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We are in the pink!

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I will write more details later as I hear them. Basically they asked 2-3 questions and approved her. You are going to hear some good news from another member very soon as well. :lol: I won't take his thunder away. :lol:


More later. Off to help someone we met who got a blue.


Michael and Ying

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:vava: CONGRATULATIONS! :yahoo:

Michael and Ying


I was so glad to hear your good news when Ying called us earlier today to tell us you guys received PINK!


From what you guys showed us last Saturday evening we knew you were well documented and prepared for the interview and figured you'd have a great outcome ... way to do your research and take this seriously! :D


Have a good, safe trip home :)


We'll talk to you guys soon!


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OK . . . Basically this is a short and sweet story.


Ying went up to the interview window and Said "Hello, How are you doing?" He said "Fine thanks how about you?" and then she asked the VO if she could put and organize her folders up on the counter. He said "sure no, problem. Take your time."


He then asked for her passport and she also passed him mine. And she offered my evolution of relationship letter. He said he didn't need the letter, so she put it back in the folder.


He asked "Where did you guys meet?"

She says "Hotornot.com."

He hadn't heard of the site, so she said while smiling "It's just a dating website. That's common right now isn't it?" And he chuckled at that.


He asked how many times I had been to China - no exact dates. She told him four.


He then asked if we had photos together. She passed over 1 of 3 books. This one had pictures of my mom, Ying, her parents and myself in Beijing at the Great Wall and Zoo. He probably looked at only 5 of the pictures and very fast. The pictures were labled so he didn't ask who everyone was.


He handed them back and said "OK you are approved!"

Ying said "Thank you very much! You made my day! I hope we see you in US sometime." She collected her stuff and left.


Yes it was that fast.


I had her memorizing all sorts of crazy answers to the questions we'd see online. make and model of car, how much paid, addresses, junior high school attended, parents birthdays, exact dates of flights etc etc and in the end it just wasn't needed.


I attended ACH and got a notarization at ACS a month ago. I believe both helped greatly.


Thanks for all the well wishes and the support of all the great CFLers!!!!

Edited by Batmaniac (see edit history)
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You'd better give me your timeline info now. :rolleyes:


Sorry I've been off for some time, my internet was a dead stick.


Congratulations to you both!


Yeah I need to look up a couple of things. I can maybe put together something rough until then. I don't think we will be back in Shenzhen until Saturday night at the latest.

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