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About Rick-Guohua

  • Birthday 02/03/1954
  1. I seem to only run into unmotivated ex walmart workers.Frankly I just think this whole terrorism thing has given airport personnel of all stripes more reason to act like idiots. They sucked pretty bad before 9/11.I have never been impressed with government workers to be honest. The word LOSER pops in my mind many times when dealing with them although I know its not PC. Reads to me like you are slamming Government Employees.
  2. Kangjie,,, Youngster. I'm not going to say, What I Think You Sound Like To Me. Spoiled, Rich, Brat, Comes to mind! I just retired from Our Government after 30 years 8 months and 2 days. I worked for a branch of the Department of Justice. I don't now and never have worked for Walmart. I worked with some Great people and some not so great people. There are other CFLers on this site that have and still do work for your Federal Government. I can't explain why this person acted the way he or she did and I have no excuss for his or her actions. I will say this,, I retired as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. I know my Rights as an American Citizen. It would Behove You To Know Yours! Please don't Lump the rest of us Poor Government Employees together as all AssHoles. I have Never had a problem Going To or Returning From an other Country and I have traveled all over the world.
  4. Like most Chinese men and women I have meet They are too busy working and paying bills to think about Daoist Lovemaking or Tai Chi or Qi Gong ( what ever that is) Sounds like fun
  5. We also had an Appointment date sent to us, Then a week later we got a letter of Cancellation, I called the local office here and was told,,, If you have a cancellation notice, The interview was Cancelled for a good reason. I think it was 3 weeks later we recieved both my wife and daughter G/card.
  6. Hello,,, Hello,,, Hello Fellow Government Worker. For this I sent 3 months of LES (pay statements) and Tax forms and a letter from personnel and copies of my Ferrs account. I also sent the last notice of personnel action I got for pay raise and step-increase to GS-8-10. My wife is here now and has her Green Card and Right to work SSN and our daughter has her SSN card. My wife has been here 9 months, After a 15 month wait. We still live in Beautiful Phoenix Az and my family is happy. I don't have the time to post as much as I would like, But I do come by and read. For you Old Timers, Yes, Alex is still working hard at getting his S.O. here. I talkto him every other night. He is a Stronger Man Than Most. He's putting up a Good Fight. Pray For Him. Our AOS interview was cancelled, I got a letter stating that it was not needed at this time. Hummmmm, I don't understand that one! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I have been Really Blessed With My Family and I could Not Be Happier! Thank You All Here At My Second Home (CFL) For 15 Very Long Months! Rick
  7. Hello,,,,, BC/BS,,, Not A Problem. I called and was told all we needed was a copie of our Marriage Certificate and her birth date, Her daughter was easy too, Just her name and birth date, That was all I had to do. 2 days later we went for their Vaccination shots at the local Civil Surgeons Office. All I had to pay was my Co-Pay, BC/BS did cover the visit for both my wife and daughter. Hope this helps. Rick
  8. Yup, Yup, Yup I'm still here and check in when I have the time. Life is GREAT! Never been happyer. We have had our ups and downs. Mostly my Morbid Sence Of Humor. I am very lucky, My wife took care of me 24/7 when I was in the hospital and tryed to keep the needle puchers away,,,They like to take blood at 03:00am. She is working full time and wants to save money to open her own Herbal Medicine and Accupunture and cupping place. I guess that's a lot better than a Massage Palor.Ha, Ha, Ha!! Our next big step is to teach her to drive. I already have grey hair, But I'd like to keep the hair I have!!!!! I am really lucky, She Loves to get on the Goldwing and just go!!!!! I get to take the Harley to work. It's just to loud for her. She really likes to listen to the radio and sing as we pass all the cars. We're still here in Phoenix, The Heat and Humidity this July and August really did bother her and our daughter. They are from a very cold climate in China, I think their summer high is 80 degrees, Our's as been 117 degrees. I talk to Alex yesterday and today. I really hope they get their Collective Heads out of their A**'s and help Alex. I just can't believe after all he has been through,,, They went and lost his paper work. Alex My Friend,,,, Good Luck, Guohua and I are thinking of you every day. Yup, I'm still here and try to post, Like right now,,,,,, ,,,, The wife is sleeping........ What was that ,,, I hear my name being called Time to go to BED!!!!!! Rick
  9. I did n't have to ask, The answer was No, Ricka, You No need Ciggeritta! Rick
  10. It's Not Me! She told me, I'm Head Master in home! Well Head Master, Wheres My Supper! Ricka
  11. Alex,,, This is the Greatest. After all the hell they put you through. Yes, I'm home, got my parole papers yesterday. Now I'm on house arrest for another week. Yup! Guohua is Happy. Thanks to all my friends at CFL for pulling for me. And of course,,, Thanks to Alex for letting you all know. Yup,,, They took away my smokes and my beer and I won't let them TOUCH my Harley or Goldwing. The Doc said to me, Mr. Massey,,,, Ofcourse I had to look and see who see was taking too, Nobody calls my Mr. Massey. She, said you have to change your life style. I ask just how much of a change? Well, We meet half way! Thank you every one and thank you and good luck to you Alex. Rick
  12. Hi My Little Republican Buddy Michael,,,, Your so right. I just talk to Alex about 1 hour ago. He is really on Cloud nine and will post when all is said and done. The Supervisor at the Texas Center check his paper work and call his Congressman, Yes, Yes, Alex and Ping have a Valid Relationship and She (the supervisor) will forward his Documents to one of the Staff there that was suppose to review his case and have this person Date and Sign. The supervisor got involved through a Congressman helping Alex and intersepted Alex's case and reviewed it to see if there was any reason or if Alex needed to provide a reason WHY this happened. As we all know,,,, There was no reason for this to happen to Alex and Ping,,, Some-one has connections in the Consulate and wanted MONEY! GEEEEEE Does that surprise any of us here? To make a long story a little shorter,,, Alex is waiting to here that his Documents are signed and sealed and the Visa is being issued. Really, you can't blame him. He wants to besure there are NO-MORE surprises! Michael,,,,,, Your Wife will be here any day now ,,, I'm happy for you! Rick
  13. I want to know, What the thing is with this AOS interview. What can they do, Say you don't have a valid marriage? Right now,,,, They really don't want to PISS me off ,,,, I'll ride Triggs,,, No, My Harley right up their SKINNY little ASS! I've never been this happy,,, Do you think for one minute, I'll let some a** hole make my life misserable again. I can retire in 9 months with 33 years of Government service. I know many, many places I can go with my wife,,,,, Do You? Hell get a P.O. box and travel on the Goldwing, I've got direct deposit, Might even sell the old harley,,,,,Maybe Not! Yes Dear You need me , I'll be right there BYE! Rick
  14. Thats GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rick
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