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Everything posted by kkimm

  1. I don't really mind if the batch contains both backlogged cases and more recent cases. My question is that they are still using a "MANUAL" process for these cases? Imagine giving a "string" and another 10,000 'strings" and you have to find a match between them --- I will write the program for them, free of charge, if that will help?
  2. precisely if you meant It as the the problem at GZ
  3. Congrats! mind if I ask when it was re-submitted?
  4. Ms. Gentile, Acting Chief of Public Inquiries Division, Visa Services "trusts" that the outcome will not be delayed much longer. Her faith in the system overwhelms me. they have been saying that since Nov last year...no surprise...
  5. I did, too, same form, last month, useless, not informative at all...
  6. the other, if I may say, would be the popularity of Starbucks in Shanghai and Beijing...
  7. Both Lisa Piascik and Kathryn are out of town this week, this Karla must be a deputy, or something temporary...
  8. I had a similar experience just yesterday: The lady was really reluctant to do anything, very slow, it seems she is "lack of sleep" or something, but after I told her the case number, she said to me: this case number is not valid... I was really surprised and asked her to read it back to me and asked to check it again. It seems to me, she can't input the number right ...at the end, nothing new, she just said still pending...
  9. Likewise I have created my own form letter so that I could send out an email a day till it gets some attention:
  10. did you confirm the dates of re-submission?
  11. Congrats to all who got good news recently! I want to start this thread to track namechecks still not cleared at this time: submitted: 11-16-02 no interview yet.
  12. Good! That happens when they are having problems delivering the mail, and happens to me several times sending express or regular mail to China. At one time, I even wrote down the wrong street name and they were delivered (though takes much longer)...
  13. From all I gathered on the posts here, it seems it takes about 3 months from a clearance request submission to finally issue the visa. Hopefully that will be the "normal" processing time at GZ from now on!!
  14. I disagree, because you don't know who will be reading these posts. From what I have experienced: In America, a student in class can literally interrupt the lecturer and ask a question, and the lecturer would be grateful if he did not explain anything clear and the student helped. In China, a student in class will raise his hand to get the permission to ask a question. It is impolite to speak without asking.
  15. If everything is as you say, and everybody does that, the world would be a much better place
  16. If you go to the website of Guangzhou Consulate, they have a special time allocated such that USCs can walk in the Consulate and talk the things over with the officers...
  17. Amen. Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs [uS] they are really loud!!! [iRAQ]
  18. I wouldn't think the Consulates in China would be affected, what I am worrying a little is the DOS guys (or FBIs) working on the clearance might be re-assigned...
  19. I thought it is the other way around, since the dept of treasureay can print more bills if they needed more ... At the least corporate America has to do some cooking (on books) to show they are making some money for shareholders USPS is one, perhaps GZ is another, I've read somewhere that one of the money-making machines of US OutPosts are the ones in China...
  20. You guys are dreamin'... Will never happen..... I mean, for all visas..... Does not make sense though. I agree. Yes, employment petition can be rushed through for a measly 1500 bucks... I gave up trying to understand INS/BICS/State.. Like all service industry has its own guidelines of different level of service, airlines have first class, coach class, economics, etc. Car rental companies have luxury, full size, compact, and economy, etc. Maybe DOS has its own guidelines of different classifications, only difference is that they don't make it pubilc, and we don't get to choose...
  21. INS used to be responsible for immigration and border control. They are now dividing INS into two, one responsible for immigration, the other for border control. By removing one inefficient agency, who knows if they will not create two more...
  22. I bet DOS is monitoring this site, so that when you have enough number of posts, they will say, OK, he/she has had enough pain, let's gave him/her a visa...
  23. Congrats! this is the kind of email that shows they really care!!
  24. that probably won't happen after 9/11...my co-worker has to bring her passport (US) on a cruise to Bermuda for a vacation --- just in case. No, if you are USC, you don't need the visa, but depending on the airlines you fly with, you may still have to go through the customs (both Canada and the US)...I think...when you book the tickets the airlines will tell you if you need to go through the customs or if you need to check in your luggage again at the connection airport, etc.
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