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SO was denied Visa

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I now join Alex in the mistrust of our( my ) government

VO would not look at the facts

first visit 15 days- got engaged and met parents

up coming visit is Nov12 ,to Dec 3

that's 25 days

I got lots of assets - a great job - I am eligble to retire

She has a great job ,owns her home and has several k in the Bank

They had my Prevoius tickets - which showed That I booked them and paid for them

They got my new tickets paid for in April by me for the November trip

They got my Taxes?w-2


They got pictures of me with her parents

and they other pictures

VO refused to look at everything and was -a nice word would be rude -

I can not send the reply by Fax

to the GUZ because thier Fax won't stay on

for more than 1 page


So I wrote them the statement about how we met ,evolution of tthe relationship , when we got engaged - when her Mother and Father approved of Me

and Even got pictures of them with me and the SO


I now firmly believe that there is truly something wrong with the VO's

I do not know what to do since apparently I can not meet with them to discuss the case or to provide them with information

Maybe a Third Party ?

I don't know how or why ?

So I need advice

I will get them plenty of pictures when I get there

I will bring everything I now have


just what is there to be suspicoius about ?

So I have had NO Sleep for 2 nights worrying about these

People Who hold our lives and futures in their hands

They are Not resonable or fair

or In My OPINION-Yes TRIGG it is Only MY opinion


I will be there 24 days It's all I can do but just what can I do ?


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I now join Alex in the mistrust of our( my ) government

VO would not look at the facts

first visit 15 days- got engaged and met parents

up coming visit is Nov12 ,to Dec 3

that's 25 days

I got lots of assets - a great job  - I am eligble to retire

She has a great job ,owns her home and has several k in the Bank

They had my Prevoius tickets - which showed That I booked them and paid for them

They got my new tickets paid for in April by me for the November trip

They got my Taxes?w-2


They got pictures of me with her parents

and they other pictures

VO refused to look at everything and was -a nice word would be rude -

I can not send the reply by Fax

to the GUZ because thier Fax won't stay on

for more than 1 page


So I wrote them the statement about how we met ,evolution of tthe relationship , when we got engaged - when her Mother and Father approved of Me

and Even got pictures of them with me and the SO


I now firmly believe that there is truly something wrong with the VO's

I do not know what to do since apparently I can not meet with them to discuss the case or to provide them with information

Maybe a Third Party ?

I don't know how or why ?

So I need advice

I will get them plenty of pictures when I get there

I will bring everything I now have


just what is there to be suspicoius about ?

So I have had NO Sleep for 2 nights worrying about these

People Who hold our lives and futures in their hands

They are Not resonable or fair

or In My OPINION-Yes TRIGG it is Only MY opinion


I will be there 24 days It's all I can do but just what can I do ?



Sorry to hear that. It's a blow to all of us when we hear about rejections. What specifically was the reason for rejection? Was she previously married?


Hang in there, better advice to follow mine I'm sure.


Good luck.

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I now join Alex in the mistrust of our( my ) government

VO would not look at the facts

first visit 15 days- got engaged and met parents

up coming visit is Nov12 ,to Dec 3

that's 25 days

I got lots of assets - a great job  - I am eligble to retire

She has a great job ,owns her home and has several k in the Bank

They had my Prevoius tickets - which showed That I booked them and paid for them

They got my new tickets paid for in April by me for the November trip

They got my Taxes?w-2


They got pictures of me with her parents

and they other pictures

VO refused to look at everything and was -a nice word would be rude -

I can not send the reply by Fax

to the GUZ because thier Fax won't stay on

for more than 1 page


So I wrote them the statement about how we met ,evolution of tthe relationship , when we got engaged - when her Mother and Father approved of Me

and Even got pictures of them with me and the SO


I now firmly believe that there is truly something wrong with the VO's

I do not know what to do since apparently I can not meet with them to discuss the case or to provide them with information

Maybe a Third Party ?

I don't know how or why ?

So I need advice

I will get them plenty of pictures when I get there

I will bring everything I now have


just what is there to be suspicoius about ?

So I have had NO Sleep for 2 nights worrying about these

People Who hold our lives and futures in their hands

They are Not resonable or fair

or In My OPINION-Yes TRIGG it is Only MY opinion


I will be there 24 days It's all I can do but just what can I do ?



Sorry to hear that. It's a blow to all of us when we hear about rejections. What specifically was the reason for rejection? Was she previously married?


Hang in there, better advice to follow mine I'm sure.


Good luck.


I now join Alex in the mistrust of our( my ) government

VO would not look at the facts

first visit 15 days- got engaged and met parents

up coming visit is Nov12 ,to Dec 3

that's 25 days

I got lots of assets - a great job  - I am eligble to retire

She has a great job ,owns her home and has several k in the Bank

They had my Prevoius tickets - which showed That I booked them and paid for them

They got my new tickets paid for in April by me for the November trip

They got my Taxes?w-2


They got pictures of me with her parents

and they other pictures

VO refused to look at everything and was -a nice word would be rude -

I can not send the reply by Fax

to the GUZ because thier Fax won't stay on

for more than 1 page


So I wrote them the statement about how we met ,evolution of tthe relationship , when we got engaged - when her Mother and Father approved of Me

and Even got pictures of them with me and the SO


I now firmly believe that there is truly something wrong with the VO's

I do not know what to do since apparently I can not meet with them to discuss the case or to provide them with information

Maybe a Third Party ?

I don't know how or why ?

So I need advice

I will get them plenty of pictures when I get there

I will bring everything I now have


just what is there to be suspicoius about ?

So I have had NO Sleep for 2 nights worrying about these

People Who hold our lives and futures in their hands

They are Not resonable or fair

or In My OPINION-Yes TRIGG it is Only MY opinion


I will be there 24 days It's all I can do but just what can I do ?



