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Everything posted by egolessvegan

  1. Yesterday was a happy day for many of us. For those of us who received interview dates, we can now move forward. For those still waiting there is reason to be optimistic. Ken
  2. Hope to get together the 4 of us sometime soon. Ken
  3. After 5 months of waiting, our P4 was finally issued today. Our interview is January 7th. Now Qing and I look forward to the next hurdle, the interview. Good luck to all who received the good news today.
  4. I just called DOS. My P3 date was also August 6th. I was told my fiancee Qing has an interview scheduled for January 7th at 8:00 am. This kind of came out of nowhere. What a nice surprise.
  5. The only time that is important is the present moment. The hours on the clock are only reference points.
  6. My timeline is similar to yours. Looks like we will get interview dates in February.
  7. I worked several years for one of the more prominent newspapers in the country. Currently have my own personal service business in Jupiter, Florida.
  8. Recent postings indicate more than a few failed interviews. Does anyone have an idea what percentage pass/fail? In the past I though a failure was somewhat unusual.
  9. Jason, when are we getting the call?We have the same date of entry to computer (August 6th). Ken
  10. Tomorrow is another day, the possibilities are unlimited!
  11. I think by the end of this week all the couples within the timeline of late July early August will have interviews scheduled. Call it wishful thinking or flat out optimism. I am going to stay real positive. Ken
  12. I hope tomorrow the both of us have good news. I would hate to wait another month for the interview date.
  13. Keep calling. There might be good news waiting for you.
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