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Everything posted by kfman

  1. Oh, and the white slips are pink now I guess. Typical of our government to change things around... right?
  2. Ok Timeline, add me as a success. And maybe I will be stopping by this summer on the way to Ohio... pm me when you get the chance.
  3. Wow..now I got that out of the way. Trigg, break out the ol Wooohoooer, Visa approved. LuJing just called, at 1:00am She must have been one of the first ones finished, because she called and was already at the train station. She had the very nice american man, tall with glasses. She said he asked her around 10 questions, mostly in a conversational type of tone. Although she could not give me exacts, this is some of what she was asked: What are your husbands hobbies? She said I love to work in my yard, practice kungfu, watch my daughter play softball and wack myself in the head with prybars... (well, not the last part) When was the last time your husband was in china? She said I came on a suprise anniversary trip for one weekend in May. Then they went on to talk about some of my other trips there, and when I brought my kids with me in Feb. How did we meet each other? Online When did your husband get divorced? When did you get divorced? And some other questions I guess that were just asked during the conversation, but she couldnt really recall with detail. So now she is on her way home, to nurse her sprained ankle, and prepare for her trip here. She picks up visa on Jul 1. She did show our photos, and he talked to her about my family. But he didnt ask for any other evidence. She told me that she did turn in our 2004 taxes, the most recent and she was on them. So I am under the belief they already approved it ahead of time, and was just talking to verify some things.. otherwise, she said her interview was very easy, relaxing and done quickly. She did run into 2 ladies from 001, one was approved at the same time as her, the other was still waiting. Ok, now I get to dance... finally. B)
  4. Ah David.. I love reading your post.. They are so full of it...... information silly..
  5. Yeah, isnt the backlog in CSC huge? So it would seem 100 days isnt that long.. to us anyway..
  6. Oh my God Michael - is this woman made for you or what? Yeah, wait till she gets here and I give her the pry bar to move a rock.. my pry bar slaps are better then Trigg's mop slaps... I'm getting an insurance policy on you two. Hey, maybe we should start a pool here at CFL Winner gets a lucky dinner with me and my wife.. if you have accident insurance that is.. hehehehhehe Actually she is so careful, I was shocked to hear what happened... in my case, I play with fire, so I get burned.. but not her.. I choose to view it as a good omen.
  7. It happened to me also... and when they sent what they said was missing, I already had sent it... so it crossed in the mail. No biggie...
  8. Yeah, and you know the worst part of all this? I used to have a kungfu school, and teach others.. and was so graceful and smooth... hmmmm wonder what happened... age?
  9. Wow, great post. My wife is inside now.. I hope. Last I spoke to her was at the hotel, and she sprained her ankle.. ugh. Told her no blood, no foul. Get up and get to the embassy... Ahhh.. like Roger, I wear the pants... for now anyway.
  10. I have flown multiple times there and back, and always see attendants helping with forms, chinese instructions over the speakers.. The airlines are well aware that many many many chinese people fly into and out of the good ol USA.. Hell, she will even be able to take her drivers permit in chinese if she wants..
  11. I cant believe your even considering not waking her up. I called my wife like at 2am... sheesh.. she was sooooo happy.. as I will be early this am when she calls me about visa..
  12. Yeah, you were just there. I am not though... never should have listened to her, and went there anyway. hehehehehe... just kidding, but I cannot stand not being able to talk to her now, ask about her leg, and how things are going... aaaarrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
  13. Oh my God Michael - is this woman made for you or what? Yeah, wait till she gets here and I give her the pry bar to move a rock.. my pry bar slaps are better then Trigg's mop slaps...
  14. Is anyone in GZ at the internet cafe waiting for thier loved one? I called my wife this morning to wake her up, and she was in tears. Apparently she twisted her ankle and hurt her leg getting up out of bed. I asked her if she needed to go to the hospital but she said no. So my next response was... Be strong.. this is it. I hope she is safely inside the embassy... wow.. only a few hours to go. Now I can pace and get nervous.. while I am waiting for time to pass... Anyone reading this from GZ? Seen a limping chinese lady go inside? Just wondering...
  15. Congrats Ron.. I was just there, now I am 12 hours from knowing that my visa journey is complete. You will be in my shoes so fast your head will indeed spin.
  16. Great quotes, I loved them. Brought back a lot of memories.
  17. David, you might recognize this one too, I think it was said about Mao-Tsu. A monk was sleeping one day and he was dreaming he was a butterfly. When he awoke he asked "Am I a man who was dreaming I was a butterfly, or a butterfly that is dreaming he is a man?"
  18. Wow Ross, what did you leave out of the 864? Curious... I made a copy of this years tax return where she was added on with me, and a copy of the W-7 she filed. I hope this will keep it current
  19. One day a master and young monk was walking down a forest path. They came across a beautiful woman trying to cross a river stream, but it was too deep. The old master stepped up, swept the woman up in his arms and carried her across, setting her down on the other side. As they continued to walk down the path, this action bothered the young monk, and so he asked, "Master, why did you pick up the young lady back there?" and the master replied, "I put the lady down, why are you still carrying her?"
  20. I was thinking, we kinda hit a topic a lot of us can put some great imput into. So I thought maybe to start a thread about it, see what we can come up with. During my years of kungfu training, I got to study and learn so many different ideas and stories. So I thought we could each share some stories heard or philosophies to live by... (Please, no politics from any of us.. thanks) There was an american who wanted to go study kungfu under a great master in asia. So the american was in the masters main study room, talking to him about how much he has learned and how far he has come in his study. The master sat and listened as the man went on and on with his training and where he was in life. So the master asked the man if he wanted some tea, and started pouring it for him. The man was holding his cup of tea, and the master started pouring, and calmly sat and continued to pour, even as the mans cup filled and started to overflow. After a bit of this, the man was getting uncomfortable with all the tea pouring out of his cup and on the floor, and said to the master, "are you going to stop?" The master responded, "this cup is like your mind, and it is so full, that nothing else can enter it. Unless you empty your cup, I can teach you nothing." Well, thats close anyway. Its been years since I thought of that story. Oh another thing, try not to tell the moral of the story, let the reader figure it out if possible. Thanks again
  21. awww.. words of wisdom from Grandpa Don.... my thoughts too. perception that is.
  22. I was always under the belief that CR-1's receive green card upon entry and dont have to wait for AOS appointment and interview... is this right ? yes... CR1s get a greencard.. they perform an AOS step with the NVC shuttle stage... But I think they still go to GUZ for an interview... (just to distinguish from an AOS interview, which I think you are referring to) Yes, in fact... Interview in 6 Days..... wooohoooooooo Did I tell you already? hahahhahaa Oh, thats 6 days in China, not here.
  23. I was always under the belief that CR-1's receive green card upon entry and dont have to wait for AOS appointment and interview... is this right ?
  24. And your suprised? How much did you contribute to thier relection? Hate to say it, but most senators and congressmen are too busy chasing skirts and drinking 3 martini lunches then to bother calling GUZ... that would take time and effort. Regardless of which party they are in.. its always the same. ... unless its election year, and you have some cash. simple
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