Sorry to hear that. It's a blow to all of us when we hear about rejections. What specifically was the reason for rejection? Was she previously married?


Hang in there, better advice to follow mine I'm sure.


Good luck.


Yes she was previously married - been divorced 10 years

has a daughter how has a writen and Notorized State from her Dad with his permission to come to America

I have been divorced for over 3 years

They are just illogical -

I do Not have a thousand pictures

ever try to get others to take your picture with your SO while in a Foriegn Country ?

I have telephone logs

I have Emails - probably 1000 of them

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I have been trying to talk to My SO , she is in a state of Shock

All we got was is form with 2 squares checked

They Want Me to send them a "detailed statements decribing the evolution of our relationship. Be sure to at the very least,explain how you met , when you started dating and how and when and why you became engaged

if you already made a similar submission , that statement raised suspicisions about your petition- submit a new one " and

A Statement written by the petitioner,listing very trip he has taken to China to visit you and explain how you spent your time together .

Include dates and locations . Explain who arranged his trip to China ,purchased the tickets and who accompanied him

if you already made a similar submission , that statement raised suspicions

about your petition Submit a new one

I submitted both statements - these VO's do not answer to anyone

I have been over to see my SO oncein March when I filed the Petition in April . I already had submitted proof that I bought both tickets and That Arranged the trip and Of Course I was By Myself No Group Tour Here !!!

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Sounds more like a "blue slip" request for more information than an outright denial. You have no choice at this point other than to provide the requested documentation. Seems like most overcome situations are resolved favorably.


The question of who arranged for the petitioner's trip to China has been asked before, and I suspect that some "agencies" that are involved in matchmaking have hit GZ's radar screen as less than completely reputable. If you made your own arrangements, make this absolutely clear.


Your frustration and anger levels have got to be very high, but now is the time for logic to take over. Not to sound flippant, but "whatever Lola wants, Lola gets."

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Terribly sorry to hear this.. I agree with Frank; this is in 'overcome' where they want more time to review the items asked for. The success rate through overcome is basically 100%. If you stick it out you will get the visa.


If there is any third party, it is harder to know this without pressing the consulate a little, like Christer did. See his posts on his issue.


Here is a recent 'blue slip' that is similar to yours.


Blue Slip, angry and confused


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all of us here share your disappointment and shock..... but, as Frank say's, now is the time for a cool head, basically it appears as overcome, calmly provide the requested documents as required, and remember that there has to be an appointment set for this....

we all wish you success...

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We are all so sorry about your temporary rejection and the enormous disappointment you must both be feeling. It must be a terrible shock.


I cannot disagree with the general advice here: keep a cool head and submit the information they want. They ARE "Lola" -- they have all the power and you have very little, except for appeals and such. When a cop with a gun tells you to put your hands up you comply, or you risk getting shot. When a Consular Official tells you he/she doesn't accept your version of events, you have no choice but to do your best to do what they say.


Yes, this is all so humiliating! To have to justify to someone who probably wouldn't know a meaningful relationship if it woke up next to him in bed that your love is worthwhile and "real" is way beyond the pervue of officials in a "free society."


But that IS reality. Hang in there!

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

I agree with some of the others that your denial is simply that they do NOT believe that you have a bonafide relationship and most likely suspect that you are attempting to skam the US government.


Everything I've heard about such denials shows it can be emotionally challenging, but indeed winnable.


You must understand that the two major reasons for visa denials are:


1. Failure to provide clear evidence of having met face to face within the two years required before filing a petition.


2. Failure to provide clear evidence of a bonafide relationship.


*Unfortunately, what some petitioners do with situation one (1), is to travel to the foreign country and meet someone face to face. Later, they begin corresponding with someone else and attempt to use the evidence of having traveled to the country and city as having met a person they in fact have never met. This happens a lot, so VOs are on the lookout for it and the attempts at doing it make it harder on those that are indeed honest and forthright.


Both situations can be overcome with evidence. Regular email correspondence, photos together, telephone call records. A VOs suspicions will go into the ALERT mode if there are no pictures, few and sporatic telephone records, and an inablility to share a common language.


Though challenging at best, all of these hurdles have been overcome by honest and forthright folks. Wishing you the best....


good luck...

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all of us here share your disappointment and shock.....  but, as Frank say's, now is the time for a cool head, basically it appears as overcome, calmly provide the requested documents as required, and remember that there has to be an appointment set for this....

we all wish you success...



all of us here share your disappointment and shock.....  but, as Frank say's, now is the time for a cool head, basically it appears as overcome, calmly provide the requested documents as required, and remember that there has to be an appointment set for this....

we all wish you success...


the instructions are on a Small piece of paper

it says Nothing about an appointment.

What appears to have happened is that we did not have enough pictures due to My failure to correctly send them by a reliable source

we had only about 10 pictures of us together and with her mother

to show the VO there were alot more that in my haste to get them out to the So I did not make extras- DUH

I did Have the correspondence with the USPostal service About my missing package and the reciept for it -

The VO would not believe My SO about that

So I am going to be out there on Saturday Night the 12th and We will take as many pictures as we can -

Iam really disappointed with the GOVernment about this- I think if they can dream up Any Lame excuse to Make Life Difficult They will.


So How do we get this Appointment /

They did not give us much specifics to go on

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what a bunch of crap. Are not a few photos proof that we have met our SO? If we are standing in front of a monument in China does that not show I visited my SO? I also only have about 6 photos because my camera was damaged in flight and every photo was a blur. Not to mention the difficulty in having to ask someone to take our photo. If the VO isn't even going to look at the proof, then what's the point?


Hang in their. I hope you overcome soon.

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