas bought land in SE New Mexico to drill a large water well to pipe to dallas. New Mexico got wind of it and put a stop to it.


    We can live without oil, but cannot go to long without water.

  14. I have been in China for two weeks, I leave the 9th for home. The rate from BOC for exchange my USD to RMB has been 6.94 for these two weeks.I got 6.94 on 28th march and also on 4th of april.


    For what its worth my friend in Guangzhou told me many people have committed suicide after losing all their money in the stock markets here.


    I know the 10,000 dollar rule has been in effect for many years. They just want to know where that much money is coming from and why. The reason behind it was for money laundering and drug money.

  15. Yes the run is awesome. It is a great honor to be in it.To bad is only one day in USA.

    My son carried the torch in the 1996 relay in Minnesota, he dedicated his run to his mother who was dying of cancer. His school bought the torch for him. Was a great honor for him.


    Is to bad the Olympics have to become political. Should always be just about the games and spirit of the athletes and competition



  16. I am curious if anyone knows if other consulates in other parts of the world are as tough as Guangzhou?

    I do not read VJ but have not read much in the news either if others having same problems.


    Our immigration policies in this country as so archaic in many ways. Mexicans can cross at will., Then have to leave if caught. Cubans can stay if their feet touch american soil.

    Illegals get amnesty

    But if you do things the proper way, you are crucified and vilified. No rhyme nor reason.



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